10:15-12:00 «On living with disability», france rose hartline, Lecture, HIF-2160 «Transdisciplinary gender research»
In this lecture, we will explore the topic of disability from various perspectives, including rights, materiality, and identity. We will consider how disability as an experience and embodiment stems from a dichotomising worldview underpinning other social issues, such as those regarding gender, ecology, and culture. Students are encouraged to read the short texts and watch the linked videos in preparation, as much of the lecture and discussion will directly reflect these resources.
Room TEO H1 1.229
12:00-12:35 Innlegg og dialogsamtale om NHOs Female Future. Del avKarrieredagen ved UiT
Paneldeltakere: Sigrid Ina Simonsen (NHO Arktis), Hanne Karoline Kræmer (Sparebank 1 Nord Norge) og Sofie Haukland (Sparebank 1 Regnskap)
Moderator: LillI Mittner, Førsteamnuensis, Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning
Rom TEO H1 Aud 1
12:15 - 14:00 «Exploring gender diversity through Zine making», france rose hartline/Katrin Losleben, Workshop, HIF-2160 «Transdisciplinary gender research»
The lecture-based workshop will begin with a short introduction to the theory of gender diversity and the practice of paper-crafting in queer resistance movements. As the day's focus is a zine, you will learn about the zine's growth from the punk movement as a creative, direct, and fun way of discovering and expressing one’s individual experiences, thoughts, and feelings around gender identity. After workshopping the zines, you can share your zine in small groups of 3-4 people. All materials will be provided, so come as you are and so come as you are and learn more about yourself as you create your maybe-not-last zine.