Mehrdad Rakaee,
Masoud Tafavvoghi,
Biagio Ricciuti,
Joao V Alessi,
Alessio Cortellini,
Fabrizio Citarella
Deep Learning Model for Predicting Immunotherapy Response in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Dagny Førde,
Thomas Karsten Kilvær,
Mona Irene Pedersen,
Egil Støre Blix,
Ilona Halva Urbarova,
Erna-Elise Paulsen
High density of TCF1+ stem-like tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes is associated with favorable disease-specific survival in NSCLC
Frontiers in Immunology 2024
Bente Ervik,
Tom Dønnem,
May Lill Johansen
Dying at “home” - a qualitative study of end-of-life care in rural Northern Norway from the perspective of health care professionals
BMC Health Services Research 2023
Per Niklas Benzler Waaler,
Hasse Melbye,
Henrik Schirmer,
Markus Kreutzer Johnsen,
Tom Dønnem,
Johan Fredrik Ravn
Algorithm for predicting valvular heart disease from heart sounds in an unselected cohort
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2023
Erna-Elise Paulsen,
Sigve Andersen,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Mona Irene Pedersen,
Ana Paola Lombardi,
Mette Pøhl
Impact of microvessel patterns and immune status in NSCLC: a non-angiogenic vasculature is an independent negative prognostic factor in lung adenocarcinoma
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Sigve Andersen,
K. Giannikou,
Erna-Elise Paulsen,
Thomas Karsten Kilvær,
Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund
Machine learning-based immune phenotypes correlate with STK11/KEAP1 co-mutations and prognosis in resectable NSCLC: a sub-study of the TNM-I trial
Therese Haugdahl Nøst,
Anne Heidi Skogholt,
Ilona Halva Urbarova,
Robin Mjelle,
Erna-Elise Paulsen,
Tom Dønnem
Increased levels of microRNA-320 in blood serum and plasma is associated with imminent and advanced lung cancer
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Elio Adib,
Biagio Ricciuti,
Lynette M. Sholl Sholl,
Weiwei Shi,
Joao V. Alessi
Association of machine learning-based assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes on standard histologic images with outcomes of immunotherapy in patients with NSCLC
JAMA Oncology 17. november 2022
Therese H. Nøst,
Marit Holden,
Tom Dønnem,
Hege Bøvelstad,
Charlotta Rylander,
Eiliv Lund
Transcriptomic signals in blood prior to lung cancer focusing on time to diagnosis and metastasis
Sissel Gyrid Freim Wahl,
Yan Dai Hong,
Elisabeth Fritzke Emdal,
Thomas Berg,
Tarje Onsøien Halvorsen,
Anine Larsen Ottestad
The prognostic effect of KRAS mutations in non-small cell lung carcinoma revisited: A norwegian multicentre study
Maria Jenvin Støen,
Sigve Andersen,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Mona I. Pedersen,
Lise Martine Ingebriktsen,
Tom Dønnem
Overexpression of mir-20a-5p in tumor epithelium is an independent negative prognostic indicator in prostate cancer—a multi-institutional study
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Thomas Karsten Kilvær,
Simin Jamaly,
Thomas Berg,
Erna-Elise Paulsen,
Marte Berglund
Tertiary lymphoid structure score: a promising approach to refine the TNM staging in resected non-small cell lung cancer
British Journal of Cancer 2021
Maria Jenvin Støen,
Sigve Andersen,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Mona Irene Pedersen,
Lise Martine Ingebriktsen,
Roy M. Bremnes
High expression of miR-17-5p in tumor epithelium is a predictor for poor prognosis for prostate cancer patients
Thomas Karsten Kilvær,
Erna-Elise Paulsen,
Sigve Andersen,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Roy M. Bremnes,
Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund
Digitally quantified CD8+ cells: the best candidate marker for an immune cell score in non-small cell lung cancer?
Elin Richardsen,
Sigve Andersen,
Christian Melbø-Jørgensen,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Nora Ness,
Samer Al-Saad
MicroRNA 141 is associated to outcome and aggressive tumor characteristics in prostate cancer
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Lill-Tove Busund,
Simin Jamaly,
Erna-Elise Paulsen,
Elin Richardsen,
Sigve Andersen
Prognostic Value of Macrophage Phenotypes in Resectable Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Assessed by Multiplex Immunohistochemistry
Thomas Karsten Kilvær,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Turid Hellevik,
Jørg Vik,
Luigi de Petris,
Tom Dønnem
Differential prognostic impact of platelet-derived growth factor receptor Expression in NSCLC
Elin Richardsen,
Sigve Andersen,
Samer Al-Saad,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Yngve Nordby,
Mona Irene Pedersen
Low expression of miR-424-3p is highly correlated with clinical failure in prostate cancer
Tom Dønnem,
Andrew Reynolds,
Elizabeth A. Kuczynski,
Kevin C. Gatter,
Peter B. Vermeulen,
Robert S. Kerbel
Non-angiogenic tumours and their influence on cancer biology
Nature Reviews Cancer 2018
Sigurd Hald,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Inigo Zubiavrre Martinez,
Elin Richardsen,
Samer Al-Saad,
Erna Elise Paulsen
LAG-3 in Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer: Expression in Primary Tumors and Metastatic Lymph Nodes Is Associated With Improved Survival
Clinical Lung Cancer 2018
Kaja Konstanse Skjefstad,
Charles Johannessen,
Thea K.W. Grindstad,
Thomas Karsten Kilvær,
Erna Elise Paulsen,
Mona Irene Pedersen
A gender specific improved survival related to stromal miR-143 and miR-145 expression in non-small cell lung cancer
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Thomas Karsten Kilvær,
Stig Manfred Dalen,
Elin Richardsen,
Erna Elise Paulsen,
Sigurd Hald
Evaluation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes using routine H&E slides predicts patient survival in resected non-small cell lung cancer
Thea K.W. Grindstad,
Elin Richardsen,
Sigve Andersen,
Kaja Konstanse Skjefstad,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Tom Dønnem
Progesterone receptors in prostate cancer: Progesterone receptor B is the isoform associated with disease progression
Yury Kiselev,
Sigve Andersen,
Charles Johannessen,
Bjørn Fjukstad,
Karina Standahl Olsen,
Helge Stenvold
Transcription factor PAX6 as a novel prognostic factor and putative tumour suppressor in non-small cell lung cancer
Thomas Karsten Kilvær,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Turid Hellevik,
Arne Östman,
Carina Strell,
Roy M. Bremnes
Tissue analyses reveal a potential immune-adjuvant function of FAP-1 positive fibroblasts in non-small cell lung cancer
Yngve Nordby,
Elin Richardsen,
Nora Ness,
Tom Dønnem,
Hitendra R.H. Patel,
Lill-Tove Busund
High miR-205 expression in normal epithelium is associated with biochemical failure - An argument for epithelial crosstalk in prostate cancer?
Elio Adib,
falah jabar,
Masoud Tafavvoghi,
Amin Nassar,
Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund,
Tom Dønnem
Artificial Intelligence-powered analysis of the tumor immune microenvironment in primary and metastatic colorectal cancer
falah jabar,
Sigve Andersen,
Erna-Elise Paulsen,
Masoud Tafavvoghi,
Elin Helmine Richardsen,
Sissel Gyrid Freim Wahl
Integrating Artificial intelligence (AI)-based lymphocytic infiltration assessment in early-stage NSCLC: A sub-study of the TNM-I trial
Bente Ervik,
Tom Dønnem,
May Lill Johansen
Home-death in Rural North Norway - Health Care Professionals Perspectives
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Masoud Tafavvoghi,
Elio Adib,
Biagio Ricciuti,
Joao Alessi,
Alessio Cortellini
Artificial intelligence algorithm developed to predict immune checkpoint inhibitors efficacy in non–small-cell lung cancer
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Elio Adib,
Biagio Ricciuti,
Lynette M. Sholl,
Joao V.Alessi,
Alessio Cortellini
Digital quantification of lymphocytic infiltration on routine H&E images and immunotherapy response in non-small cell lung cancer
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Elio Adib,
Biagio Ricciuti,
Lynette M. Sholl,
Weiwei Shi,
Joao V Alessi
Computational pathology by Artificial Intelligence (AI) on quantifying the lymphocytic infiltration predicts the immunotherapy response in NSCLC
Therese Haugdahl Nøst,
Ilona Halva Urbarova,
Anne Heidi Skogholt,
Robin Mjelle,
Erna Elise Paulsen,
Tom Dønnem
Increased levels of mRNAs and miRNAs associated with imminent and advanced lung cancer
Åslaug Helland,
Hege Elisabeth Giercksky Russnes,
Gro Live Fagereng,
Khalid Ibrahim Al-Shibli,
Yvonne Andersson,
Thomas Berg
Correction to: Improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway: IMPRESS-Norway (Journal of Translational Medicine, (2022), 20, 1, (225), 10.1186/s12967-022-03432-5)
Journal of Translational Medicine 2022
Åslaug Helland,
Hege Elisabeth Giercksky Russnes,
Gro Live Fagereng,
Khalid Ibrahim Al-Shibli,
Yvonne Andersson,
Thomas Berg
Improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway: IMPRESS-Norway
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Elio Adib,
Biagio Ricciuti,
Lynette M. Sholl,
Weiwei Shi,
Joao V.Alessi
Artificial intelligence in digital pathology approach identifies the predictive impact of tertiary lymphoid structures with immune-checkpoints therapy in NSCLC
Bente Ervik,
Sigve Andersen,
Helge Skirbekk,
Tom Dønnem
Evaluating a centralised cancer support centre in the remote region of Northern Norway
Rural and remote health 02. september 2020
Sigve Andersen,
Tom Dønnem
Krafttak mot kreft
14. mars 2019
Tom Dønnem,
Sigve Andersen
Jakter på kroppens krigerceller
18. september 2019
Tom Dønnem
Er angiogenese en "hallmark of cancer"? - paradigmeskifte og betydning for behandling
BestPractice Nordic 2019
Tom Dønnem
Lungekreftforskning i et samfunnspersepktiv
Tom Dønnem,
Sigve Andersen
Jakter på kroppens krigerceller
05. september 2019
Tom Dønnem
Tumours are more complicated than previously believed
04. juli 2018
Tom Dønnem
Knuser sentral sannhet innen kreftforskning
16. mai 2018
Tom Dønnem
Kræftsvulster er mere komplicerede, end forskerne tidligere antaget
19. juli 2018
Tom Dønnem
Kreftsvulsten er mer komplisert enn forskerer tidligere har trodd
25. juni 2018
Kaja Konstanse Skjefstad,
Thea K.W. Grindstad,
Mehrdad Rakaee,
Elin Richardsen,
Tom Dønnem,
Thomas Karsten Kilvær
Corrigendum to "Prognostic relevance of estrogen receptor α, β and aromatase expression in non-small cell lung cancer" [Steroids 113 (2016) 5-13]
Tom Dønnem
"Foredrag om forskning og brukermedvirkning"
Tom Dønnem
"Immunologi innen lungekreft"