We are pleased to announce that the Twelfth Nordic Dialectology Conference will take place in Alta/Áltá /Alattio August 15–17 2022, organized by UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
The theme of the conference is Structure, ideology and diversity (“Struktur, ideologi og mangfald”) and the following four researchers have agreed to give plenary lectures:
Jussi Ylikoski, University of Oulu
Marie Maegaard, University of Copenhagen
Pia Lane, University of Oslo
Elma Blom, Utrecht University & UiT Norwegian Arctic University
We invite you to submit ordinary conference contributions or poster presentations. Contribution can, but must not, be linked to the main theme. They can be held in Scandinavian (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) or English. The (extended!) deadline for abstract submission is 15 March 2022. The contributions can be either talks of 20 minutes plus discussion in parallel sessions, or poster presentations. In both cases, a summary of a maximum of 300 words excluding title, author/institution and references must be submitted via EasyChair.
The conference will be held at the UiT’s campus in Alta near the city centre. Participants are asked to book travel and accommodation themselves. We have not booked a conference hotel, but there is a wide range of different accommodation options within walking distance of the university.
The conference fee will be NOK 1000 for ordinary participants and NOK 500 for students. A conference dinner will be organised on Wednesday 17 August. We are also planning a visit and tour of the Alta Museum and the rock carving field there, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Updated information about the conference will always be made available on this website. If you have questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact the organisers by e-mail at <dialektolog2022@uit.no>.
Organising committee
Ragni Vik Johnsen
Carola Kleemann
Monica Sætermo
Øystein A. Vangsnes
Maud Westendorp