
Visitors from Max Planck and Senckenberg

Exciting presentations by Jochen Rink and Michael Hiller

The Fromm lab and colleagues from the Arctic Ecosystem Genomics department &  Natural Sciences and Collections department were very happy about the visit and presentations by Jochen Rink (@rinklab- Director of The Max Planck for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen, Germany and Michael Hiller (@hillermich) - Professor of Comparative Genomics, Senckenberg Research Institute, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany on the 22nd of May.
Jochen was speaking about his labs exciting projects on planarian regeneration genetics & genomics entitled
"Molecular and evolutionary mechanisms in planarian regeneration"
Michael was speaking about phenotypic diversity genomics tools with focus on Vertebrates and especially bats "Comparative approaches to associate phenotypic differences between species to differences in their genomes"
Thank you for your visit and the inspiring presentations - Looking forward to collaborations in the future!