Larissa Dorothea Kruse,
Christopher Florian Holte,
Barlomiej Zapotoczny,
Eike Christopher Struck,
Jasmin Schürstedt,
Wolfgang Hubner
Hydrogen peroxide damage to rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cells is prevented by n-acetyl-cysteine but not GSH
Hepatology communications. 2025
Hong Mao,
Larissa Dorothea Kruse,
Ruomei Li,
Ana Oteiza,
Eike Christopher Struck,
Jasmin Schürstedt
Impact of oxidized low-density lipoprotein on rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cell morphology and function.
Christopher Florian Holte,
Karolina Joanna Szafranska,
Larissa Dorothea Kruse,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Ruomei Li,
Dmitri Svistounov
Highly oxidized albumin is cleared by liver sinusoidal endothelial cells via the receptors stabilin-1 and -2
Hong Mao,
Karolina Szafranska,
Larissa Dorothea Kruse,
Christopher Florian Holte,
Deanna Wolfson,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Effect of caffeine and other xanthines on liver sinusoidal endothelial cell ultrastructure
Karolina Szafranska,
Christopher Florian Holte,
Larissa Dorothea Kruse,
Hong Mao,
Cristina Ionica Øie,
Marek Symonski
Quantitative analysis methods for studying fenestrations in liver sinusoidal
endothelial cells. A comparative study
Karolina Szafranska,
Larissa Dorothea Kruse,
Christopher Florian Holte,
Peter Anthony McCourt,
Bartlomiej Zapotoczny
The wHole Story About Fenestrations in LSEC
Frontiers in Physiology 2021