EUGLOH has made advancements in enhancing cross-disciplinary and cross-national exchange, fostering mobility opportunities for its students across all educational levels and for its staff across all areas of specialisation. The European Commission aims to achieve mobility participation rates of 50% of the student population in European universities, through a mix of physical, virtual and blended mobility. EUGLOH believes in the importance of giving the opportunity for meaningful exchange and collaboration across Europe, not only to students, but also to staff. To reach this ambitious target, EUGLOH aims both to simplify and harmonise proceures and to create well-adapted, inspiring opportunities for students and staff to take the leap" (excerpt from EUGLOH 2023 in review)

The alliance has accomplished many achievements, but there is still a way to go before we have reached our goals. How do we proceed from here? 

  • Identifying opportunities, challenges and next steps.
  • Learning from each other through experiences and best practices.