Mathias Novik Jensen,
Eduarda Mazagao Guerreiro,
Agustin Enciso-Martinez,
Sergei G. Kruglik,
Cees Otto,
Omri Snir
Identification of extracellular vesicles from their Raman spectra via self-supervised learning
Eduarda Mazagao Guerreiro,
Sergei G. Kruglik,
Samantha Swamy,
Nadezhda Latysheva,
Bjarne Østerud,
Jean-Michel Guigner
Extracellular vesicles from activated platelets possess a phospholipid-rich biomolecular profile and enhance prothrombinase activity
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2024
Nikhil Jayakumar,
Firehun Tsige Dullo,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Azeem Ahmad,
Florian Ströhl,
Jennifer Cauzzo
Multi-moded high-index contrast optical waveguide for super-contrast high-resolution label-free microscopy
Lara Adnan Aqrawi,
Hilde Galtung,
Eduarda Guerreiro,
Reidun Øvstebø,
Bernd Thiede,
Tor Paaske Utheim
Proteomic and histopathological characterisation of sicca subjects and primary Sjögren’s syndrome patients reveals promising tear, saliva and extracellular vesicle disease biomarkers
Arthritis Research & Therapy 2019
Eduarda Guerreiro,
Beate Vestad,
Lilly Alice Steffensen,
Hans Christian Dalsbotten Aass,
Muhammad Saeed,
Reidun Øvstebø
Efficient extracellular vesicle isolation by combining cell media modifications, ultrafiltration, and size-exclusion chromatography
Lara Adnan Aqrawi,
Hilde Galtung,
Beate Vestad,
Reidun Øvstebø,
Bernd Thiede,
Shermin Rusthen
Identification of potential saliva and tear biomarkers in primary Sjögren’s syndrome, utilising the extraction of extracellular vesicles and proteomics analysis
Arthritis Research & Therapy 2017
Mathias Novik Jensen,
Eduarda Mazagao Guerreiro,
Agustin Enciso-Martinez,
Sergei G. Kruglik,
Cees Otto,
Omri Snir
Raman spectroscopy and self-supervised learning: an approach to a general analysis method
Nikhil Jayakumar,
Firehun Tsige Dullo,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Azeem Ahmad,
Florian Ströhl,
Jennifer Cauzzo
Erratum: Multi-moded high-index contrast optical waveguide for super-contrast high-resolution label-free microscopy (Nanophotonics DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2022-0500.pdf)
Nikhil Jayakumar,
Firehun Tsige Dullo,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Azeem Ahmad,
Jennifer Cauzzo,
Eduarda Mazagao Guerreiro
Label-free imaging on waveguide platform with enhanced resolution and contrast
Eduarda Guerreiro,
Beate Vestad,
Reidun Øvstebø,
Hilde Galtung,
Tine Merete Søland
Extracellular vesicles from oral squamous cell carcinoma cells in culture: isolation and characterization
Eduarda Guerreiro,
Beate Vestad,
Reidun Øvstebø,
Tine Merete Søland,
Hilde Galtung
Isolation of extracellular vesicles - towards understanding vesicles signaling pathway in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells
Eduarda Guerreiro,
Beate Vestad,
Reidun Øvstebø,
Hilde Galtung,
Tine Merete Søland
Extracellular vesicles from oral squamous cell carcinoma cells in culture: isolation and characterization
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 2016