Good Integration (GOODINT)

Goals and bottlenecks of successful integration and social cohesion



Baycan-Herzog, E., Vitikainen, A., & Lippert-Rasmussen, K. (2024). Migration and discrimination: exploring the pathways of a more integrated research agenda. Ethics & Global Politics17(2–3), 1–8. 

Baycan-Herzog, E., Vitikainen, A., & Lippert-Rasmussen, K. (Ed.). (2024). Migration and Discrimination [Special issue]. Ethics & Global Politics17(2–3)

Duarte, M. (2024). Social cohesion and the struggle for power in diverse societies. In Z. Miklosi (Ed.), Symposium on Nils Holtug’s The Politics of Social Cohesion. Law, Ethics and Philosophy (LEAP), 11, 75–96.

Gustavsson, G. (Forthcoming). Is liberal nationalism empirically plausible? In D. Miller & A. Baderin (Eds.), Political theory and empirical social science. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Holtug, N. (2024). Précis of The Politics of Social Cohesion. In Z. Miklosi (Ed.), Symposium on Nils Holtug’s The Politics of Social Cohesion. Law, Ethics and Philosophy (LEAP), 11, 36–41.

Holtug, N. (2024). The politics of social cohesion: Replies to Duarte, Lenard, Miklosi and Parekh. In Z. Miklosi (Ed.), Symposium on Nils Holtug’s The Politics of Social Cohesion. Law, Ethics and Philosophy (LEAP), 11, 114–132.

Kapelner, Z. (Forthcoming). The democratic theory of immigrant enfranchisement. Democratic Theory.

Kapelner, Z. (2024). Anti-immigrant backlash: The democratic dilemma for immigration policy. Comparative Migration Studies, 12(12).

Kapelner, Z. (2024). Workplace democracy: The argument from the worker-society relation. Journal of Social Philosophy. Advance online publication.

Lenard, P. T. (2024). Social cohesion and political inclusion. In Z. Miklosi (Ed.), Symposium on Nils Holtug’s The Politics of Social Cohesion. Law, Ethics and Philosophy (LEAP), 11, 42–54.

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Miklosi, Z. (2024). Can a liberal state promote social cohesion? In Z. Miklosi (Ed.), Symposium on Nils Holtug’s The Politics of Social Cohesion. Law, Ethics and Philosophy (LEAP), 11, 55–74.

Parekh, S. (2024). Immigration, global justice and structural racism. In Z. Miklosi (Ed.), Symposium on Nils Holtug’s The Politics of Social Cohesion. Law, Ethics and Philosophy (LEAP), 11, 97–113.

Reibold, K. (forthcoming). Knowledge-specific epistemic injustice and the vestiges of colonialism. Inquiry.

Reibold, K. (2024). Who needs to tell the truth? Epistemic injustice and Truth and Reconciliation Commissions for minorities in non-transitional societies. Episteme. Advance online publication.

Reibold, K. (forthcoming). Are Indigenous Rights Human Rights? A qualified defense. In J. Tomalty & K. Woods (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Human Rights. London: Routledge.

Vitikainen, A. (2024) "Diversity Studies", in Takala, T. and Häyry, M. (eds.): Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics in the Social Sciences, Edward Elgar Publishing. Link

Vitikainen, A., & Lenard, P. T. (2024). The role of trust in LGBTQ+ refugee status determination (RSD) system. Journal of Social Philosophy.


Duarte, M. (January 2023). Wie migranten helpt, wordt tot crimineel gemaakt.  NRC. (Media Contribution)

Gustavsson, G. (2023). Det öppna sinnelaget - och dess fiender. Stockholm: Fri tanke.

Gustavsson, G., & Taghizadeh, J. L. (2023). Rallying around the unwaved flag: national identity and Sweden's controversial covid strategy. West European Politics.

Kapelner, Z. (2023). Why refugees should be enfranchised. Journal of Applied Philosophy. Advance online publication.

Kapelner, Z. (2023). What does it mean to have an equal say? Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. Advance online publication.

Kapelner, Z. (2023). Structural Injustice and the Problem of Responsibility. Hungarian Review of Philosophy, 66(4), 55-72. (Original title: "Strukturális igazságtalanság és a felelősség problémája")

Kollar, E., & Banai, A. (2023). The Right to Exclude and the Duty to Include: Self-determination, Equal Opportunity, and Immigration. Journal of Moral Philosophy, 20(5-6), 483-511.

Kollar, E., Boucher, F. (Eds.) (2023). Voluntariness and Migration: Special Section; with an Introduction by the editors. Ethics and International Affairs (Forthcoming 2023 Winter).

Kollar, E., Banai, A. (2023). Global Equality of Opportunity and National Self-Determination. In M. Sardoc (Ed.), Handbook of Equality of Opportunity. Springer.

Lenard, P. T. (2023). Democracy and Exclusion. Oxford University Press. 

Lippert-Rasmussen, K. (2023). Equality of opportunity and affirmative action. In Handbook of Equality of Opportunity (pp. 1-22). Springer.

Lippert-Rasmussen, K. (2023). A Duty not to Remain Silent: Hypocrisy and the Lack of Standing not to Blame. The Philosophical Quarterly, 73(4), 933-949.

Lippert-Rasmussen, K. (2023). The Beam and the Mote: On Blame, Standing, and Normativity. Oxford University Press.

Mason, A. (2023). Equality of Opportunity, Appearance Discrimination, and Reaction Qualifications. In M. Sardoc (Ed.), Handbook of Equality of Opportunity. Springer.

Miklosi, Z. (2023). Equality of Opportunity and the Presumption of Equality. In: Sardoč, M. (eds) Handbook of Equality of Opportunity. Springer, Cham. Link

Reibold, K. (2023). John Simmons: Boundaries of Authority and Fair Shares. In K. W. Gray (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Territorial Rights. Springer.

Reibold, K. (2023). Epistemic injustice. In M. Duarte, K. Fjørtoft, & K. Losleben (Eds.), Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia: A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Transformation. Routledge.

Stevens, E.; Khlusova, A.; Fine, S.; Azzouz, A.; Ansems de Vries, L. (2023). Together We Prepare a Feast, Each Person Stirring Up Memory. Humanities 12, no. 5: 98.

Vitikainen, A. (2023) LGBTIQ+ prioritization in refugee admissions – The case of Norway. Etikk i praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics.


Breidahl, K. N., & Gustavsson, G. (2022). Can we trust the natives? Exploring the relationship between national identity and trust among immigrants and their descendants in DenmarkNations and Nationalism1– 20

Giavazzi, M., & Kapelner, Z. (2022). The State's Duty to Foster Voter Competence. Episteme, 1–14. doi:10.1017/epi.2022.31.

Holtug, N. (2022). Climate Refugees, Demandingness and Kagan's ConditionalRes Publica, 28, 1, s. 33.47

Kapelner, Z. (2022). Structural Injustice and the Dilemmas of Search and Rescue in the Mediterranean – Blog post – EUI Migration Policy Centre Blog, “The ethics of migration policy dilemmas” project:
Kollar, E. (2022). From surplus fairness to prospect fairness: Why a deeply egalitarian social union is indispensable for a free Europe. European Journal of Philosophy, 30(2), 503-514. DOI: 10.1111/ejop.12724
Lippert-Rasmussen, K. (2022). Why ‘Indirect Discrimination’ Is a Useful Legal but Not a Useful Moral Concept. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 5,1, pp. 83-107. 
Miklosi, Z. (2022). The problem of equal moral status. Politics, Philosophy & Economics.
Vitikainen, A. (2022). Refugee-based reasons in refugee resettlement – the case of LGBTIQ+. Moral Philosophy and Politics.

Vitikainen, A.(2022). Conceptualizing Indigenous citizenship: The Norwegian core curriculum and citizenship as shared fate. In Indigenising Education and Citizenship. Perspectives on Policies and Practices From Sápmi and Beyond. Torjer Andreas Olsen & Hilde Sollid (Eds.). Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. pp. 113-131



Gustavsson, G. (2021). Du stolta, du fria : om svenskarna, Sverigebilden och folkhälsopatriotismen. Kaunitz-Olsson. ISBN: 9789189015715.

Hadj-Abdou, L., & Kollar, E. (2021). Safeguarding the Integrity of the Asylum System and the Moral Rights of Rejected Asylum Seekers: A Conditional Right to Remain. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSC 2021/63. Available at SSRN: or

Holtug, N. (2021). The Politics of Social Cohesion. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780198797043

Holtug, N. (red.) & Uslaner, E. (red.) (2021). National Identity and Social Cohesion. London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 298 s.

Holtug, N. (2021). Why Rawls Was Right: Liberal Values and Social Cohesion. In National Identity and Social Cohesion. Holtug, N. & Uslaner, E. (Eds.). London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 133-150

Holtug, N. (2021). Introduction: National Identity and Social Cohesion. In National Identity and Social Cohesion. Holtug, N. & Uslaner, E. (Eds.). London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 1- 16

Holtug, N. (2021). Conclusion. In National Identity and Social Cohesion. Holtug, N. & Uslaner, E. (Eds.). London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 277- 286

Holtug, N. (2021).  RESPONDing to Migration: A Holistic Perspective on Migration Governance. The European Refugee Regime: A Critical Assessment.Barthoma, S. & Cetrez, Ö. (Ed.). Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, pp. 147-162

Vitikainen, A.; Kreft, J. (September, 2021) Can academic philosophy make a difference? UiT. Media Contribution. Link.