Kirsten Buck Rustad,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Sturla Fossum,
Øivin Christiansen,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis
Families refusing assistance from the Norwegian Child Welfare Services - the importance of family characteristics, case processing and identified problems.
Children and Youth Services Review 2025
Kirsten Buck Rustad,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Sturla Fossum,
Øivin Christiansen,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis
Families refusing assistance from the Norwegian child welfare Services- the importance of family characteristics, case processing and identified problems
Children and Youth Services Review 2025
Kirsten Buck Rustad,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Sturla Fossum,
Øivin Christiansen,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis
Families refusing
assistance from the Norwegian child welfare services – The importance of family characteristics, case processing and identified problems.
Children and Youth Services Review 2025
Oda Martine Steinsdatter Øverhaug,
Johanna Laue,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis,
Mette Bech Risør
‘There’s a will, but not a way’: Norwegian GPs’ experiences of collaboration with child welfare services – a grounded theory study
Svein Arild Myhra Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen
What Is the Outcome When Schools Report Concern for a Child to the Norwegian Child Welfare and Protection Services?
Child Abuse Review 2024
Kristel Høie Nilsen,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis,
Anita Iversen
How ‘the System’ Affects job Satisfaction and Intention to Stay or Leave—A Qualitative Study Among Child Welfare and Protection Workers in Norway
Child & Family Social Work 2024
Hervor Alma Arnadottir,
Guðrún Kristinsdottir,
Sissel Seim,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis
Challenges for researchers when getting access to children and young people and their consent in research. A scoping review
Nordic Social Work Research 2023
Astrid Strandbu,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis
Barnets deltakelse i beslutningene
Universitetsforlaget 2023
Svein Arild Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen,
John Fluke,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Øivin Christiansen,
Sturla Fossum
Service Provision by Child Protection Services — Exploring Variability at Case and Agency Levels in a Norwegian Sample
International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice 2023
Kristel Høie Nilsen,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Svein Arild Vis,
Anita Iversen
Factors affecting child welfare and protection workers' intention to quit: a cross-sectional study from Norway
Human Resources for Health 2023
Kirsten Buck Rustad,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Sturla Fossum,
Øivin Christiansen,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis
The impact of case characteristics on child welfare service investigations in Norway
Nordic Social Work Research 2023
Kirsten Buck Rustad,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Sturla Fossum,
Øivin Christiansen,
Svein Arild Vis
The impact of case factors on the initial screening decision in child welfare investigations in Norway
International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect 2022
Kjell Morten Stormark,
Svein Arild Vis
Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Crowell-prosedyren
Svein Arild Vis,
Tonje Berger,
Camilla Lauritzen
Norwegian School Children’s Perceptions of the Child Protection Services
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 2022
Svein Arild Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Charlotte Reedtz,
Bjørn Helge Handegård
Concerns of Parental Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems Reported to Child Welfare Services—Testing a Moderated Mediation Model for Paths From Reports to Substantiated Concern and Service Provision
Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022
Svein Arild Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Øivin Christiansen,
Charlotte Reedtz
Do the child welfare and protection services involve children in cases with parental mental health problems? A Norwegian case-file study.
Frontiers in Psychiatry 07. januar 2022
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Sturla Fossum,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Svein Arild Vis
How does the Kvello assessment framework attend to important dimensions of the children’s needs and welfare? A comparison with the BBIC and the ICS frameworks for child welfare investigations
Nordic Social Work Research 2021
Svein Arild Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen,
John Fluke
Screening decisions for non-abuse concerns reported to child protection agencies- a structural equation model for referral content and decision outcome
Children and Youth Services Review 2021
Svein A. Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen
Child Protection Managers’ Views on Frameworks for Assessment of Children in Need
Svein Arild Myhra Vis,
John Fluke,
Øivin Christiansen,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Anette Christine Iversen
The mediating effects of physical child abuse allegations upon decision to provide child protection services.
Anita Salamonsen,
Mariann Schjølberg Karlsen,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis,
Frank Hansen
Barnevernets undersokelsesarbeid: Fra bekymring til beslutning. Videopresentasjon Involvertseminaret 2022 professor Svein Arild Vis
Svein Arild Myhra Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen
The impact of Covid restrictions upon youth in contact with Child Protection Services
Kirsten Buck Rustad,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Sturla Fossum,
Øivin Christiansen,
Karen J Skaale Havnen
Families refusing service provision from child welfare service
Marie Kvalø,
Sabine Kaiser,
Svein Arild Myhra Vis,
Sturla Fossum
Adolescents treated in child welfare locked institutions: Who commit's drug related crimes and who does not?
Anita Salamonsen,
Svein Arild Vis,
Mariann Schjølberg Karlsen,
Frank Hansen
Å medvirke når barnevernet undersøker: Et videointervju med professor Svein Arild Vis, Regionalt kunnskapssenter for barn og unge - Nord
Svein Arild Vis
Service provision following a child protection investigation - do we need to worry about agency differences?
Svein Arild Vis
Individual indicators for outcome in child protection
Svein Arild Vis
Legislation and best practices relating to participation in the context of child protection
Svein Arild Vis
Agency level indicators for outcome in social work
Svein Arild Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen
The relationship between child welfare and protection services and schools
Svein Arild Vis
Directions for Administrative Data
Svein Arild Vis
Changes in reporting patterns to child welfare and protection services in the Nordic countries following Covid 19
Svein Arild Vis
Samvær etter omsorgsovertagelse
Svein Arild Vis
Journaler som datamateriale i forskning
Svein Arild Vis
Barnevernets undersøkelsesarbeid - fra bekymring til beslutning
Svein Arild Vis
Barnevernundersøkelser i Tromsø kommune
Svein Arild Vis
What determines children's influence in child protection investigations?
Anita Salamonsen,
Svein Arild Vis,
Mariann Schjølberg Karlsen,
Frank Hansen
Barns medvirkning i barnevernssaker: Et videointervju med Svein Arild Vis, førsteamanuensis ved Regioalt kunnskapssenter for barn og unge - Nord (RKBU Nord)
Kirsten Buck Rustad,
Øivin Christiansen,
Svein Arild Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Sturla Fossum
Hva påvirker beslutningen om å undersøke en bekymringsmelding.
En studie på hvordan saksfaktorer påvirker beslutninger hos barneverntjenesten
Anita Salamonsen,
Yngvild Arnesen,
Tove Andersson,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Svein Arild Vis,
Charlotte Reedtz
Utfordringer med barn og unges medvirkning: En undervisningsfilm med refleksjonsspørsmål til fagfolk i tjenester for barn og unge
Svein Arild Vis
Hva skal til for å sikre god kvalitet i barnevernets meldings og undersøkelsesarbeid
Svein Arild Vis
Child protection investigations in Norway - results from a 5 year collaborative study
Svein Arild Vis
Er det behov for ny barnevernlov
Svein Arild Vis
Barnevernets undersøkelsesarbeid - lokal utviklingstrekk
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Øivin Christiansen,
Eirinn Hesvik Ljones,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Veronika Paulsen,
Frederikke Jarlby
Å medvirke når barnevernet undersøker. Delrapport 5. Barnevernets undersøkelsesarbeid fra bekymring til beslutning.
Svein Arild Vis,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Øivin Christiansen,
Camilla Lauritzen
De kunne sagt unnskyld
Kirsten Buck Rustad,
Øivin Christiansen,
Sturla Fossum,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Svein Arild Vis
Hva påvirker beslutningen om å undersøke en
bekymringsmelding? En studie av hvordan saksfaktorer påvirker beslutninger hos barneverntjenesten.
Mariann Schjølberg Karlsen,
Svein Arild Vis,
Camilla Lauritzen
Her er forskernes nye anbefalinger til barnevernet
Svein Arild Vis,
Øivin Christiansen,
Karen J Skaale Havnen,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Anette Christine Iversen,
Torill Tjelflaat
Barnevernets undersøkelsesarbeid- fra bekymring til beslutning. Samlede resultater og anbefalinger
Svein Arild Vis
Hvordan kan barn og unge medvirke i egen barnevernssak?