EU Grant week at UiT 12-14 March, 2025.

EU Grant Week at UiT - three days of workshops to introduce researchers and research administrators to collaborative EU projects (Pillar 2)

EU Research and Innovation
Horizon Europe is the EU's flagship research financing program Foto: European Commission
Portrettbilde av Bohus, Kata
Bohus, Kata Seniorrådgiver
Publisert: 17.01.25 10:21 Oppdatert: 17.01.25 10:38
Helse og velferd Internasjonalt samarbeid Naturvitenskap Samfunn og demokrati Økonomi

Have you never applied for EU funding and unsure how to start? Have you heard about big international projects funded by the EU and would like to join one? Have you seen an EU call for a collaborative project but have never coordinated one before and need help?

This series of three workshops addresses the basics of EU funding for researchers and research administrators. You can join for one day, two days, or all three days, depending on what you would like to know more about. The workshop is organized together with the Research Council of Norway, and is held by Europa Media in English. Food and snakcks provided for participants.


March 12, 2025 09:00-15:00: Horizon Europe proposal writing for collaborative EU projects

March 13, 2025 09:00-15:00: Project management and reporting in collaborative EU projects

March 14, 2025 09:00-15:00: Basic finance and budgeting in collaborative EU projects

For more details and registration, visit UiT's EU Research website.

If you have any questions, contact Kata Bohus at

Kortnytt fra Seksjon for forskning og innovasjon
Bohus, Kata Seniorrådgiver