Bilde av von Hanno, Therese
Bilde av von Hanno, Therese
Førsteamanuensis II Institutt for klinisk medisin 906 59 908 Tromsø

Therese von Hanno


Undervisning i øyesykdommer for legestudenter ved campus Bodø

  • Frank C. T. van der Heide, Anthony Khawaja, Tos T. J. M. Berendschot, Thomas J. Littlejohns, Elżbieta Kuźma, Robert Luben m.fl.:
    Associations of inner retinal layers with risk of incident dementia: An individual participant data analysis of four prospective cohort studies
    Alzheimer's & Dementia 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Therese von Hanno, Live Lund Hareide, Lars Småbrekke, Bente Morseth, Monica Sneve, Maja Gran Erke m.fl.:
    Macular Layer Thickness and Effect of BMI, Body Fat, and Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors: The Tromsø Study
    Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Asri Maharani, Piers Dawes, James Nazroo, Gindo Tampubolon, Neil Pendleton, Geir Bertelsen m.fl.:
    Trajectories of recall memory as predictive of hearing impairment: A longitudinal cohort study
  • Asri Maharani, Piers Dawes, James Nazroo, Gindo Tampubolon, Neil Pendleton, Geir Bertelsen m.fl.:
    Associations Between Self-Reported Sensory Impairment and Risk of Cognitive Decline and Impairment in the Health and Retirement Study Cohort
    The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences 2020 DOI
  • Andrea Sofie Henriette Milde Øhrn, Henrik Schirmer, Therese von Hanno, Ellisiv B. Mathiesen, Kjell Arne Arntzen, Geir Bertelsen m.fl.:
    Small and large vessel disease in persons with unrecognized compared to recognized myocardial infarction: The Tromsø Study 2007 – 2008
    International Journal of Cardiology 2018 DOI
  • S Cosh, Therese von Hanno, C Helmer, Geir Bertelsen, C Delcourt, Henrik Schirmer :
    The association amongst visual, hearing, and dual sensory loss with depression and anxiety over 6 years: The Tromsø Study
    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2018 DOI
  • Cécile Delcourt, Mélanie Le Goff, Therese von Hanno, Alireza Mirshahi, Anthony P. Khawaja, Virginie J.M. Verhoeven m.fl.:
    The decreasing prevalence of nonrefractive visual impairment in older Europeans: a meta-analysis of published and unpublished data
    Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Therese von Hanno, Anette Caroline Lade, Ellisiv B. Mathiesen, Tunde Peto, Inger Njølstad, Geir Bertelsen :
    Macular thickness in healthy eyes of adults (N=4508) and relation to sex, age and refraction: The Tromsø Eye Study (2007-08)
    Acta Ophthalmologica 18. desember 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bjørn Odvar Eriksen, Maja-Lisa Løchen, Kjell Arne Arntzen, Geir Bertelsen, Britt-Ann Eilertsen, Therese von Hanno m.fl.:
    Estimated and Measured GFR Associate Differently with Retinal Vasculopathy in the General Population
    Nephron 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Karen Ofte, Therese von Hanno, Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug :
    Reduced cranial parasympathetic tone during the remission phase of cluster headache
    Cephalalgia 2015 DOI
  • Katie M. Williams, Virginie J.M. Verhoeven, Phillippa Cumberland, Geir Bertelsen, Christian Wolfram, Gabriëlle H.S. Buitendijk m.fl.:
    Prevalence of refractive error in Europe: the European Eye Epidemiology (E(3)) Consortium
    European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Katie M. Williams, Geir Bertelsen, Phillippa Cumberland, Christian Wolfram, Virginie J.M. Verhoeven, Eleftherios Anastasopoulos m.fl.:
    Increasing prevalence of myopia in Europe and the impact of education
    Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bjørn Odvar Eriksen, Maja-Lisa Løchen, Kjell Arne Arntzen, Geir Bertelsen, Britt-Ann Eilertsen, Therese von Hanno m.fl.:
    Subclinical cardiovascular disease is associated with a high glomerular filtration rate in the nondiabetic general population
    Kidney International 2014 DOI
  • Therese von Hanno, Anne Katrin Sjølie, Ellisiv B. Mathiesen :
    Retinal vascular calibre and response to light exposure and serial imaging
    Acta Ophthalmologica 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Therese von Hanno, Geir Bertelsen, Anne Katrin Sjølie, Ellisiv B. Mathiesen :
    Retinal vascular calibres are significantly associated with cardiovascular risk factors: The Tromsø Eye Study
    Acta Ophthalmologica 2014 DOI
  • Geir Bertelsen, Maja Gran Erke, Therese von Hanno, Ellisiv B. Mathiesen, Tunde Peto, Anne Katrin Sjølie m.fl.:
    The Tromsø Eye Study: study design, methodology and results on visual acuity and refractive errors
    Acta Ophthalmologica 2013 DOI
  • Therese von Hanno, Geir Bertelsen, Ann Ragnhild Broderstad, Tom Wilsgaard, Ellisiv B. Mathiesen :
    Serum Ferritin and Hemoglobin Are Independently Associated With Wider Retinal Venular Caliber: The Tromso Study 2001-2008
    Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2013 DOI
  • Therese von Hanno, Bettina Kinge, Kristian Fossen :
    Retinal artery occlusion following intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy
    Acta Ophthalmologica 2010 DOI
  • Hilde Karen Ofte, Therese von Hanno, Karl Bjørnar Alstadhaug :
    Retinal vasculature in cluster headache
    Cephalalgia 2017 DOI
  • Therese von Hanno :
    Retinal vascular calibres: Risk factors and methodological aspects of retinal vascular imaging. The Tromsø Eye Study – a part of the Tromsø Study
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014

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