Jenny Skumsnes Moe,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Ingeborg Bolstad,
Jørg Mørland,
P. Gorwood,
Nicolas Ramoz
Association Between GABRG2 and Self-Rating of the Effects of Alcohol in a French Young Adult Sample
Risk Mangement and Healthcare Policy 2025
Jenny Skumsnes Moe,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Ingeborg Bolstad,
Jørg Gustav Mørland,
Philip Gorwood,
Nicolas Ramoz
Association Between GABRG2 and Self-Rating of the Effects of Alcohol in a French Young Adult Sample
Risk Mangement and Healthcare Policy 2025
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Carsten Hjorthøj,
Solja Niemelä,
Heidi Taipale,
Eline B. Rognli
Discussing the concept of substance-induced psychosis (SIP)
Kristin Nygård-Odeh,
Hedda Soløy-Nilsen,
Magnhild Gangsøy Kristiansen,
Ole Lars Brekke,
Tom Eirik Mollnes,
Michael Berk
Cytokines in hepatitis C-infected patients with or without opioid maintenance therapy
Martin Øverlien Myhre,
Eline B. Rognli,
Fredrik A Walby,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Lars Mehlum
The annual trend of suicide rates from 2010 to 2021 in patients with cannabis use disorder – a national registry study
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2024
Eline B. Rognli,
Anne Bukten,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Marianne Riksheim Stavseth
Tidligere kriminalitet og psykisk helsehjelp hos personer med soningserfaring som blir dømt til tvungent psykisk helsevern
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2024
Fatemeh Chalabianloo,
Lars T. Fadnes,
Kjell Arne Johansson,
Gudrun Høiseth,
Jørn Henrik Vold,
Marianne K. Kringen
Methadone pharmacokinetics in opioid agonist treatment: Influencing factors and clinical implications
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2024
Ruben Rodriguez-Cano,
Karianne Lotre,
Tilmann von Soest,
Eline B. Rognli,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
Loneliness in adolescence and prescription of psychotropic drugs in adulthood: 23-year longitudinal population-based and registry study
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Vidar Hjellvik,
Anne Høye,
Martin Steen Tesli,
Marit Haram,
Wenche Nystad
The epidemiology of major depression among adults in Norway: an observational study on the concurrence between population surveys and registry data – a NCDNOR project
Lars Lien,
Ingeborg Bolstad,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
Is smokeless tobacco a healthier option in patients with AUD? A follow-up study during treatment
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Lars Lien,
Jenny Skumsnes Moe,
Helge Toft,
Susmita Pandey,
Torgeir Gilje Lid
Bariatric surgery patients in AUD treatment in Norway—an exploratory cross-sectional study
Marja Leonhardt,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Eline Rognli,
Lars Lien
Frequency and patterns of substance-induced psychosis in persons with concurrent mental health and substance use disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Norwegian register-based cohort study
Marja Leonhardt,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Lars Lien
Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 and all-cause mortality in persons with co-occurring substance use disorder and mental illness during the pandemic: a Norwegian cohort study
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2023
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
Hva slags medisinsk behandling fikk Fruen fra Havet?
Martin Øverlien Myhre,
Fredrik A Walby,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Lars Mehlum
The temporal association between suicide and comorbid mental disorders in people treated for substance use disorders: a National registry study
Addiction science & clinical practice 2023
Wenche Nystad,
Vidar Hjellvik,
Inger Kristin Larsen,
Trude Eid Robsahm,
Erik Reidar Sund,
Steinar Krokstad
National health registries – a ‘goldmine’ for studying non-communicable disease occurrence in Norway – the NCDNOR project
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2023
Katrine Melby,
Mehdi Farokhnia,
Serenella Tolomeo,
Roshan Bhad,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Alexander Baldacchino
International perspectives on opioid use disorder and treatment: Results from an online convenience sample
Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems 2023
Eline B. Rognli,
Ina Heidi Heiberg,
Bjarne Koster Jacobsen,
Anne Høye,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
Transition From Substance-Induced Psychosis to Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder or Bipolar Disorder
American Journal of Psychiatry 2023
Line Tegner Stelander,
Geir F Lorem,
Anne Høye,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Rolf Wynn,
Ole Kristian Grønli
The effects of exceeding low-risk drinking thresholds on self-rated health and all-cause mortality in older adults: the Tromsø study 1994–2020
Archives of Public Health 2023
Endre Berger,
Ingeborg Bolstad,
Lars Lien,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
The Association Between Regular Physical Activity and Depressive Symptoms Among Patients in Treatment of Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2023
Ingeborg Bolstad,
Lars Lien,
Jenny Skumsnes Moe,
Susmita Pandey,
Helge Toft,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
Inflammatory cytokines in alcohol use disorder patients are lower in smokers and users of smokeless tobacco
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2023
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Knut Ragnvald Skulberg,
Andreas Skulberg,
Jenny Skumsnes Moe,
Jørg Gustav Mørland
The Self-Rated Effects of Alcohol Are Related to Presystemic Metabolism of Alcohol
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Marja Leonhardt,
Geert Dom,
Albert Batalla,
Gerardo Flórez Menéndez,
Karl Mann
Education and Training in Addiction Medicine and Psychology across Europe: A EUFAS Survey
European Addiction Research 2023
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Ina Heidi Heiberg,
Anne Høye,
Ingeborg Margrete Rossow
Mortality and alcohol-related morbidity in patients with delirium tremens, alcohol withdrawal state or alcohol dependence in Norway: A register-based prospective cohort study
Andi Kerr Little,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Ruth C. Newberry,
Stian Biong
Exploring dog ownership in the lives of people with substance use disorder: a qualitative study
Addiction science & clinical practice 2023
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Susmita Pandey,
Jenny Skumsnes Moe,
Helge Toft,
Lars Lien,
Fredrik A Walby
Levels of IL-6 are Associated with Lifetime Attempted Suicide in Alcohol Use Disorder Patients
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2023
Jonna Levola,
Alexander Denisoff,
Antti Mustonen,
Anni-Emilia Alakokkare,
Jouko Miettunen,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
Associations of Adolescent Alcohol Use and Self-Reported Alcohol Tolerance With Risk of Self-Harm and Suicide in Early Adulthood: A Birth-Cohort Study
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2022
Martin Øverlien Myhre,
Fredrik Andreas Walby,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Lars Mehlum
Trajectories of Service Contact before Suicide in People with Substance Use Disorders—A National Register Study
Ingeborg Bolstad,
Anni-Emilia Alakokkare,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Eline B. Rognli,
Jonna Levola,
Antti Mustonen
The relationships between use of alcohol, tobacco and coffee in adolescence and mood disorders in adulthood
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2022
Louis-Ferdinand Lespine,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Baptiste Pignon,
Guillaume Vaiva,
Pierre Thomas,
Jean-Luc Roelandt
Gender-related associations between psychiatric disorders and alcohol use disorder: Findings from the french “Mental health in the general population” survey
Archives of Women's Mental Health 2022
Pia Bondø,
Anne Høye,
Maja-Lisa Løchen,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
The relationship between smokeless tobacco (snus) and anxiety and depression among adults and elderly people. A comparison to smoking in the Tromsø Study
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Susmita Pandey,
Jenny Skumsnes Moe,
Helge Prytz Toft,
Lars Lien,
Ingeborg Bolstad
History of Delirium Tremens in AUD Patients in Treatment: Relationship to AUD Severity and Other Factors
Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation 2022
Ingeborg Bolstad,
Helge Toft,
Lars Lien,
Jenny Skumsnes Moe,
Benjamin Rolland,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
Longitudinal determinants of insomnia among patients with alcohol use disorder
Lars Jøran Kjerpeseth,
Vidar Hjellvik,
Inger Ariansen,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Knut Eirik Dalene,
Steinar Krokstad
Social disparities in multimorbidity of noncommunicable diseases in Norway
2010-2020 – an emerging challenge in a single-disease-focused healthcare system. Data from the NCDNOR project
Per Arne Holman,
Haji Kedir Bedane,
Knut Ivar Osvoll,
Christian Thoresen,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Lars Lien
Geographic Variation in the Utilization of Specialist Healthcare for Patients with Substance Use Disorder in Norway; a Population-Based Registry Study
Lars Jøran Kjerpeseth,
Vidar Hjellvik,
Inger Ariansen,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Knut Eirik Dalene,
Steinar Krokstad
NCD multimorbidity in Norway 2010-2020 – a NCDNOR study
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Marit Edland-Gryt
Økende bruk av kokain
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2024
Martin Øverlien Myhre,
Fredrik A Walby,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Lars Mehlum
Suicide rates and population attributable fraction in different substance use disorders – A national registry study
Eline Rognli,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Anne Høye
Methamphetamine-Induced Psychosis and Schizophrenia: A Call for Special Attention: Response to Zhu et al
American Journal of Psychiatry 2024
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Carsten Hjorthøj,
Solja Niemelä,
Heidi Taipale,
Eline B. Rognli
Problematic diagnosis of substance-induced disorders in ICD-11
European psychiatry 2024
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Erlend Hem
Kald kalkun, kald tyrker eller brå avvenning?
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2023
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Merete Synnøve Horn Vevelstad,
Thomas Anton Sandøy,
Ola Røed Bilgrei
Lystgass: Bruk, helseskader og regulering
Marit Haram,
Anders Andreas Krister Jangmo,
Elise Koch,
Oleguer Plana-Ripoll,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Steinar Krokstad
Depression severity and life years lost
Martin Steen Tesli,
Vidar Hjellvik,
Anders Andreas Krister Jangmo,
Marit Haram,
Inger Ariansen,
Steinar Krokstad
A comprehensive exploration of comorbidity patterns between mental disorders and non-communicable somatic diseases
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Vidar Hjellvik,
Anne Høye,
Martin Steen Tesli,
Marit Haram,
Wenche Nystad
Studying the epidemiology of depressive disorders using central health registries in a Nordic setting – the NCDNOR project
Lars Jøran Kjerpeseth,
Vidar Hjellvik,
Inger Ariansen,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Knut Eirik Dalene,
Steinar Krokstad
NCD multimorbidity in Norway 2010-2020 – a NCDNOR study
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Aslak Syse,
Eline B. Rognli
Rusutløst psykose – en problematisk diagnose
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2023
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
Antidepressiver er ikke avhengighetsskapende
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2022
Jørg Gustav Mørland,
Anne Line Bretteville-Jensen,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
On the duration of cannabis effects and the presence of THC in the body
Jørgen Gustav Bramness
Rusmidler: bruk og avhengighet
Fagbokforlaget 2022