Peder Andreas Halvorsen
Professor ved fagenheten for primærmedisin, allmennmedisinsk forskningsgruppe. Arbeidsoppgaver: Forskning, forskningsveiledning og undervisning innen allmenn- og samfunnsmedisinske tema.
Vitenskapelige arbeidsområder
Error rendering component
Medical decision making, Decision psychology, Shared decision making, Risk perception, Risk communication, Public Health, Rural medicine
Medlem i prosjekt
CV – Peder A. Halvorsen born 15th of June 1967
University of Tromsø, cand. med. 1995
Authorised physician 1997
Approved specialist in general practice 2004
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, ph.d. 2008
Internship at Stokmarknes Hospital and the municipality of Hadsel, Norway 1995 - 1996
General practitioner, Alta, Norway 1997 - 2002
Disability evaluating physician, National Health Insurance, Alta, Norway 1998 - 2001
Junior physician at the Outpatient Clinic of Psychiatry, Alta, Norway 2003 - 2004
General practitioner, Alta, Norway 2004 - 2011
Director of research, National Centre for Rural Medicine, University of Tromsø 2008 - 2013
Researcher, General Practice Research Unit, University of Tromsø 2008 - 2014
General practitioner, Alta, Norway 2012 -
Professor, Department of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø 2014 -
Regional research leader, The Norwegian Primary Care Research Network 2018 -
Public health physician, Alta, Norway 2020 - 2021
Research interests
Medical decision making, Decision psychology, Shared decision making, Risk perception, Risk communication, Public Health, Rural medicine, Primary Care Research Networks
Anne Helen Hansen, PhD 2013. Co-supervisor.
Benedicte Barfoed, PhD 2016. Co-supervisor.
Helen Brandstorp, PhD 2017. Co-supervisor.
Magnus Hjortdahl, PhD 2018. Main supervisor.
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis, PhD 2020. Co-supervisor.
Sigurd Beldo, PhD 2021. Co-supervisor.
Resha Al-Azzawi, PhD student. On-going. Co-supervisor.
Anne Herefoss Davidsen, PhD student. On-going. Main supervisor.
Karoline Damsgård Nilsen, master thesis 2017. Main supervisor.
Øivind Holte-Ambjørnsen, master thesis 2017. Main supervisor.
Ingrid Kjetså, master thesis 2018. Main supervisor.
Ane Nesje, master thesis 2019. Main supervisor.
Ragnhild Thomassen, master thesis 2019. Co-supervisor.
Dissertation committees
Monica Vold 2015 (third opponent/chairman)
Sverre Rørtveit 2016 (first opponent)
Committee work and leadership, international scientific congresses
1. 17th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tromsø, Norway 2011: Member of scientific committee
2. 14th Biennial European Meeting, Society for Medical Decision Making, Oslo, Norway 2012: Co-chair
3. 15th Biennial European Meeting, Society for Medical Decision Making, Antwerp, Belgium 2014: Co-chair
4. 17th Biennial European Meeting, Society for Medical Decision Making, Leiden, The Netherlands 2018: Member of scientific committee
5. 22nd Nordic Congress of General Practice, Stavanger, Norway 2022: Member of scientific committee
Peer reviewed publications
1. Forthun I, Rørtveit G, Fossum GH, Jørgensen P, Halvorsen PA, Nilsen S, Straand J, Bellika JG, Bjorvatn B. Søvnforstyrrelser og forskrivning av hypnotika i allmennpraksis – en PraksisNett-studie. Søvn 2023;(15)1:11-15.
2. Davidsen AH, Andersen S, Halvorsen PA, Schirmer H, Reierth E, Melbye H. Diagnostic accuracy of heart auscultation for detecting valve disease. A systematic review. BMJ Open. 2023 Mar 24;13(3):e068121.
3. Beldo SK, Aars NA, Christoffersen T, Furberg AS, Halvorsen PA, Hansen BH, Horsch A, Sagelv EH, Syed S, Morseth B. Criterion validity of the Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale in adolescents. The Fit Futures Study. PLoS One. 2022 Sep1;17(9):e0273480.
4. Kristoffersen ES, Bjorvatn B, Halvorsen PA, Nilsen S, Fossum GH, Fors EA, Jørgensen P, Øxnevad-Gundersen B, Gjelstad S, Bellika JG, Straand J, Rørtveit G. The Norwegian PraksisNett: a nationwide practice-based research network with a novel IT infrastructure. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2022;40(2):217-226
5. Kjetså I, Halvorsen PA, Kokkvoll AS. Age, income and sleep-duration were associated with outcomes in children participating in weight management. Acta Paediatr 2022;111:1412-1419
6. Al-Azzawi R, Halvorsen PA, Risør T. Context and general practitioner decision-making - a scoping review of contextual influence on antibiotic prescribing. BMC Fam Pract 2021;22:225.
7. Hjortdahl M, Gyrd-Hansen D, Halvorsen PA. GP decisions to participate in emergencies: a randomised vignette study. BJGP Open. 2021 Jan 19:bjgpopen20X101153.
8. Beldo SK, Morseth B, Christoffersen T, Halvorsen PA, Hansen BH, Furberg AS, Ekelund U, Horsch A. Prevalence of accelerometer-measured physical activity in adolescents in Fit Futures – part of the Tromsø Study. BMC Public Health 2020;20:1127.
9. Yigzaw KY, Budrionis A, Marco-Ruiz L, Henriksen TD, Halvorsen PA, Bellika JG. Privacy-preserving architecture for providing feedback to clinicians on their clinical performance. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2020;20:116
10. Hjortdahl M, Zakariassen E, Halvorsen PA. Self reported involvement in emergency medicine among GPs in Norway. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2018;36:161-169
11. Aviles-Solis JC, Vanbelle S, Halvorsen PA, Francis N, Cals JWL, Andreeva EA, Marques A, Piirilä P, Pasterkamp H, Melbye H. International perception of lung sounds: a ccomparison of classification across some European borders. BMJ Open Resp Res 2017 Dec 18;4(1):e000250
12. Gaski M, Halvorsen PA, Aaraas IJ, Aasland OG. Does the University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway educate doctors to work in rural communities? Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2017;137(14-15)
13. Pahle AS, Sørli D, Kristiansen IS, Deraas TS, Halvorsen PA. Practice variation in surgical procedures and IUD-insertions among general practitioners in Norway - a longitudinal study. BMC Fam Pract. 2017;18(1):7.
14. Laue J, Melbye H, Halvorsen PA, Andreeva E, Godycki-Cwirko M, Wollny A, Francis N, Spigt M, Kung K, Bech Risør M. How do general practitioners implement decision-making regarding COPD patients with exacerbations? An international focus group study. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2016;11:3109-19.
15. Hjortdahl M, Halvorsen PA, Risør MB. Rural GP’s attitudes towards participating in emergency medicine: A qualitative study. Scand J Prim Health Care 2016 34:377-384.
16. Brandstorp H, Halvorsen PA, Sterud B, Haugland B, Kirkengen AL. Primary care emergency team training in situ means learning in real context. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2016;34:295-303
17. Barfoed BL, Paulsen MS, Christensen PM, Halvorsen PA, Kjær T, Larsen ML, Larsen PV, Nielsen JB, Søndergaard J, Jarbøl DE. Associations between patients' risk attitude and their adherence to statin treatment - a population based questionnaire and register study. BMC Fam Pract. 2016;17:28.
18. Barfoed BL, Paulsen MS, Christensen PM, Halvorsen PA, Jarbøl DE, Larsen ML, Munch MR, Søndergaard J, Nielsen JB. Associations between patients’ adherence and GPs’ attitudes towards risk, statin therapy and management of non-adherence—a survey and register-based study. Fam Pract. 2016;33:140-7.
19. Barfoed BL, Jarbøl DE, Paulsen MS, Christensen PM, Halvorsen PA, Nielsen JB, Søndergaard J. GPs’ Perceptions of Cardiovascular Risk and Views on Patient Compliance: A Qualitative Interview Study. Int J Family Med 2015;2015:214146.
20. Halvorsen PA, Aasland OG, Kristiansen IS. Decisions on statin therapy by patients' opinions about survival gains: Cross sectional survey of general practitioners. BMC Fam Pract 2015;16:79.
21. Aaraas IJ, Halvorsen PA, Aasland OG. Supply of doctors to a rural region: Occupations of Tromsø medical graduates 1979-2012. Med Teach. 2015 Mar 26:1-5.
22. Holte JH, Abelsen B, Halvorsen PA, Olsen JA. General practitioners’ altered preferences for private practice vs. salaried positions: a consequence of proposed policy regulations? BMC Health Serv Res. 2015;15:119.
23. Brandstorp H, Kirkengen AL, Sterud B, Haugland B, Halvorsen PA. Leadership practice as interaction in primary care emergency team training. Action Research 2015;13:84-101.
24. Hansen A, Kristoffersen AE, Lian OS, Halvorsen PA. Continuity of GP care is associated with lower use of complementary and alternative medical providers: a population-based cross-sectional survey. BMC Health Serv Res. 2014;14:629.
25. Halvorsen PA, Godycki-Cwirko M, Wennevold K, Melbye H. Would GPs advice patients with respiratory tract infections to refrain from exercise, stay indoors or stay in bed? Survey of GPs in Poland and Norway. Eur J Gen Pract. 2014;20:209-13.
26. Oshaug K, Halvorsen PA, Melbye H. Should chest examination be reinstated in the early diagnosis of COPD? Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2013;8:369–377
27. Hansen AH, Halvorsen PA, Aaraas IJ, Førde OH. Continuity of GP care is related to reduced specialist health care utilisation. Br J Gen Pract 2013;63:482-9
28. Halvorsen PA, Edwards A, Aaraas IJ, Aasland OG, Kristiansen IS. What professional activities do general practitioners find most meaningful? cross sectional survey of Norwegian general practitioners. BMC Fam Pract 2013;14:41
29. Brandstorp H, Kirkengen AL, Halvorsen PA, Haugland B, Sterud B. Training interaction in primary care emergency teams: the role of the patient. Int J Pers Cent Med. 2012;2:656-63
30. Halvorsen PA, Steinert S, Aaraas IJ. Remuneration and organization in general practice: Do GPs prefer private practice or salaried positions? Scand J Prim Health Care. 2012;30:229–233
31. Hansen AH, Halvorsen PA, Ringberg U, Førde OH. Socio-economic inequalities in health care utilisation in Norway: a population based cross-sectional survey. BMC Health Serv Res. 2012;12:336.
32. Hansen AH, Halvorsen PA, Førde OH. The ecology of medical care in Norway: wide use of general practitioners may not necessarily keep patients out of hospitals. J Public Health Res 2012;1:e28
33. Melbye H, Joensen L, Risør MB, Halvorsen PA. Symptoms of respiratory tract infection and associated care-seeking in subjects with and without obstructive lung disease; The Tromso Study: Tromso 6. BMC Pulm Med. 2012;12:51.
34. Halvorsen PA, Wisløff TF, Støvring H, Aasland O, Kristiansen IS. Therapeutic decisions by number needed to treat and survival gains: a cross-sectional survey of lipid-lowering drug recommendations. Br J Gen Pract 2011;61:477-83.
35. Halvorsen PA, Wennevold K, Fleten N, Muras M, Kowalczyk A, Godycki-Cwirko M, Melbye H. Decisions on sick leave certifications for acute airways infections based on vignettes: A cross-sectional survey of GPs in Norway and Poland. Scand J Prim Health Care 2011;29:110-6
36. Gyrd-Hansen D, Halvorsen P, Nexøe J, Nielsen J, Støvring H, Kristiansen I. Joint and separate evaluation of risk reduction: impact on sensitivity to risk reduction magnitude in the context of 4 different risk information formats. Med Decis Making 2011;31:E1-E10.
37. Halvorsen PA, Selmer RM, Kristiansen IS. Anticipated longevity among lay people screened for cardiovascular risk factors: a cross-sectional questionnaire study. Scand J Public Health 2010;38:481-8.
38. Nexøe J, Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS. Critiques of the risk concept--valid or not? Scand J Public Health 2007;35:648-54.
39. Halvorsen PA, Selmer R, Kristiansen IS. Different ways to describe the benefits of risk reducing treatments: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 2007;146:848-56.
40. Kristiansen IS, Halvorsen PA, Gyrd-Hansen D. Influenza pandemic: perception of risk and individual precautions in a general population. Cross sectional study. BMC Public Health 2007;7:48.
41. Gyrd-Hansen D, Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS. Willingness-to-pay for a statistical life in the times of a pandemic. Health Econ 2007;17:55-66
42. Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS. Decisions on drug therapies by numbers needed to treat: a randomized trial. Arch Intern Med 2005;165:1140-6.
43. Wisloff T, Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS. Antall som må behandles (NNT) – misvisende, misforstått, misbrukt?[Number needed to treat (NNT)-- misleading, misunderstood, misused?] Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2004;124:1926-9.
44. Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS, Aasland OG, Forde OH. Medical doctors' perception of the "number needed to treat" (NNT). A survey of doctors' recommendations for two therapies with different NNT. Scand J Prim Health Care 2003;21:162-6.
45. Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS. Er teleradiologi i primærhelsetjenesten
kostnadsbesparende? [Does teleradiography in primary health care reduce costs?]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 1997;117:1611-5.
46. Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS. Radiology services for remote communities: cost
minimisation study of telemedicine. BMJ 1996;312:1333-6.