The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway


The project resulted in three main publications - developed through seminars and work shops in

  • Harstad/Trondenes (2013) - published with Orkana 2014
  • Paderborn (2014) - published with Wehrhahn 2016
  • St. Petersburg (2015) & Tromsø (2016) - published with DeGruyter 2020

In addition, the project made two journal issues:

The different members of the project has also published on related topics during the project period. Check CNN's publication list in Cristin.

1. The Harstad/Trondenes-publication.

The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway. Introductory Studies

Editors: Lars Ivar Hansen, Rognald Heiseldal Bergesen and Ingebjørg Hage

Orkana Akademisk 2014.

Order a copy here.

Read a review here.

2. The Paderborn-publication

The Protracted Reformation in
Northern Norway. Vol II.

Towards a Protestant North.

Editors: Sigrun Høgetveit Berg, Rognald Heiseldal Bergesen and Roald E. Kristiansen.

TROLL band 14. Wehrhahn verlag 2016.

3. The St. Petersburg/Tromsø-publication

The Protracted Reformation in the North.
Vol III from the project "The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway"

Editors: Sigrun Høgetveit Berg, Rognald Heiseldal Bergesen and Roald Ernst Kristiansen.

Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 144.

DeGruyter 2020

4. Ottar 4/2017

5. Nordlit 43/2019

Conference proceedings from "Northern Reformations", Tromsø September 21 and 22, 2017

Ansvarlig for siden: Hansen, Lars Ivar
Sist oppdatert: 09.06.2020 13:22