Bilde av Tugend, Mana Elise Hera
Bilde av Tugend, Mana Elise Hera
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Mana Elise Hera Tugend


Mana is an LL.M. graduate in Polar Law from the University of Akureyri, Iceland, and is currently pursuing a PhD at the Norwegian Center for the Law of the Sea (NCLOS). She specializes in polar issues, (marine) environmental protection, and the rights of nature. Her PhD thesis, titled 'Beyond Rights of Nature: Exploring Care for the More-than-Human in International Environmental Law' explores the limitations of existing legal frameworks in addressing the interconnected socio-ecological crisis and advocates for innovative approaches rooted in diverse perspectives. Focused on integrating the ethics of care with the discourse on the rights of nature, she seeks to foster a more holistic and transformative understanding of humanity's relationship with the natural world. Her thesis aims to contribute to the development of alternative legal paradigms that promote sustainability, equity, and compassion for both humans and the environment.

  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend :
    Reimagining Ocean Connections: Relationality and Care in Ocean Literacy
    Palgrave Macmillan 2025 DOI
  • Konstantinos Deligiannis Virvos, Nikolaos Gkikas, Mazyar Ahmad, Mana Elise Hera Tugend, Mathilde Daasvatn Morel, Dany Channraksmeychhoukroth m.fl.:
    Introduction to the outcomes of the 2023 NCLOS Conference on "Ocean Commons"
    NCLOS Blog 2024
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend :
    Beyond Legal Personhood for Nature: Relational Care in International Environmental Law
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend :
    Tides of Connection
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend, Romain Chuffart :
    Thinking of Polar Law on Speculative Register: What place for legal imagination?
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend, Romain Chuffart :
    Conversations on Polar Speculation(s) and the Legal Imagination
  • Margherita Paola Poto, Mana Elise Hera Tugend, Gilbert Ajebe Akame :
    Discussant on Pachamama: Nature as a legal subject Discussion Moderator: Christina Voigt
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend :
    Beyond State-Centrism in Polar Law: Exploring the Dichotomy of Care versus Rights
  • Nikolaos Gkikas, Mana Elise Hera Tugend :
    Black Letter Stains
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Bastiaan (Bas) Klerk, Nikolaos Gkikas, Konstantinos Deligiannis Virvos :
    Introduction to the Outcomes of the 2022 NCLOS Conference on Ocean Space
    NCLOS Blog 2023
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend :
    Rethinking Environmental Protection: A Critical Analysis of the Rights of Nature
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend :
    Reimagining Ocean Stewardship: Integrating Care in the Rights of Nature Paradigm
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend :
    The Arctic Ocean as a rights-holder?
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend :
    Introduction to the Rights of Nature
  • Mana Elise Hera Tugend :
    The Rights of Nature and the Arctic Ocean

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    Mana's research interests concern international environmental law, Rights of Nature, and Arctic issues.

    Medlem i forskningsgruppe



    9/2021 – Present: PhD Research Fellow, Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea (NCLOS), Tromsø, Norway

    9/2020 – Present: Co-founder of the Arctic Youth Network Oceans Group

    8/2020 – 9/2021: Research and Editing Assistant, NCLOS, Tromsø, Norway

    2/2021 – 4/2021: Assistant Scientific Secretary, North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO), Tromsø, Norway

    4/2020 – 1/2021: Intern, NAMMCO, Tromsø, Norway

    2/2020 – 6/2020: Editing Assistant for the Routeledge Handbook of Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic


    2016 – 2019: LL.M. in Polar Law, University of Akureyri, Iceland
    Master’s thesis: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Establishment of Marine Protected Areas in the Traditional Inuit Territory, under the supervision of Dr. Dorothée Cambou.

    1 – 6/2017: West Nordic Studies Exchange Semester, Nord University, Bodø, Norway

    2015 – 2016: Master 1 in European and International Law, University of Strasbourg, France

    2012 – 2015: Double Bachelor in French and German Law, University of Saarbrücken, Germany, and University of Metz, France