Lena Schøning

Schøning will publicly defend her PhD-thesis on August 27th. The event is taking place in Auditorium 3 at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. 


Trial lecture - 10.15

"The Norwegian implementation of ocean management: Substantive rules and practical responsibilites"

Disputation - 12.15

Lena Schøning is defending her dissertation for the degree of Ph.D. in law. Her thesis is titled "A Critical Assessment of the Contribution of Integrated Ocean Management to Protection of the Marine Enviroments". The disputation is to be led by Professor Lena R. L. Bendiksen, Dean at The UiT - Faculty of Law.

The assessment committee is comprised of:

Når: 27.08.21 kl 10.15–14.00
Hvor: Auditorium 3
Sted: Digitalt, Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte
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