Coastal nations worldwide are grappling with population growth, economic development and environmental challenges. Marine Resource Economic analysis is a disciplinary approach well suited to analyse economic development and sustainable ecosystem-based management, and recommend policies in relation to these challenges. ECOGIV will develop high level Marine Resource Economics competence for South partners at University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana, IPB University (IPB), Indonesia and Nha Trang University (NTU), Vietnam, by developing an open international PhD program at NTU with scholarships for 9 staff members from the South partners.
The project is managed by UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and will organise relevant research teams within Marine Resource Economics topics combining PhD students, South partner and UiT staff members, as well as project funded Post Docs. These teams will collaborate to identify knowledge gaps, develop surveys and data collection, analyse data, write and publish scientific papers in relevant research topics related to sustainable blue growth and ecosystem-based management of coastal resources.
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