Gender and (Im)mobilities in the Context of Work - an international interdisciplinary conference

The conference venue will be the HSL building on the UiT campus. Keynote lectures and wrap up sessions will be held in auditorium E-0.10,1 and parallel sessions in auditorium E-0.101 and lecture rooms E-0.103 and E-0.104.


                     Wednesday 15 June
0830-0900 Registration, Campus E 0101
0900-0910 Dean Sonni Olsen, The Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education: Welcoming
0910-0930 Chair Professor Siri Gerrard, Kvinnforsk and Professor Barbara Neis, Memorial University and Honorary doctor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway: Introduction – the aim and scope of this symposium
0930-1045 Keynote lecture: Professor Linda McDowell, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford
Moving stories: women migrants, mobility and gender divisions of labour
1045-1100 Break
1100-1220 Parallel session 
1. The Challenges of aging 2. Women on the move 3. Gender, Place and mobility
Room no
Resourse person
Marit Aure
Robyn Mayes
Mai Camilla Munkejord
Marianna Pavlovskaya
Deatra Walsh
Linda Mc Dowell
Aija Lulle
Where is future for ageing labour migrants?
Commentator: Gerrard


Arta Mellupe
Collecting knowledge about migration motivation: a literature review about marriage mobility
Commentator: Munkejord


Halldis Valestrand
"This is a very stable place, but people are a lot on the move": Producing knowledge concerning gendered mobilitites in a particular geographical location
Commentator: Juliusdottir

Dagrunn Grønbech
Three generations of women and their migration patterns studied through a gender and centenary perspective
Commentator: Overud

Karin Johanna L. Knudsen Migration streams and migration trajectories: Faroese women's migration practice between the Faroe Islands and Denmark
Commentator: Telve

Sara Dorow and Shingirai Mandizadza
Accommodating mobility: Gender, Family, and work in the oil sands zone
Commentator: Pristed Nielsen

1220-1305 Lunch, main cantina, Theory building House 1
1305-1420 Keynote Lecture:  Professor Marianna Pavlovskaya, Department of Geography, Hunter College, New York/adjunct professor atKvinnforsk, UiT
Post-Soviet labor market and gendered migration in Russia

Bus and ferry to the fishing village of Skjervøy, the bus leaves from Campus precisely at 1440 (snack on the bus). Return to Tromsø by the Coastal Steamer (Hurtigruten), docks at Scandic Ishavshotellet. Conference dinner on board

Thursday 16 June

0915-1030 Keynote lecture: Dr. Robyn Mayes, QUT Business School, Management, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. Australia
Labour migration and embodiment of gender - change and continuation
1030-1045 Break
1045-1325 Parallel Session 
4. Transitions 5. Migration and segregation 6. Home, mobility and work
Room no
Resours person
Mai Camilla Munkejord
Marianna Pavlovskaya
Halldis Valestrand
Stuart Aitken
Marit Aure
Linda McDowell
Erika Anne Hayfield
Gender culture and high (im)mobility in a small island community

Commentator: Gerrard

Katherine Lippel
Labour policy implications for employment-related geographic mobility: What can we learn from applying gender lens?


Barbara Neis, Kathy Fitzpatrick, Lachlan Barber, Natasha Hanson, Christine Knott, Stephanie Premji, Elise Thorburn
Towards a gendered rhythmanalysis of the home, mobility and working lives of workers and their families engaged in exteded employment-related geographical mobility in the Canadian context

Commentator: Lulle

Siri Gerrard - Deatra Walsh
What kind of future do we have in this Place: Transformation of work and mobilities in Norway's high North: Examples from the municipality of Loppa, Finnmark

Commentator: Hayfield

Silvia Lopes Estrada
(Im)mobilities at work int the Garment industry in Mexico

Commentator: Valestrand

 Deatra Walsh Going the distance? Gender and commuting in Northern Norway

Commentator: Neis

Johanna Overrud, Elin Kvist and Erika Sörensson
Mobility, flexibility and livelihoods. Labour market changes and global migration in the Swedish North

Commentator: Munkejord

Magnfridur Juliusdottir
Narratives of (im)mobilities in the context of place reinvention in Iceland
Commentator: Valestrand

Guido Sechi, Zaiga Kisjane, Elina Apsite-Berina, Maris Berzins
Gender differences in motivation, behaviour, an attitudes: The case of Latvian crisis migrants
Commentator: Walsh

1325 -1430 Lunch at the "Science Park", 8 minutes walk
1430-1545 Keynote lecture: Professor Stuart Aitken, Department of Geography, San Diego State UniversityThe Work of Fathering in the Context of Erasure and Neoliberal Politics.
1545-1600 Break
1600-1700 Film screening: Living With Boko Haram, by Trond Waage and Mouazamou Ahamadou, 2016 35 min.
1930 Informal dinner at Cafe Globus. Pick-up at Scandic Ishavs Hotel 19.15
2100 Social and cultural gathering "Mobile cultures in the North", guided-walk, please wear comfortable shoes
Friday 17 June
0830-1110 Parallel sessions 
7. Belonging 8. Mooring/return 9. Fatherhood
Room no
Resourse person
Deatra Walsh
Robyn Mayes
Lise Nordbrønd
Linda McDowell
Siri Gerrard
Stuart Aitken
Mai Camilla Munkejord
"I work With my heart." Experiences of Professional migrant care workers in a northern, rural context
Commentator: Lopes Estrada
Chris McMorran
The genderes work of producing fixities
Commentator: Pavlovskaya
Helene Pristed Nielsen
A gender and generation perspective on mobility practices in and around the Danish Offshore sector
Commentator: Esperitu

Maria-Fernanda Gonzales Rojas
Questions of an identity - reinvented?
Commentator: Grønbech

Baiba Svane
International mobility of Latvians: Tromsø, Norway
Commentator: Dauksas

Keiu Telve
Fathers at home an away: A case study of Estonian men in Finland

Commentator: Aure

Darius Dauksas
Lithuanians in Norway: Making transnational families, gender and occupational segregation
Commentator: Lippel

 Aileen Espiritu
Globalising to stay in place: Genderes (im)mobilities en a mining town
Commentator: Bourgeault

Marit Aure
"I do things. That's what i do". Assemblages in the petroleum industry: Fathering in work related mobility
Commentator: Mandizadza
1110-1130 Break
1130 -1315 Approaching mobilities, comments and plenary discussions
Linda McDowell, Marianna Pavlovskaya, Robyn Mayes and Stuart Aitken:
Theorethical and methodological challenges in gender and (im)mobility studies
How does feminist mobility studies add to the understanding of gender?
What have gender perspectives brought to the studies of mobility?
Where do we go from here? Plenary discussion
1315-1415 Lunch at the main cantina


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