EIC Funding opportunities webinar

NUAS Research and Innovation proudly present the first Webinar of this season. The Webinar will focus on European funding of innovation, and it will be held on the 12th of October 2021 from 1200-1300 CET (UTC+1).

The European Innovation Council (EIC) is Europe’s flagship innovation program to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and game changing innovations. The NUAS-webinar will focus on some of the most relevant instruments of EIC for Nordic universities and give both information and inspiration in how to succeed.


  • Presentation of EIC Pathfinder and EIC Transition, Cecilie Anita Mathiesen, Research Council of Norway.
  • Presentation of European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE), Mariann Markseth Omholt, Innovation Norway and  Cecilie Anita Mathiesen, Research Council of Norway
  • Experiences of a successful applicant to FET Open/EIC Pathfinder, Krishna Agarwal, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Q & A


Warmly welcome!

NUAS Research and Innovation group

Når: 12.10.21 kl 12.00–13.00
Hvor: Teams-meeting
Sted: Digitalt
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Gjester / eksterne
Lenke: Klikk her
Kontakt: Pål Vegar Storeheier
Telefon: +47 41441306
E-post: paal.v.storeheier@uit.no

Frist: 12.10.2021
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