DNSZ såkornmidler til tysk-norsk samarbeid
Det tysk-norske studiesenteret i Kiel (DNSZ) har innledet ordning med DNSZ Såkornmidler. Såkornmidlene skal fremme forskningssamarbeid mellom norske og tyske forskere innen alle fagdisipliner og støtte kan gis til faglig utveksling og aktiviteter som bidrar til å bygge opp ny forskningsaktivitet, m.m. Forskere tilknyttet de norske DNSZ-medlemsinstitusjonene og institusjoner i Kiel kan søke. |
Tildelinger 2015 |
Workshop: Environmental standards for deep seabed mining
Workshop arranged at UiT – The Arctic University of Tromsø in may 2015. The workshop focuses on the the legal framework that needs to be put in place before states initiate exploitation of deep seabed minerals.
Field course: Palaeo-ecological Training. Theory and Practice
A joint practical field course for MA students of Kiel and Oslo, held in Oslo. The course aims to give a deep understanding of state-of-the-art technologies in archaeological sciences.
Research stays: Modelling sub-marine mass failures, NE Atlantic continental margin
Research stays at CAU and UiB. The objective of the stays is to use a modeling software (ABAQUS) to reconstruct why some geological settings are more prone to mass failures than others. Sub-marine mass failures represent a possible threat to seabed installations, but also to populations along coast lines as such failures may generate devastating tsunamis.