Disputas - Poul Henning Hansen

Master of Arts Poul Henning Hansen disputerer for ph.d.-graden i humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap, studieretning historie, og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen:

"MODERN READING. Swedish Book Consumption during the Late Nineteenth Century"

Prøveforelesningen starter kl 10:15 samme dag og på samme sted.

Kort sammendrag av avhandlingen:

This study focuses on the reader and the book market in Sweden 1879–90. Three literary institutions, which together can be said to represent the backbone of the Swedish book market of the time, are studied: Gumpert’s bookshop in Gothenburg, the parish library in Munka-Ljungby, and Sjöblom’s commercial lending library in Lund. These institutions catered to all sections of society. Sales’ and borrowers’ records from the three institutions allow us to trace individuals’ book consumption through time, and to see which authors were most in demand. The study contributes to knowledge about the readers, their access to literature, and their literary tastes. An important finding is that the reading public of the period was very segmented, and that factors such as economy, education, geography, gender, and age would be decisive for who would read what. Nonetheless, as a comparison of two neighbouring farmers’ book lending demonstrates, these factors were not deterministic: individual tastes still shine through.


Professor Narve Fulsås, UiT (hovedveileder) og Tore Rem, UiO (biveileder)


Professor fil.dr. Johan Svedjedal. Uppsala Universitet (førsteopponent)

Professor emerita PhD Leslie Howsam. University of Windsor (andreopponent)

Førsteamanuensis Ian Peter Grohse. Universitetet i Tromsøt (leder av komiteen)

Når: 16.03.18 kl 12.15–15.30
Hvor: Auditorium B-1005, HSL-fakultetet
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Isak Måseide
Telefon: 77644294
E-post: isak.maseide@uit.no
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