International Conference on Sámi Research Data Governance 2023

Welcome to the first international conference on Sámi Research Data Governance. This conference focuses on identifying and discussing issues concerning Sámi data governance. (Registration is now closed)
With an increasing awareness of the necessity for the ethical and responsible handling of indigenous knowledge and data, there is a need to gather both sámi and non-sámi researchers for collaboration around this topic.
This conference aims to provide a forum for the sharing of knowledge and experiences in indigenous data governance and management so as to further our understanding of the important issues in this field, and with the larger goal of guiding better informed policies in the Nordic countries.
Connected to the global network, the GIDA-Sápmi network was founded in June 2021 with members from various universities, memory institutions, and archives in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The objectives of GIDA-Sápmi are to promote, adapt, and operationalise the CARE principles to the Nordic Sámi context.
Professor of Demography, The University of Waikato and Co-Director of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Centre of Research Excellence in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Specialises in Māori and Indigenous demographic research and has written extensively on Indigenous data sovereignty, official statistics, and ethnic classification. Founding member of the Māori Data Sovereignty Network Te Mana Raraunga and the Global Indigenous Data Alliance.
Assistant Professor of Public Health, University of Arizona. Associate Director for the Native Nations Institute, and Acting Director and Assistant Research Professor at the Udall Center.
Dene/Ahtna, a citizen of the Native Village of Kluti-Kaah in Alaska, and of Sicilian-descent. Part of interdisciplinary research group, the Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance, develops research, policy, and practice innovations for Indigenous data sovereignty. Stephanie chairs the Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA).
Executive Lead, National Data Team, First Nations Information Governance Center
Erin Corston is a member the Chapleau Cree First Nation (CCFN; Cree: ᔕᑊᓗ ᐃᓂᓂᐗᐠ, šaplo ininiwak). Her current work at FNIGC is focused on advancing First Nations’ rights over their data and information, through the implementation of a national strategy on First Nations Data Governance. Erin believes strongly in First Nations’ ability to harness the power of their data to create sustainable change at the local level, where it matters most.