Phd & PD candidates

Thuy Trinh Do- PhD student (NTU)
Trinh do is a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics, Nha Trang University, Vietnam. She is currently a Ph.D student in the "Marine Resource Economics and Management" project, supported by Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. She is interested in studying behavioural economics and environment. Therefore, she is going to research green transformation to develop a sustainable seafood industry. In particular, her thesis is concerned with the 'willingness to accept' of aquaculture farmers to use environmentally friendly technology and methods towards sustainable aquaculture.
Thuy Chi Tran- PhD student (NTU)

Thuy Chi Tran is a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics, Nha Trang University, Vietnam. She is currently a Ph.D student in the “Marine Resource Economics and Management” project, supported by Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. She is interested in studying supply chain and sustainability. Therefore, she is going to sove the issue of sustainable development from sustainable supply perspective in the case of Vietnamese fisheries and aquaculture sector in her PhD thesis. She hopes to make useful practical suggestions for firms as well as the government when they issue and implement strategies and policies aiming at sustainable development.

Diep Huynh- PhD student (NTU)
Diep Huynh is a Ph.D student in the “Marine Resource Economics and Management” project, supported by Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. Her thesis is concerned with building fishery and aquaculture supply chain resilience by applying system thinking to solve problems in this field. In the ECOGIV project, she will carry out research focusing on identifying the vulnerabilities, modeling disruption impact, and suggesting mitigation strategies, contributing to fishery policy in Viet Nam.
Vy Nguyen - PhD student (NTU)

Vy Nguyen is a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics at Nha Trang University, Vietnam. She is currently a Ph.D student in the "Marine Resource Economics and Management" project, supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. Her forte is studying behavioral economics and the environment. In the ECOGIV project, she is concerned about the seriousness of marine litter pollution to ensure the sustainable development of the marine economy. In particular, for her thesis, she will carry out research focusing on identifying the mechanisms that motivate fishermen to reduce marine litter through researching factors that influence the willingness of fishermen to participate in the marine plastic waste collection program and designing effective mechanisms to encourage the involvement of fishermen in Vietnam.

Dina Lianita Sari- PhD student (IPB)
Dina Lianita Sari is a lecturer in the Resource and Environmental Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Indonesia. Through the ECOGIV project, she is currently a Ph.D. student in Marine Resource Economics and Management at Nha Trang University, Vietnam. Her academic interests include fisheries economics and management, bioeconomic modeling, productivity and efficiency modeling, ecosystem service and its values. Her thesis focuses on non-use value and bioeconomic model integration of fisheries management areas in West Java, Indonesia.

Fitria Dewi Raswatie- Phd student (IPB)
Danang Pramudita- PhD student (IPB)

Danang Pramudita is a Lecturer in the Resource and Environmental Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Indonesia. Currently, he also becomes a Ph.D. student in Marine Resource Economics and Management at Nha Trang University, Vietnam with funding from ECOGIV Project. His academic interests include environmental economics, economic valuation and damage assessment with a focus on ecosystem services and its values, regional planning, and economic impact assessment of policy development. In ECOGIV project, together with partner members, he will carry out research studies focusing on marine spatial planning in Indonesia. To optimize the impact of the project's results, he is also in the stage of developing proactive plans for outreach through communication, dissemination, and utilization of results.

Delali Aku Tunyo- PhD student (UCC)
Delali Aku Tunyo is a PhD student in Marine Resource Economics and Management at Nha Trang University, Vietnam. Her PhD project is on the preferences for mangrove forest restoration in Ghana with focus on valuation of ecosystems and risk assessment. In ECOGIV project, together with her colleagues and seniors at UiT and partner members, she will carry out research studies focusing on fisheries management in the three south countries.
Kwabena Nkansah Darfor- PhD student (UCC)

Kwabena Nkansah Darfor is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Applied Economics, School of Economics of the University of Cape Coast. I am currently a PhD candidate in Marine Resource Economics and Management at the Nha Trang University under the ECOGIV Project. My Phd thesis is focused on examining rent dissipation and livelihood resilience of small-scale marine fisheries of Ghana. My research interests are in environmental and natural resource economics, Climate Change, Agricultural Economics, Labour and Finance issues. In collaboration with my fellow students, postdoctoral students and UiT partners, I will be researching on the small-scale fisheries sectors in Ghana, Vietnam and Indonesia. My teaching areas are in Mathematics for Economists, Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources, Introductory Mathematics, Labour Economics, Financial Modeling and Introduction to computing for Social Scientists.
Nuva- Postdoc (IPB)

Nuva is employed as a lecturer and reseracher in resource and environmental economics at Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Indonesia. She is also currently works as Post-Doc under ECOGIV project, with the research focus on small-scale fisher’ resilience due to cilmate change and the problems of multiple use of marine ecocsystem. Nuva is accomplished her master degree in environmental economics and Ph.D in Regional and Rural Development Planning. Her academic interest covers the field of environmental economics, regional planning, economics of tourism, valuation economics and resource damage assessment, and sustainable development.

Gloria Essilfie- Postdoc (UCC)
Gloria Essilfie is a citizen of Ghana, currently employed as a Lecturer in economics by University of Cape Coast and also an affiliate with Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation of the university. She was the Coordinator of one of the satellite campuses of Ghana Communication Technology University in Takoradi, Ghana, from 1st July, 2021 to 31st May, 2022. Gloria is a graduate of the University of Cape Coast, where she obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics, Master of Philosophy in Economics as well Ph.D in Economics. Gloria Essilfie’s academic background covers the field of applied microeconomics, public sector economics and development economics. As a young and upcoming academic, she has keen interest in research work. She has to her credit an award winning article “Women’s Empowerment and Child Health Outcomes” published by Wiley in African Development Review, adjudged top cited for 2020-2021. She has obtained international exposure from Africa Economic Research Consortium and has approximately six years tertiary teaching experience. She is currently a Research Fellow on ECOGIV project, researching into food and nutritional security among women and children under-five within the fishing communities in Ghana.
Francis Kwaw Andoh- Postdoc (UCC)

Francis Kwaw Andoh is a Ghanaian and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Andoh’s research covers pertinent issues at the intersection of Public Sector and Development Economics. Specifically, he focuses on fiscal policy issues including taxation and subsidies, public spending efficiency, energy consumption, and healthcare financing. He is currently a Research Fellow on the ECOGIV project [ supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation], where he is investigating the effectiveness of ecological fiscal policies in ensuring sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in Ghana, Indonesia and Vietnam.