Anders Lund Selli,
Mohammadreza Ghasemi,
Taylor Watters,
Francis Burton,
Godfrey L Smith,
Erik Sveberg Dietrichs
Proarrhythmic changes in human cardiomyocytes during hypothermia by milrinone and isoprenaline, but not levosimendan: an experimental in vitro study
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2023
Adrina Kalasho,
Anders Lund Selli,
Markus Furuholmen,
Natalia Smaglyukova,
Timofey Kondratyev,
Ole Martin Fuskevåg
Moderate but not severe hypothermia increases intracellular cyclic AMP through preserved production and reduced elimination
Anders Lund Selli,
Adrina Kalasho,
Natalia Smaglyukova,
Timofey Kondratyev,
Ole Martin Fuskevåg,
Georg Sager
Pharmacodynamic properties for inhibition of cAMP- and cGMP elimination by pentoxifylline remain unaltered in vitro during hypothermia
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2022
Adrina Kalasho,
Anders Lund Selli,
Natalia Smaglyukova,
Timofey Kondratyev,
Ole Martin Fuskevåg,
Roy Andre Lyså
Treatment of Cardiovascular Dysfunction with PDE3-Inhibitors in Moderate and Severe Hypothermia—Effects on Cellular Elimination of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate and Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate
Frontiers in Physiology 2022
Anders Lund Selli,
Adrina Kalasho Kuzmiszyn,
Natalia Smaglyukova,
Timofey Kondratyev,
Ole Martin Fuskevåg,
Roy Andre Lyså
Treatment of cardiovascular dysfunction with PDE5-inhibitors - temperature dependent effects on transport and metabolism of cAMP and cGMP
Frontiers in Physiology 2021
Erik Sveberg Dietrichs,
Anders Lund Selli,
Timofey Kondratyev,
Karen McGlynn,
Godfrey L Smith,
Torkjel Tveita
Resistance to ventricular fibrillation predicted by the QRS/QTc - ratio in an intact rat model of hypothermia/rewarming
Anders Lund Selli,
Adrina Kalasho,
Natalia Nikolaevna Smaglyukova,
Timofey Kondratyev,
Ole Martin Fuskevåg,
Georg Sager
Correction to: Pharmacodynamic properties for inhibition of cAMP- and cGMP elimination by pentoxifylline remain unaltered in vitro during hypothermia (Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, (2022), 30, 1, (73), 10.1186/s13049-022-01060-y)
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2024
Vibeke Buan,
Adrina Kalasho,
Anders Lund Selli,
Erik Sveberg Dietrichs,
Natalia Smaglyukova,
Timofei Kondratiev
Varmt hjerte for kalde hjerter
11. mars 2022
Anders Lund Selli,
Erik Sveberg Dietrichs
Viagra can potentially save the lives of people with severe hypothermia 2021
Anders Lund Selli,
Erik Sveberg Dietrichs
Undersøker om potensmiddel kan redde nedkjølte mennesker
26. august 2021
Anders Lund Selli,
Erik Sveberg Dietrichs
Viagra kan potensielt redde livet til alvorlig nedkjølte 2021
Anders Lund Selli
Treatment of cardiovascular dysfunction with PDE5-inhibitors
Anders Lund Selli
Hypotermi og hjertesvikt
Anders Lund Selli
Treatment of rewarming shock with PDE-inhibitors - Temperature dependent effects on transport and metabolism of cAMP and cGMP
Frampeik 2019