NORMEMO guest lecture: Making ‘Patriotic’ Sense of Soviet Political Terror in Present-Day Russia

Guest lecture by Tomas Sniegon, Lund University


The PrePast research group and the NORMEMO project are pleased to announce a guest lecture by senior lecturer Tomas Sniegon from Lund University, entitled "Making Patriotic Sence of Soviet Political Terror in Present-Day Russia". 

Tomas Sniegon's recent research includes publications on Soviet Communism in the Cold War period and KGB narratives, as well as memory politics in post-Soviet Russia.

The guest lecture is open to everyone and we welcome students in particular. 

 Museion near Novaya Tratyakovka. Photo: Tomas Sniegon. 

Når: 21.10.21 kl 14.15–16.00
Hvor: M-025, Breiviklia, UiT
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Studenter, Gjester / eksterne, Enhet, Ansatte
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