This project aims to develop and disseminate a transformative interdisciplinary approach to studying Extreme Environments in the Arctic regions and beyond.

Extreme Environments are places where conditions are very harsh and challenging for life. These areas can be incredibly hot, cold, deep underwater, or have high levels of chemicals that most living organisms would find toxic. Examples of Extreme Environments are cold seeps and hydrothermal vents, areas on the ocean floor where fluids and gases seep out of the Earth.

The project is granted by UArctic (UA 06/2024, from 01-01-2025 to 31-12-2026) and it is a collaboration between UiT The Arctic University of Norway, (Department of Geosciences),  the University of Copenhagen (Department of Arts and Cultural Studies) and the University of Iceland Research Centre in Þingeyjarsveit.

Not only are such extreme marine environments sources of interest to current oil and gas industries, but they are also places of potential exposure to future practices of deep sea mining. Through interdisciplinary cooperation, the project will develop new ways to sense, understand and imagine the significance of these extreme marine environments in the Arctic regions and beyond.

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