This is a preliminary program for the conference. Changes to the program will be updated as we get closer to October.

English is the conference language.

Sunday 15.10.23

18.00 Welcome reception at Árdna, light food will be served. 

Monday 16.10.23 

09.00 Opening words by Pro-rector for education at UiT, Kathrine Tveiterås. 

09.10 –09.20 Greeting from Amy Baker, Canadian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Norway.

09.20 – 09.30 Introduction by Professor Eva Josefsen, Professor, UiT, leader for the TRUCOM research project: TRC’s in non-transitional states. 

09.30 – 10.15 Keynote speaker Ronald Niezen, Professor, University of San Diego: The Survivors: Lessons from Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools.

10.15 – 10.30 Q&A

10.30 - 10.45 Coffee break.

10.45 – 11.05 Astrid Nonbo Andersen, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies: Truth and reconciliation in Greenland/Denmark – a continuing story.

11.05 - 11.25 Veli-Pekka Lehtola, Professor, University of Oulu: Truth and reconciliation issues in Finland.

11.25 – 11.45 Eivind Torp, Docent, Mid Sweden University:  A Call for Truth - Reflections on truth-commissions in Sweden.

11.45 – 12.00 Q&A 

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch. 

13.00 – 13.20 Runar Myrnes Balto, Member of the Governing Council of the Sámi Parliament: Defining the Road to True Reconciliation – Concrete Expectations for Sámi-Norwegian Relations. 

13.20 – 13.40 Marit Myrvoll, prior member of the Norwegian TRC: The Norwegian TRC’s final report – main features and recommendations.  

13.40 – 14.15 Q&A 

14.15 – 14.30 Coffee break.

14.30 – 15.00

conversation between

Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, Indigenous Chair for Truth and Reconciliation, Lakehead University Chair of the Governing Circle for the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba,


Dr. Brenda Gunn, Academic and Research Director, National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba.

Led by Torjer A. Olsen, Professor, UiT.

Link to the Canadian TRC centre website.

15.00 – 15.30 Q&A and break.

15.30 – 15.50 Keynote by Dr. Bonny Ibhawoh, Professor, McMaster University (Via link): Affirming the Universality of Truth-Seeking: Confronting Narratives of Normative Exceptionality in Truth and Reconciliation Processes in Stable Democratic States.

15.50 – 16.00 Q&A and end of day one. 

19.00 Conference dinner at Clarion Hotel The Edge

Tuesday 17.10.23 

09.00 – 09.20 Amalie Drage Habbestad, consultant for the TRUCOM project: Different stages of the TRC mandate:

 Connections made from general and specific ideas, broad adopted mandate and interpretation by the TRC. 

09.20 – 09.40 Stein Roar Mathisen, Professor, UiT: Narratives in open meetings and in the report.

09.40 – 10.00 Eva Josefsen,Professor, UiT: Nothing to report? explaining the lack of media reporting on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

10.00 – 10.15 Q&A 

10.15 – 10.30 Coffee break. 

10.30 – 10.50 Hans Morten Haugen, Professor, VID: How can human rights strengthen truth and reconciliation processes, and how can human rights serve to weaken these processes? 

10.50 – 11.10 Else Grete Broderstad, Professor, UiT: Reconciliation, justice and injustice: the Nordic context.

11.10 – 11.30 Kjell Ole Olsen, Professor, UiT: Intended and non-intended assimilation/Norwegianization? 

11.30 – 11.40 Q&A 

11.40 – 12.45 Lunch.

12.45 – 13.05 Hans-Kristian Hernes, Professor, UiT: The Norwegian TRC in an institutionalized context.

13.05 – 13.20 Break

13.20 - 14.35

Panel discussion, with comments, questions and summing-up led by Torjer A. Olsen, Professor, UiT.


Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Researcher, Oslo Met. 

Rune Fjellheim, Senior Advisor, Saami Council. 

Birgitta Fossum, Museum director at Saemien Sijte- South Sami Museum and Cultural Centre and, 

Mia Krogh, Department manager at Vadsø museum – Ruija kvenmuseum. 

14.35 Final questions and comments.