Incoming staff mobility/employees and guests from abroad
Welcome to UiT The Arctic University of Norway!
At UDI.no you find information about requirements for residency in Norway. Once arrived, you find practical information at Welcome to new employees | UiT. Please also look at the Employee handbook for UiT
Please feel heartily invited to Welcome meetings for employees from abroad twice a year at UB AUD 132 Campus tromsø, Thursdays week 7 and 37 at 10-15:
Here you are officially wished welcome to UiT and presented central information about your responsibilities and benefits as an employee at UiT, research and innovation, assistance related to project economy, the resources provided by the University library, IT- services, work regulations, TODOS, trade unions and other social arrangements.
The welcome meeting in the spring term was Thursday February 13 2025. Next meeting will be Thursday September 11. This will be held in a hybrid format, inviting to a physical presence for those at campus Tromsø and hybrid for those at other campuses that cannot meet physically. Warm lunch is served after the presentations.
Seminars about Norwegian culture and working environment Thursdays week 11 and 41:
The spring workshop was March 14 2025, the autumn workshop will be arranged Thursday October 9 2025.
The workshops will be announced at Tavla, and you will receive an invitation. Your host department will provide more detailed information.
Other regularly scheduled events for employees at UiT at Bazinga Campus Tromsø, Thursdays week 17 and 47 at 12-15:
- Arctic Sun Celebration: Sustainibility in the North, April 24 2025, Bazinga Campus Tromsø at 12-1430:Pro rector for Reseach Jan-Gunnar Winther: "The Climate and Nature Crisis", Director of COAT Rolf A. Ims: “Climate-ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra (COAT)", Vera Helene Hauser presents Arctic Sustainibility Lab. Warm lunch is served after the lectures,
- Polar Night Celebration November 20 2025. Topic to be decided
Opportunities to practice Norwegian:
Language café every Thursday 16:15 - 17:15 at SVHUM B1004. You are invited to join to practice speaking Norwegian, you may also play games or take part in conversations with set topics.
If you have any questions, please contact us via:e-mail: mobility@uit.no
or phone: +47 77 62 31 91
More information about UiT.
To enter Norway and work at UiT, start applying for a visa and a residence permit for work on UDI's application portal. UiT's Recruitment Section will provide you with the required documentation of your affiliation to UiT. UiT does not have access to your UDI account. Be careful to create only one account. This will streamline the entire process for you, for UDI, and any other involved institution, such as the embassy or the border police.
Upon arrival in Tromsø, you must book an appointment with the police in order to obtain your residence permit. Before you meet up at the police station, you need a pre-booked appointment. Due to long waiting time, we recommend that you book an appointment as soon as you know the date of your arrival. Later you will also need an appointment with the police to renew your residence permit.
At the pages of the The Norwegian Directorate of Norwegian Immigration (UDI) provides information about the procedures you need to take to obtain a residence permit to work in Norway. The rules vary depending on your citizenship. For all applications, please be accurate when registering your address. UiT’s organisation number is 970422528.
Citizens of Nordic countries do not need to register with the police and may reside in Norway for six months. However, you need a Norwegian ID or D number to work at UiT. Please register in the UDI web, go to the local tax office to apply for a Norwegian ID, a tax deduction card and report your postal address in Norway.
EU/EEA citizens register their arrival to Norway in the UDI-portal:
Please register at the UDI-portal and book an appointment with the police in the internet portal. You need to register at the police station within 3 months of arrival in Norway. You may start to work before you have obtained a Norwegian ID at the Tax office but you may not open a Norwegian bank account or get a tax deduction card. When you receive your ID, please notify UiT and then apply for a tax deduction card at the same Tax office. This also regards family members of an EU/EEA national.
For non-EU/EEA citizens:
When starting the application process, you are given two options of who should submit the documents: you or your employer. If you choose to do it yourself, you will be directed to the nearest Norwegian embassy that works with consular cases, which in turn probably will direct you to a VFS Global office. You deliver the documents to the VFS office, which sends them to the Norwegian embassy, which in turn sends them to UDI in Norway. For applicants from countries which require visas, UDI will send a message to the nearest embassy advising them to issue an entry visa.
The Power of attorney form entitles a person at UiT to enter your application. This will generally be the Head of Administration at the department where you will be working.
There are two options for verifying the documents when in Norway: either at the police district which covers the municipality you will be living in, or a Service Centre for Foreign workers (SUA). For appointments with the police, choose the police office closest to the campus you will be working at. Click on SUA to find Guidelines for presentation of documentation (partly in Norwegian) from UDI UDI 2021-005 (udiregelverk.no)
The documents Cover letter and Power of Attorney are automatically attached to the receipt e-mail you receive when you have paid the fee. For security reasons, UDI is not allowed to send decision letters to the applicants by e-mail but may send the decisions to the person named in the power of attorney document. The person with power of attorney is then legally obliged to forward the decision letter to the applicant.
The processing time at UDI may take some weeks. However, skilled workers are prioritized.
When you receive the decision from UDI, you need to send a copy to UiT so that the process involving the employment contract can begin. As soon as you know the date you will be arriving to Tromsø, please book an appointment with the police in Tromsø to verify your identity to obtain a residence card and a Norwegian ID. You do not have to travel to SUA Oslo for an ID check to obtain a residence card and verify your original documents. Please send an e-mail to utlending.troms@politiet.no and ask for an appointment at the police station. You will not be able to book an appointment at the police station in Tromsø via the UDI application portal because your application is connected to SUA Oslo. In the e-mail, please write your DUF number and the date you will arrive. The foreign department at the police station in Tromsø will then arrange an appointment for you at the police station nearest to the campus where you will be working. Following your appointment, the next step is to go to the tax office to obtain your tax deduction card.
What is the waiting time Police and SUA offices?
After the appointment with the police, you need to wait approximately 3 weeks to receive the Norwegian ID afterif you are a citizen from the EU/EEA, and up to 8 weeks if you are from outside the EU/EEA.
D-number versus Norwegian ID:
If you will stay in Norway for less than six months or have applied for protection (asylum) in Norway, you will be given a D-number, which is a temporary ID number. Everyone who is born in Norway or lives permanently or for a longer period than six months in Norway should have a national identity number. This is an identification number of 11 digits, comprising the date of birth and a personal number. A "DUF number" is your registration number at UDI, and not the D number. You use your Norwegian ID number, or D number if applicable, and your passport to identify yourself to public authorities and services, and to open a Norwegian bank account.
Please inform the heads of your host department as soon as you have received your Norwegian ID - or D number. This information is essential for UiT in order to register your employment and salary in our systems.
During your appointment, the police will inform you that you may be called in for a tuberculosis test. The police will ask for your permission to use your e-mail address, so they can pass it on to the health authorities. The health authorities will then contact you by e-mail. The alternative is a letter sent to you by ordinary mail.
Useful links:
- Work in Norway - The official guide, by NAV;
- New in Norway - Practical information from Public Offices, by IMDI;
- UDI on Facebook: Arbeidsinnvandring / Work immigration;
- SUA - Service Centre for Foreign Workers.
The police will give you information on how to proceed, in particular with respect to receiving a Norwegian national identity number (fødselsnummer) or a substitute number (D number). Which identification number you receive depends on your residence permit and the planned duration of your stay in Norway.
Regarding the possibility for reimbursement of relocation expenses, please inquire with your work place (e.g., the respective UiT faculty or department). Norwegian employers are not obligated by law to cover relocation expenses, but they may if their budget allows it. However, you can deduct the relocation expenses on your tax report.
For information about Norway, EURAXESS Norway provides information, assistance and services free of charge to mobile researchers. Under Information and assistance, you will find information about living and working in Norway, and about NoW; the digital language course developed by NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). The blog called A Frog in the Fjord is an amusing read about love, winter, food, and Norwegians.
Information about Housing provided by UiT and on the private market:
You may apply for renting a flat at Housing via UiT. Due to the scarce number of flats that UiT has to offer, please start your search for housing also on the private market as soon as your plan for a research stay at UiT is confirmed. Please note that the monthly rental on the private market more or less equals that of UiT. You should be aware that rental prices are relatively high. Please click the link to estimate Costs of living in Troms.
The following links for Rental/buying/announcements for housing may be written in Norwegian. If you don’t know Norwegian, you could either try using translation tools or ask for help at your work unit:
- www.finn.no Choose "Eiendom", and then "Bolig til leie" (Houses for rent);
- www.hybel.no Choose "Finn bolig" (find a place to live);
- Rubrikk.no;
- https://nb-no.facebook.com/groups/til.leie/;
- https://www.housingtarget.com/norway/housing-rentals
- https://www.companyspace.com/norway/commercial-space-rent
- www.sabbaticalhomes.com In English;
- New in Norway has more information and tips regarding accommodation.
Housing loan:
In general, anyone buying a home needs to negotiate offers at different banks. Being a member of a trade union means you can take advantage of the interest rate negotiated for members, which is generally lower than the rate offered to the public. Moreover, as an employee at UiT, you may apply for a housing loan from The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (SPK).
UiT - HR-Portal (you must be logged onto the UiT Intranet to access this
When researchers arrive together with their spouse, partner, or family, the question of finding work or gain admission to higher education for the spouse often arises. UiT has not yet developed a service for Dual Career. In the following you will find some information.
Bringing your partner, Dual Career:
In general, you will find that the level of understanding and speaking English in the population is generally rather high, which makes it possible to integrate socially. On the other hand, if your partner wants to work, in most jobs competence in Norwegian is required.
The courses in Norwegian language at UiT are for staff and students from abroad, but the courses at Folkeuniversitetet, are open to everyone. Another option is courses on the internet, e.g., Norwegian on the Web.
You may start looking for jobs at EURAXESS Norway, Work in Norway - NAV , or in Norwegian at FINN.no - mulighetenes marked
There are free online courses about applying for work in Norway for foreigners.
Bringing your family:
Some new staff members also bring their children, or plan to have a child while in Norway.
How to apply for child care in a kindergarten in Tromsø: https://tromso.kommune.no/barnehage-og-skole/barnehage/sok-barnehageplass
In the form you are asked for a Norwegian ID. If you do not have one, you may write to servicetorget@tromso.kommune.no, applying for a fictitious ID, explaining that you need it to apply for child care in a kindergarten without having a Norwegian ID. In the mail you write the name, gender and date of birth of the child, and those of the mother. You will then receive a fictitious ID which can be used in the form mentioned above.
Other links about health care related to family in Norway:
- Membership of the National Insurance Scheme;
- Healthcare rights for children and adolescents in Norway;
- Who pays your dental bill;
- NAV’s information about services and benefits.
UiT - HR Portal (you must be logged on to the UiT Intranet to access this).
Schools and kindergartens:
- School system in Norway;
- Kindergartens in Tromsø;
- Schools List of state schools in Tromsø;
- List of private schools in Tromsø;
- Tromsø International School;
- Information about admission to school.
Other websites with job ads for job seekers:
- The National Center for Foreign Recognition (NOKUT) provides information about the Norwegian authorization and recognition schemes. The agency provides guidance for people seeking recognition of education and/or work experience from abroad.
- Karriere Troms provides free guidance in relation to education and work.
- The Adult Education Centre - Tromsø (Voksenopplæringa);
- UiT the Arctic University of Norway - English taught courses and study programmes;
- Practical information from Public Offices.
Links to information about family health care in Norway:
- Membership of the National Insurance Scheme;
- Healthcare rights for children and adolescents in Norway;
- Who pays your dental bill;
- NAV's services and benefits;
- UiT - HR Portal (you must be logged on to the UiT Intranet to access this site).
In Norway there is a system called fastlegeordningen, by which each individual is assigned to a general practitioner. In order to be assigned to a general practitioner you need to have a Norwegian ID and use your pin code from the bank.
There is a long waiting list to be connected to a "personal "doctor/a given medical center. Wile on the waiting list, you may call the Emergency center (Legevakt) 116117 for further information. Out-of-hours medical service - helsenorge.no
On campus Tromsø, the Kraft Universitetshelsesenter receives UiT employees who do not have the right to obtain a Norwegian ID. If you have an employee contract for a longer period than 6 months, please look to the information above.
NORWEGIAN EMERGENCY NUMBERS: In case of emergency, call 113 ( for police 112, and in case of fire 110)
Tromsø: Contact details for the Out-of-hours medical service in Tromsø: 116 117, Sykehusveien 30. For medical emergencies and life-threatening illnesses, call 113.
Harstad: Contact details for the Out-of-hours medical service in Harstad: 116 117, St. Olavs gate 70, 9406 Harstad. For medical emergencies and life-threatening illnesses, call 113.
Alta: Contact details for the Out-of-hours medical service in Alta: 116 117, Dr. Kvammes vei 21, 9510 Alta. For medical emergencies and life-threatening illnesses, call 113.
Narvik: Contact details for the Out-of-hours medical service in Narvik": 116 117, Sykehusveien 1, 8516 Narvik. For medical emergencies and life-threatening illnesses, call 113.
There are several pharmacies in all Norwegian towns and cities, including at the shopping centres.
UiT organises a welcome meeting three times a year for newly employed scholars and staff from abroad. Further practical information is given at the department where you work. Some central links to register are provided below. Each semester UiT arranges seminars about Norwegian work culture. This topic is also treated in gatherings organised by the trade unions.
All citizens apply for a tax deduction card at the tax office Tax Administration (Skatteetaten). Citizens from the EU/EEA area and the Nordic countries apply for their Norwegian ID there as well, while the police processes the allowance for a Norwegian ID for citizens from outside the EU/EEA area.
- Book an appointment for your visit at the Tax Administration online. Your national identity number or D-number will appear on your tax deduction card.
- To register your postal address, fill in the form “Permanent change of address for private individuals” at the post office.
- To open a bank account you need a Norwegian ID-number and an address in Norway. Some banks also accept a D-number. Please see more information below.
- The department you work at decides whether your travel expenses before you start working may be covered. Link to information and application form.
Please inform the heads of your department at UiT as soon as you have received your Norwegian ID or D-number. This information is essential to register your employment and salary in our systems.
Tax deduction card:
If you receive salary from a Norwegian employer, you are obligated to pay tax on your earnings in Norway. Norwegian employers are required to have a tax deduction card for each employee in order to subtract the income tax. You are responsible for procuring your own tax deduction card. If you have not obtained one and forwarded a copy to UiT, 50 per cent of your earnings is withheld until the Salaries Section at UiT receives the card. The correct amount will be reimbursed to you once you have forwarded your tax deduction card.
To obtain a tax deduction card, book appointment online and visit a Norwegian Tax Administration Office; in Tromsø: at Hjalmar Johansens gate 21, in Alta: at Markveien 38b, in Narvik: at Kongensgate 14/16 and 52.
Bring the following:
- Valid identification;
- Employment contract or written confirmation of work assignment in Norway;
- Submit an application for a tax deduction card using form RF-1209.
- If you come from a country outside the EU/EEA area, you must also provide proof of work permission (arbeidstillatelse), documentation stating that you have the right to work and reside in Norway.
If you have obtained a Norwegian ID, your tax deduction card will be automatically renewed every year. If you have a D-number, you need to apply for a renewed tax deduction card every year. This should be done in December, so that the tax deduction card is processed in time for the next calendar year. If the D-number is registered in the system, there is no need to apply in person. You can send the form RF-1209 as ordinary post.
General information from the Norwegian Tax Administration.
Postal address:
Ask for the form “Permanent change of address for private individuals” at the post office or on internet to register your postal address. It is important to check that you have a letter box with your name clearly marked.
Opening a bank account:
To open a bank account, you need a Norwegian ID and an address in Norway. Some banks also accept a D-number. You will usually need to apply for an ID or D-number at the Norwegian Tax Administration.
You have to show up in person to sign the agreement for a bank account. Bring your passport, a passport photo, and your Norwegian ID or D-number. For some countries additional documentation may be required.
How to obtain an electronic ID
Useful links:
- Norwegian Tax Administration;
- Tax Norway;
- Work in Norway;
- General tax conventions between Norway and other states;
- Nordisk eTax - Nordic taxation portal, relevant to Citizens of the Nordic countries;
- The Police.
Reimbursement of travel expenses
The regulations for the reimbursement of travel expenses both at the national level and at UiT state that it is up to the individual budget unit whether the expenses are to be covered or not. This means that the department you will work at has to see whether it is room in their budget to cover the expenses.
A basic argument of assessment is whether the employee is to occupy a temporary position or is going into a permanent position. Hence, employees entering PhD or postdoc positions which are limited in time may experience that their travel expenses are not covered.
Norwegian health policy aims to ensure that everyone, irrespective of their personal finances and where they live, has access to good health and care services of equal standard.
Health care services are financed by the government, through the National Insurance Scheme. Membership in the National Insurance Scheme is the key to eligibility for the rights to services from NAV (see below).
UiT's Contactpersons in NAV https://cp.compendia.no/uit/medarbeiderhandbok/208550 (intranet address - you need to be logged on at uit.no to read the information). In Norway your membership can be based on residency or employment. You can also be a member of the National Insurance Scheme during stays abroad Membership and International regulations.
UiT offers advisory contacts with whom you may communicate by mail or telephone at NAV, the public entity which administers a third of the Norwegian national budget through schemes such as unemployment benefit, work assessment allowance, sickness benefit, pensions, child benefit and cash-for-care benefit.
Dental services:
In Norway, children under the age of 18 are entitled to free dental care from the public dental service. Young people between the ages of 19 and 20 are entitled to have 75 per cent of their dental care costs covered. Adults over the age of 20 must generally pay for their own dental care. Pursuant to the National Insurance Act, people with certain diseases and health conditions may be entitled to subsidised dental care even after the age of 20.
More information is found at helsenorge.no.
Tuberculosis test:
A tuberculosis examination is mandatory for some groups of immigrants to Norway. Norwegian law requires that all foreign nationals from countries with a high occurrence of tuberculosis must be tested within four weeks after arrival if they plan to reside in Norway for more than three months.
Information about Routine Screening for tuberculosis
Useful links:
- New in Norway;
- EURAXESS Norway;
- Helfo - The Norwegian Health Economics Administration;
- The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth.
The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund:
All employees with more than 20 % position at UiT are members of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (Statens Pensjonskasse). The membership comprises rights to retirement pension and insurance (accidents, injuries and disability). Group life insurance is included in the salary conditions for employees who are covered by the Government's collective wages agreement.
The Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV):
NAV covers expenses for medical assistance, provides old-age pension benefits and other pension-related services as well as parental, sickness and unemployment benefits, among others. Everyone residing in Norway permanently or intending to stay for at least 12 months is considered a resident under the National Insurance Act and is therefore entitled to health care coverage under the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme. To be eligible for certain benefits, such as unemployment or parental benefits, you must have worked a specific amount of time in Norway.
Please note that resident status under the National Insurance Act is not necessarily identical to resident status as defined in the Taxation Act, and that you might not be fully covered under the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme even if you do pay tax in Norway.
There are also contractual schemes providing some kinds of coverage for employees working for a Norwegian private company. Researchers employed at universities, university colleges and a number of independent research institutes are encompassed by the Basic Collective Agreement (Hovedtariffavtalen i Staten), which includes Group Life and Occupational Injury Insurance as well as travel Insurance. The state does not ensure its risk through agreements with private insurance companies because it is self insurer for its employees. Most Norwegians have private insurance to cover their homes, possessions, children, pets, and their health.
Private Insurance:
Your need for private insurance and various types of coverage will depend on your social security and insurance entitlements in Norway or in your home country. Among various options, being member of a trade union is highly recommended in Norway as you will be entitled to several insurance offers.
You can find an overview of the different types of insurance you may consider at New in Norway .
You can find information about your working relationship with UiT The Arctic University of Norway in the Employee Handbook and the HSE Manual. This is found in our HR Portal (you must be logged on to the UiT Intranet to access this), and at the Internet page Welcome to new employees Shortly there will be presented an English version of a Personnel handbook at UiT. By this version, the information further on this page will also be revised.
UiT offers information about IT resources at https://uit.no/enhet/ita These pages are in Norwegian.
We use the payroll and personnel system SAP, which is supplied by the Directorate for Administration and Financial Management (DFØ).
Employees must use the self-service portal provided in the UiT intranet or the DFØ app to register working hours, travel, absence, reimbursement claims, etc.
Temporary Guest status:
Upon arrival, you need to register by contacting the Head of Administration at the department you are visiting. The receiving department is responsible for you during your visit and will consider the basis for granting you a temporary University ID, key card and access to other resources at UiT.
Orakelet - the IT helpdesk at UiT:
Orakelet IT helpdesk is the IT support at UiT. You can contact the helpdesk by e-mail: orakelet@uit.no, phone: +47 77 64 45 44, or in person in House 2 (next to the MIX kiosk) on campus Tromsø, or online at uit.topdesk.net.
You will find information about where to park and how to pay here.
TODOS - Tromsø Doctoral Students and Post.Docs:
If you are a PhD student or Post.Doc. at UiT, you may be a member of the doctoral student organization TODOS, PhD students and Post.Docs at UiT.
TODOS arranges both academic and social events during the year. You will find information about TODOS on their homepage and on Facebook.
Entering a new work environment requires understanding of many practical as well as cultural aspects. For foreign employees there are seminars about Norwegian work culture twice a year, at which also Norwegian employees receiving people from abroad may attend. Examples of such seminars are described at ellisculture.com
The following list includes aspects of the very good working conditions we want to offer you at UIT:
- an internationally recognized research environment;
- an international research environment with an active visitor program;
- transferable skills training and individual career development;
- attractive welfare benefits and a generous pension agreement;
- family-friendly policies and surroundings.
For equality, diversity and inclusion, please visit Action plan for equality, diversity and inclusion 2020 -2022 (pdf-document).
The public sector in Norway pays for extensive services in the interest of the population, including a public health system under which everyone is entitled to treatment, has a right to education, and help in several other areas of life. The taxes that we pay are spent on public services such as health care, hospitals, education, transport and communications. In addition to covering general public expenditure, taxes are designed to contribute to greater equality between individuals. Information about how you apply for a tax deduction card is found under the heading “Newly arrived”.
Tax return
When you receive your tax return form, it is very important to check that everything is correct. You find guidance here.
The deadline for submitting tax returns is April 30. When the Tax Administration has processed your tax return, you will learn exactly how much more tax you must pay or how much you will be reimbursed (Tax settlement). You find more information at The Norwegian Tax Administration.
UiT Campus Tromsø offers a variety of courses in the Norwegian language and literature on basic, intermediate and advanced level. Please note the deadlines in August and January. In addition the major municipalities in the north offer Norwegian courses:
- The Adult Education Centre (Tromsø) starts evening classes in Norwegian every August and January.
- Alta voksenopplæringssenter offers evening classes in Norwegian.
- Kirkenes kompetansesenter offers Norweglan language courses.
- Narvik voksenopplæring offers Norwegian language courses.
- Harstad voksenopplæring offers Norwegian language courses.
- Folkeuniversitetet offers Norwegian courses online. They also arrange Norwegian courses in Narvik and Bodø.
- NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) has published a free online course on Internet, Norwegian on the Web
UiT aims to increase knowledge production in all subject areas. To obtain this goal, the university will facilitate that all academic staff have good conditions for research and development.
The offer of Research and Educational leave is a strategic measure that will contribute to UiT's achievement of this goal. Providing they meet certain criteria, all employees in permanent academic positions are entitled to one year of Research and Educational leave after four years' service, or 6 months after two years’ service.
Employees send an application for Research and Educational leave on a set form to the department of affiliation. The department assesses the application and forwards it to the faculty with a recommendation, or in relevant cases to the Arctic University Museum of Norway or the University Library. The application deadline is decided by the relevant faculty/unit.
Please make sure that NAV is notified when you go abroad Staying abroad.
Research Funding- The information is not yet complete. Will be elaborated. Please contact your department or faculty.
Major regulations of the working conditions in Norway:
The Working Environment Act (Arbeidsmiljøloven)
The Act relating to working environment, working hours and employment protection, etc. includes regulation of working hours: Ch.10, Sect. 10-4: "Normal working hours must not exceed nine hours per 24 hours and 40 hours per seven days." General working hours in the public sector are 37,5 hours per week, cf. the Main tariff agreement (HTA) § 7 (in Norwegian). At UiT the working hours of the administrative staff are: 08:00 - 15:00 from 15th May until 14th September and 08:00 - 15:45 from 15th September until 14th May. Main doors are locked outside working hours. Please remember your entrance card.
The Act relating to Holidays (Ferieloven) From Ch. II Sect. 5 i and ii: "Employees have 25 work days leave in connection with holidays within each holiday year." Employees who reach the age of 60 are entitled to 6 work days additional leave per year." Guide to the Working Environment Act and the Holidays Act (pdf), issued by the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority
Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act (Likestillings- og diskrimineringsloven), last update 16.01.2020: Act relating to equality and prohibition of discrimination.
Basic Agreement for the Civil Service 2006-2008 / Hovedavtalen i staten is revised yearly, but in general only presented in Norwegian.
Hovedtariffavtalen i staten (Basic Collective Agreement for the Civil Service) is also continously revised, but only presented in Norwegian.
Information about trade unions in Norway and at UiT:
A trade union is an association of employees in one or several enterprises generally working within the same field. The trade unions look after the interests of its members. Within Norway, a trade union’s most important role is to negotiate for better pay and working conditions for its members. Read more at Fafo 2013:09 Labour relations in Norway
Foreign staff are encouraged to be member of a trade union in Norway. Statistics show a negative discrepancy in the percentage of foreign members in comparison with Norwegian members. We strongly advise foreign employees to join a trade union.
As a member of a trade union in Norway, you pay an annual tax-deductible membership fee, which may be a percentage of your gross pay or a fixed amount due every month, quarter, or year. The union also negotiates with banks and insurance companies and may offer lower interest on loans and lower annual fee on insurance policy to union members than to non-members.
The trade unions are organised in four main employee confederations in Norway, in alphabetic order:
- the Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations Akademikerne at UiT and Akademikerne in general;
- the Confederation of Norwegian Trade Unions LO, under which you find NTL at UiT;
- the Confederation of Vocational Unions Parat;
- the Confederation of Unions for Professionals UNIO, in which you find Forskerforbundet at UiT.
Common Words and Terms in Collective Wage Agreement Negotiations and Mediations (pdf) (from Riksmekleren/the National Mediator).
The comprised structure of working hours in Norway, basically from 8:00-15:45/15:00, gives room to socialise and practise Norwegian taking part in a variety of leisure time activities in the evening. Below you find listed some, there are also options to search Facebook for the activity you are interested in situated where you live, or visit the website for local communities/activities.
These are some links- there are a lot more :-)
Sport activities
As a start, you may want to look up Advice to the University's own fitness centers, Kraft in Tromsø, Kraft in Alta, Harstadsstudentenes Idrettslag, and Kraft in Narvik
Become a member of the sports team at UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet B.i.l. - Tromsø. Go to https://medlemskap.nif.no/ and search for Norges Arktiske Universitet B.i.l. - Tromsø
On Facebook you may search for any activity you are interested in, depending on where you live, and find for instance running associations like Northern Runners and Tromsø Løpeklubb, or other outdoor activities organised by different sports organisations:
Hiking in the mountains in the area of Tromsø Troms Turlag and Ti På toppTromsø, Harstad, Alta and Narvik.
Alpine skiing: Tromsø Alpinpark, Narvikfjellet, Solfjellet Harstad, SarvesAlta
Sea activities: Tromsø Kajak klubb (tromsohavpadleklubb.com), Tromsø Seilforening (tromsoseil.no),
Riding: Tromsø Rideskole (www.trso.no), Harstad, Alta and Narvik
Swimming indoors: Grottebadet Harstad, Tromsøbadet
Tennis: Tromsø Tennisklubb, Narvik Tennisklubb
Badminton: Tromsø, Harstad, Alta and Narvik
Dog sledding: (www.villmarkssenter.no)
Pickleball link (https://tsidrett.no/pickleball/) There are also now two outdoor pickleball courts on the Tromsø campus (see article attached): https://www.instagram.com/p/CxtK3phN2Cq/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== The equipment is taken down when winter starts.
The Norwegian Trekking Association
You may borrow outdoor equipment from Tromsø kommune
Meeting platform MeetUp
News written for foreigners:
Klar tale easy-to-read Norwegian news
Norwegian Culture - literature, blogs:
Working with Norwegians: The insider's guide to the Norwegian workplace culture;
A Frog in the Fjord (humourous);
The Social Guidebooks to Norway.
Tourist information websites:
- Destination Northern Norway;
- Destination Tromsø;
- Destination Alta;
- Destination Harstad;
- Destination Narvik;
- What's happening in Tromsø.
When you leave UiT and Norway for good, you need to notify the Norwegian entities you registered at when you arrived. In fact all residents of Norway are obliged to notify these Norwegian entities if they are to stay abroad more than 6 months. Please note that staying abroad for more than 6 months may cause problems for your Norwegian residence permit. Take care to abide by the regulations. You may need to apply to maintain your residence permit before leaving Norway.
You must notify the Norwegian Tax Administration if you are moving to a non-Nordic country. Follow the instructions and submit the form to the tax administration (skatteetaten.no). This notification should be made at the earliest 14 days before leaving Norway.
For those who have had access to the IT resources at UiT by System-X, please ask for the closure of your account.
You must close down or check with the bank whether you may keep your Norwegian bank account.
Please notify the postal services of your new address (posten.no) if you want to ensure that your mail is forwarded to your new address the first two months after your move.
Your final Norwegian tax assessment will be in April the year after you received your final salary from UiT. In order to access it and communicate with the tax administration, it is recommended that you retain your secured electronical ID for the Norwegian public services portal (difi.no) during the first year after leaving Norway. Make sure that the correct bank account is registered with the Norwegian Tax Administration.
UiT welcomes partners, guests or others who want to become better acquainted with the institution, its study programs and academic environment. Some partners visit UiT with well defined tasks, take part in UiT research and education, and have an obvious need for access to UiT's resources. Other visitors may need to clarify their rights and obligations and UiT's responsibility in relation to their visit.
In the following we clarify your rights to access academic resources, and who you may contact to obtain them:
Basically, UiT has no responsibility towards a guest who is in no way registered at UiT. This means initially that a guest may not claim the right to access basic IT services (login to computers, e-mail, storage of data, printing, etc.), nor access to buildings and laboratories. However, the receiving faculty and/or department with hosting functions may approve and allocate rights. The persons who invite guests are responsible for the arrangements of academic activities such as meetings, lectures, tutoring and other professional contact activities. This includes facilitation during the visit and follow-up after the end of stay. The head of the department handles the administrative hosting, in collaboration with the inviting research unit when and where necessary.
The main administrative tasks will be to clarify:
- Right to UiT resources, including office use and possible coverages;
- Access to buildings, IT services, research data, use of infrastructure, etc.;
- Responsibilities in the workplace, HR and insurance;
- IPR and conditions regarding research results;
- Any agreements related to the guest stay.
The guest is responsible for solving matters outside the work situation, like accommodation.
As for experiencing the surroundings, a good start is to look at Visit Norway Arctic Experiences in Northern Norway.
Researchers ask for sources for funding for stays abroad in order to have good time to plan and prepare their stay.
At Courses and Training Opportunities - EUGLOH you find a variety of courses.
UiT has their own page where also financial opportunities are shown EUGLOH | UiT
For shorter stays abrouad, including EUGLOH courses, you may apply for a ERASMUS+ scholarship. These are offered at UiT intranet in February/March, with a deadline in May every year.
UArctic's mobility program north2north provides opportunities to study in different parts of the North.
Offer published at UiT's Intranet, deadliner March 1 2025: Utlysning av stipendmidler fra north2north for ansatte - studieåret 2025/2026 – UiT Norges arktiske universitet
An international stay supports your career, academic and personal progress in many ways. A report by the The Young Academy of Norway: Mobility in academia - a life as a nomad (2016) highlight the importance of stays abroad for researchers:
The purpose of researcher mobility is ... to contribute to increased international collaboration on applications, projects and publications with the aim of raising the quality of research and hence also the societal benefit of research.
Personally, younger researchers are motivated to an international stay because:
It can increase the chance of permanent employment in the long term;
It provides an opportunity to really become part of, and not just get acquainted with, another research environment.
A report by Universities Norway: Better career policy for scientific staff in the higher education sector (2015) underlines the importance of action by supervisors, career advisors and academic environment:
emphasize internationalization in the candidates' development plan at the beginning of the doctoral period and;
strengthen the importance of stays abroad in the PhD program;
emphasize that such stays are meritorious;
establish a culture within research groups staying abroad as meritorious.
It is important to plan your stay abroad to fit your career plan, your study plan or the plan for your R&D sabbatical. Also, initiate your planning early. Your leader, supervisor, research group, professional group or alike may assist in the planning to ensure that stays abroad are well planned, contacts are linked, goals of the stay are fixed. Closer collaboration with institutions abroad provides a better basis for mobility. Increased emphasis on mobility is an intrinsic part of strategic career planning.
In particular for PhD-students, it is important to aim for better planning practices:
Your academic environment and supervisors must ensure that stays abroad are integrated early in the academic plan. Preferably you do this in the PhD application phase or the first year of studies, as well as plan for financing. If you have not started planning until the third year of your PhD study, then it is often too late.
It is important to keep your goal in mind regarding duration and expected benefits. There are gender differences regarding planned duration and perceived academic benefits. Is the main focus on researcher work experience or on professional community? What are your needs for own financial security? How to manage family factors; school, kindergarten, relatives, etc. Are there possibilities for a flexible duration? Short and long stays have different purposes and benefits.
You will find numerous checklists for what you should keep in mind. Please check your rights to work and residence permit if you are not Norwegian or a foreign citizen. Are you a public employee (civil cervant) in Norway (UiT), or do you have another employer? Are you exempted from compulsory work? Are you a student? Have you had membership in the Norwegian National Insurance Scheeme in three of the last five years? What is the length of the planned stay? Regulations change for stays longer than three months, and then longer than12 months.
The following points normally require attention, some of them depending on your host country and duration of stay:
Visa and work permit
Most countries have regulations/permits for working and for staying over longer periods, which are different from regulations for tourists. Make sure that you arrive with the proper permits/visa.The host country will always have the most updated information, and normally the web pages are well developed. You should also seek advice from the host institution. Probably an invitation letter to support the application for permit/visa may be required.
Do make sure that you are well insured because nobody else pays attention to this issue. The host institution may require of you to arrive with certain insurances. Your home and work place insurances may satisfy these requirements. In that case you may have to provide relevant documentation to the host. Information on insurance for health, workplace and travel is posted at National Insurance Scheme - NAV about stays abroad.
As a Norwegian citizen or as a UiT employee you normally have a compulsory membership in the National Insurance Scheme (NAV). For stays outside Norway this membership may, however, end. You should find out whether you are entitled to a voluntary membership or if you may continue with the compulsory membership. The latter is normally the case when you are a Norwegian citizen, have a Norwegian employer, receive salary from Norway, and the stay is shorter than 12 months. Norway has entered bilateral agremeents with some countries on this issue. Regarding health rights, look up HelseNorge about Live or study abroad. Note that membership in the National Insurance Scheme is a key to maintain access to Norwegian health rights. There are different regulations for stays inside and outside EU/EEA/Switzerland. For stays in USA, HelseNorge has entered an agreement with the company Equian.
Familiarize yourself with the applicable tax regulations that govern your stay abroad, and do it before you travel. NTNU has information on Taxes during your sabbatical year.
UiT self insurance service abroad
As a public institution, UiT is itself responsible for insurance coverage for its staff and students in work place situation. Work place situations are often defined as: presence at the work place, while working, and during working hours. Regulations are found several places in Statens personalhåndbok. Some of them are dependent upon membership in the National Insurance Scheme, others upon beeing defined as being in service. For stays abroad longer than one month, a document should be issued declaring the alternative work place and that the stay is a placement abroad. This is in order to remain under the work place insurance paragraphs of the travel regulations while the rates for in service travel may not apply.
UiT travel information
For security reasons, UiT needs to have information on your in service whereabouts. This is in case emergency communication becomes necessary; accidents, natural disasters, conflicts, pandemics, and alike.This information is normally taken care of when booking tickets through the travel agency approved by UiT. If, in rare cases, you arrange tickets/travel outside the UiT approved travel agency, then you must register your travel in the form provided.
For your own security, be aware of how you behave and the role you play during the stay. Follow local advice, participate in networks, consider local anticipation of your status and position. After all, you are an ambassador from your own institution.
IT security and research data
Pay attention to UiT regulations for using IT equipment and IT licenses abroad (uit.no/sikkerhet). You must also be conscious of how others may access and use your research data (uit.no/forskningsdata). Host institutions may present to you agreements on rights to IPR and research results during the stay. Read these carefully before signing, consult with your research administration.