høst 2018
ARK-3026 Sentrale perspektiver på arkeologisk teori og metode - 10 stp


Emnet er obligatorisk for masterstudenter i arkeologi. Emnet kan ikke tas som enkeltemne.


Emnet vil diskutere nyere perspektiver i arkeologisk teori og/eller metode. De aktuelle temaene vil rullere fra år til år, avhengig av fagets utvikling og tilgjengelig fagpersonell. 

Hva lærer du

Etter bestått emne skal studenten ha følgende læringsresultat:

Kunnskaper og forståelse

Studenten skal ha:

  • Dypere innsikt i en rekke perspektiver i arkeologiske teori og/eller metode


Studenten skal kunne:

  • Gi en kritisk vurdering av teoriene og/eller metodene som blir anvendt i arkeologiske fortolkninger


  • Evne til å utnytte utvalgte teoretiske og/eller metodiske perspektiver i egen forskning på masternivå

Undervisnings- og eksamensspråk

Undervisningsspråket er norsk.

Eksamensspråket er norsk, svensk eller dansk. Søknad om å få skrive besvarelsen på engelsk og/eller få engelsk oppgavetekst rettes til instituttet.


Emnet består av ca. 10 dobbeltimer med seminarundervisning.



Deltakelse på minst 7 av seminarene.

I tillegg legges det opp til 2-3 korte muntlige eller skriftlige fremlegg i relasjon til arbeid med pensum.


Eksamen er en hjemmeeksamen på ca. 3500 ord (ca. 10 sider) med selvvalgt oppgave basert på kursets innhold og temaer som er diskutert på seminarene. Oppgaven godkjennes i samrådet med kursansvarlig.

Karakterer fra A-E for bestått og F for ikke bestått.


Det tilbys kontinuasjonseksamen ved karakteren F.


ARK-3026: Sentrale perspektiver på arkeologisk teori og metode

Høst 2018

Primær litteratur


Seminar 1 (BH):Bakgrunnen for paleodemografi (forelesning)

Mest grunnleggende:

Cowgill, George. 1975. On Causes and Consequences of Ancient and Modern Population Changes. American Anthropologist 77 (3): 505-525.



Glassow, Michael A. 1978. The Concept of Carrying Capacity in the Study of Culture Process. Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory 1: 31-48.



Williams, Alan L. 2012. The Use of Summed Radiocarbon Probability Distributions in Archaeology: a Review of Methods. Journal of Archaeological Science 39: 578-589.




Chamberlain, Andrew. 2009. Archaeological Demography. Human Biology 81(2-3): 275-286.



Tainter, Joseph A. 2006. Archaeology of Overshoot and Collapse. Annual Review of Anthropology 35: 59-74.



Seminar 2 (BH): Jeger-samlere, miljøendring og jordbruk

Bettinger, Robert L. 2016. Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Population Growth Rates Rival those of Agriculturalists. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) 113 (4): 812-814. www.pnas.org


Bocquet-Appel, Jean-Pierre and Ofer Bar-Yosef. 2008. Prehistoric Demography in a Time of Globalization. In: J.-P. Bocquet-Appel, O. Bar-Yosef (eds.), The Neolithic Demographic Transition and its Consequences, s. 1-10. Springer.



Hill, J. Brett, Jeffery J. Clark, William H. Doelle and Patrick D. Lyons. 2004. Prehistoric Demography in the Southwest: Migration, Coalescence, and Hohokam Population Decline. American Antiquity 69 (4): 689-716.


[kan sammenlignes med en ny 2018 publikasjon av samme forfattere: "Village Growth, Emerging Infectious Disease and the End of the Neolithic Transition..." tilgjengelig fra BH]

Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng. 2018. The Palaeodemographic and Environmental Dynamics of Prehistoric Arctic Norway: An Overview of Human-Climate Covariation. Quaternary International [lenken kommer når den er ferdigpublisert]


Shennan, Stephen, Sean S. Downey, Adrian Timpson, Kevan Edinborough, Sue Colledge, Tim Kerig, Katie Manning and Mark G. Thomas. 2013. Regional Population Collapse followed Initial Agriculture Booms in Mid-Holocene Europe. Nature Communications 4:2486| DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3486. www.nature.com


Seminar 3 (BH): Demografi: andre dimensjoner

Henrich, Joseph. 2004. Demography and Cultural Evolution: How Adaptive Cultural Processes can Produce Maladaptive Losses: The Tasmanian Case. American Antiquity 69(2): 197-214. www.jstor.org


Collard, Mark, Krist Vaesen, Richard Cosgrove, and Wil Roebroeks. 2016. The Empirical Case against the `Demographic Turn' in Palaeolithic Archaeology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371: 20150242. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2015.0242


Larsen, Clark Spencer. 2015. Colonialism and Decline in the American Southeast. The Remarkable Record of La Florida. In: Beyond Germs: Native Depopulation in North America, edited by Catherine M. Cameron, Paul Kelton, and Alan C. Swedlund, s. 74-98. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.


Seminar 4 (AS): Grunnlaget for postkoloniale studier (forelesning)

Said, Edward W. 1978. Orientalism. Penguin Books, London. S. 1-30. sites.evergreen.edu PDF


Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty.1989. Can the Subaltern Speak? I: Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader, redigert av Patrick Williams og Laura Crisman, s. 66-111. New York: Columbia University Press. planetarities.web.unc.edu


Homi K. Bhabha. 1990. The Third Space - Interview with Homi Bhabha. I: Identity - Community, Culture, Difference, redigert av Johnathon Rutherford, 207-221. London: Lawrence & Wishart. www.scribd.com


González-Ruibal, Alfredo. 2010. Colonialism and European Archaeology. I: Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology, redigert av Jane Lydon og Uzma Z. Rizvi, s. 39-50. World Archaeological Congress Research Handbooks in Archaeology. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. ebookcentral.proquest.com


Gosden, Chris. 2012. Post-Colonial Archaeology. I: Archaeological Theory Today, redigert av Ian Hodder, s. 251-266. Cambridge: Polity Press. [tilgjengelig fra AS]


Seminar 5 (BH): Indigenous Archaeology: generelt

Wobst, H. Martin. 2005. Power to the (Indigenous) Past and Present! Or: The Theory and Method behind Archaeological Theory and Method. I: Indigenous Archaeologies. Decolonizing Theory and Practice, redigert av Claire Smith og Hans Martin Wobst, s. 17-32. One World Archaeology 47. Routledge, New York & London. ebookcentral.proquest.com


Atalay, Sonya. 2006. Indigenous Archaeology as Decolonizing Practice. American Indian Quarterly 30(3/4): 280-310.


McGhee, Robert. 2008. Aboriginalism and the Problems of Indigenous Archaeology. American Antiquity 73(4):579-597.



Colwell-Chanthaphonh et al. 2010. The Premise and Promise of Indigenous Archaeology. American Antiquity 75(2): 228-238. [replikk til McGhee]



Seminar 6 (BH): Community archaeology

Martindale, Andrew, and George C. Nicholas. 2014. Archaeology as Federated Knowledge. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 38:434-465 [tilgjengelig fra BH]


La Salle, Marina, and Rich Hutchings. 2016. What Makes Us Squirm - A Critical Assessment of Community-Oriented Archaeology. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 40(1): 164-180. [kritikk av Martindale og Nicholas] [tilgjengelig fra BH]


Lyons, Natasha. 2013. Where the Wind Blows Us. Practicing Critical Community Archaeology in the Canadian North, s. 3-13, 61-80. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.



Zimmerman, Larry. 2008. Real People or Reconstructed People. Ethnocritical Archaeology, Ethnography and Community Building. I: Ethnographic Archaeologies. Reflections on Stakeholders and Archaeological Practices, edited by Quetzil E. Castaneda and Christopher N. Matthews, p.183-204. Lanham: Altamira. [tilgjengelig fra BH]


Seminar 7 (AS): Postkolonial arkeologi i Norden

Olsen, Bjørnar. 2001. The End of History? Archaeology and the Politics of Identity in a Globalized World. I: Destruction and Conservation of Cultural Property, redigert av Robert Layton, Peter G. Stone, and Julian Thomas, s. 42-54. London: Routledge. [tilgjengelig fra AS]


Falck, Tori. 2003. Polluted Places: Harbors and Hybridity in Archaeology. Norwegian Archaeological Review 36(2):105-118. www.tandfonline.com


Spangen, Marte, Anna-Kaisa Salmi, and Tiina Äikäs. 2015. Sámi Archaeology and Postcolonial Theory - An Introduction. Arctic Anthropology 52(2):1-5.



Nordin, Jonas M., and Carl G. Ojala. 2018. Collecting, connecting, constructing: Early modern commodification and globalization of Sámi material culture. Journal of Material Culture 23(1):58-82. http://journals.sagepub.com


Seminar 8 (AS): Perspektiver på repatriering

Veth, Peter 2010. Australian and International Perspectives on Native Title, Archaeology, and the Law. I: Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology, redigert av Jane Lydon og Uzma Z. Rizvi, s. 267-284. World Archaeological Congress Research Handbooks in Archaeology. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. ebookcentral.proquest.com


Watkins, Joe. 2005. The Politics of American Archaeology: Cultural Resources, Cultural Affiliation and Kennewick. I: Indigenous Archaeologies. Decolonizing Theory and Practice, redigert av Claire Smith og Hans Martin Wobst, s. 189-203. One World Archaeology 47. Routledge, New York & London. ebookcentral.proquest.com


Mulk, Inga Maria. 2009. Conflicts over the Repatriation of Sami Cultural Heritage in Sweden. Acta Borealia 26(2):194-215. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08003830903372092


Nilsson Stutz, Liv. 2013. Claims to the Past. A Critical View of the Arguments Driving Repatriation of Cultural Heritage and Their Role in Contemporary Identity Politics. Journal of Intervention and Stebuilding 7(2):170-195. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17502977.2012.714243


Seminar 9 (AS): Gjenbegravelse og etikk

Shepherd, Nick. 2007. What Does It Mean 'To Give the Past Back to the People'? Archaeology and Ethics in the Postcolony. I: Archaeology and Capitalism: From Ethics to Politics, redigert av Yannis Hamilakis og Philip Duke, s. 99-114. One World Archaeology 54. London: Routledge. ebookcentral.proquest.com


Holand, Ingegerd, og Ingrid Sommerseth. 2013. Ethical Issues in the Semi-Darkness: Skeletal Remains and Sámi Graves from Arctic Northern Norway. I: More than Just Bones: Ethics and Research on Human Remains, redigert av Hallvard J. Fossheim, s. 21-47. Oslo: Forskningsetiske komiteer. www.etikkom.no PDF


Svestad, Asgeir. 2013. What happened in Neiden? On the Question of Reburial Ethics. Norwegian Archaeological Review 46(2):194-222. www.tandfonline.com


Aronsson, Kjell-Åke, Lynne Goldstein, Håkan Karlsson, Duncan Sayer and Larry J. Zimmerman. 2013. Comments on Asgeir Svestad: 'What happened in Neiden? On the Question of Reburial Ethics'. Norwegian Archaeological Review 46(2):194-222.



Svestad, Asgeir. 2013. Reply to Comments from Kjell-Åke Aronsson, Lynne Goldstein, Håkan Karlsson, Duncan Sayer and Larry J. Zimmerman. Norwegian Archaeological Review 46(2):194-222. www.tandfonline.com


Seminar 10 (AS/BH): Åpent/oppgaveskriving


Supplerende litteratur

Bergman, Ingela. 2006. Indigenous Time, Colonial History: Sami Conceptions of Time and Ancestry and the Role of Relics in Cultural Reproduction. Norwegian Archaeological Review 39(2):151-161. https://doi.org/10.1080/00293650601030024


Bhabha, Homi K. 2012. The Location of Culture. Routledge Classics, 2. utg. London: Routledge. ebookcentral.proquest.com


Daehnke, Jon and Amy Lonetree. 2010. Repatriation in the United States: The Current State of NAGPRA. I: Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology, redigert av Jane Lydon og Uzma Z. Rizvi, s. 245-256. World Archaeological Congress Research Handbooks in Archaeology. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. ebookcentral.proquest.com


Forskningsetiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap, humaniora, juss og teologi. 2016. NESH. Oslo: De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteene. www.etikkom.no


Hamilakis, Yannis, og Philip Duke. Archaeology and Capitalism: From Ethics to Politics.One World Archaeology 54. London: Routledge. ebookcentral.proquest.com


Harrison, Rodney. 2014. Shared Histories: Rethinking 'Colonized' and 'Colonizer' in the Archaeology of Colonialism. I: Rethinking Colonial Pasts through Archaeology, redigert av Neal Ferris, Rodney Harrison og Michael V. Wilcox, s. 37-56. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Naum, Magdalena, and Jonas M. Nordin. 2013. Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity: Small Time Agents in a Global Arena. Contributions to Global Historical Archaeology 37. New York: Springer. link.springer.com


Nicholas, George and Claire Smith, eds. 2010. Being and Becoming Indigenous Archaeologists. Routledge.



Oland, Maxine, Siobhan M. Hart, and Liam Frink. 2012. Decolonizing Indigenous Histories: Exploring Prehistoric/Colonial Transitions in Archaeology. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. ebookcentral.proquest.com


Samisk forskning og forskningsetikk. 2002. Nr. 2. NESH. Oslo: Forskningsetiske komiteer.

www.etikkom.no PDF


Schanche, Audhild. 2002. Sami Skulls, Anthropological Race Research and the Repatriation Question in Norway. I: The Dead and their Possesion: Repatriation in Principle, Policy, and Practice, redigert av Chris Fforde, Jane Hubert, and Paul Turnbull, 47-58. One World Archaeology 43. London: Routledge.


Silliman, Stephen W. 2010. The Value and Diversity of Indigenous Archaeology: A Response to McGhee. American Antiquity 75(2):217-220.



Smith, Claire. 2005. Decolonising the Museum: the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC. Antiquity; 79, 304 424-439.


Watkins, Joe. 2015. An Indigenous Anthropologist's Perspective on Archaeological Ethics. I: Ethics and Archaeological Praxis, redigert av Cristobál Gnecco and Dorothy Lippert, s. 21-26. Volume 1 of Ethical Archaeologies: The Politics of Social Justice. New York: Springer.

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  • Studiepoeng: 10
  • Emnekode: ARK-3026
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