Dive into the world of Engineering Design and unlock a world of boundless opportunities in a dynamic job market. In our Master's program, you'll embark on thrilling projects like arctic maritime constructions, bridges, lightweight sandwich structures. Honing your skills in designing, modeling, simulating, and enhancing prototypes. Your journey to an exciting and rewarding career begins here.
Bli med inn i en verden av ingeniørdesign og utforsk mulighetene i et dynamisk jobbmarked. Gjennom master i Ingeniørdesign vil du kunne være med på spennende prosjekter som arktiske maritime konstruksjoner, brokonstruksjon og lettvekts sandwichstrukturer. Spiss dine ferdigheter innen design, modellering, simulering og forbedring av prototyper. Din reise mot en spennende karriere starter her.
Her finner du norsk beskrivelse av Ingeniørdesign, sivilingeniør - master
Admission requirements:
A relevant undergraduate Bachelor degree in mechanics, materials, structural, modelling or equivalent.
In addition, the following requirements must be met:
• minimum 25 credits in mathematics (equivalent to Mathematical Methods 1, 2 og 3)
• 5 credits in statistics
• 7,5 ects i physics on a higher level is required.
The requirement for physics can be covered by 7.5 credits in physics, building physics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and/or mechanics of materials.
Applicants from within the Nordic countries:
The application deadline is 15. april - application code 4603
The study is 2 years long, but with the possibility of an arranged course over 4 years for Norwegian/Nordic applicants.
If you don't have enough mathematics and/or physics to qualify for the master's degree, you can take one of these courses in the first semester at UiT in Narvik: TEK-2800 Mathematics 3 (5 ects) and/or TEK-2801 Physics 2 (5 ects)
Applicants from outside the Nordic countries:
Applicants with education from non-Nordic countries must document English language proficiency. You will find more information of English language requirements ++here:
The application deadline is
November 15th for non-EU/EEA applicants (application code 9006)
1st March for EU/EEA + Swiss applicants (application code 7141).
You will find more information about international admission here.
Non-EU students must be prepared to pay tuition fees, more information here
Søkere fra Norge/nordiske land:
Søknadfrist er 15. april for opptak til høstsemesteret - Søking via UiTs Søknadsweb, søknadskode 4603
Studiet er 2-årig, men med mulighet for tilrettelagt løp over 4 år for norske/nordiske søkere.
Her finner du all informasjon knyttet til søking og opptak.
Opptakskrav Ingeniørdesign, sivilingeniør - master:
Bachelorgrad i ingeniørfag eller tilsvarende innen fagområdene mekanikk, bygg, struktur (materialer).
I tillegg må følgende krav være oppfylt:
Det kreves minimum
- 25 studiepoeng i matematikk, tilsvarende Matematikk 1, 2 og 3
- 5 studiepoeng i statistikk
- 7,5 fag i fysikk på høyere nivå.
Kravet til fysikk kan dekkes av 7,5 studiepoeng i fysikk, bygningsfysikk, fluidmekanikk, termodynamikk og/eller fasthetslære.
Har du for lite matematikk og/eller fysikk for å kvalifisere til siv.ing/master i teknologi, kan du ta ett av disse emnene i første semester ved UiT i Narvik: TEK-2800 Matematikk 3 (5 stp) og/eller TEK-2801 Fysikk 2 (5 ects)
Spørsmål om opptak kan rettes til:
Nordic applicants: 4603
EU/EEA + Swiss applicants: 7141
Non-EU/EEA applicants: 9006
Program description
Product forming is one of the most important competition factors for producers of all kind of products. You will be very attractive commodity in an exciting employment market.
In order to have products that function optimally, advanced calculation and design are required. This is what the design engineer strives to do. Through this course you will gain an understanding about how shaping and aesthetic design can work together with strict demands for tolerance and functionality in a product. The most important factors in engineering design are thus calculations skills and applied science, which can be used to solve problems related to design, geometry and material techniques.
The programme is divided into four main sections:
- Product design and design process
- Strength calculation
- Material technology
- Technical scientific calculations
During the course of the study, you will be able to participate in projects where you can design, measure up, model, simulate, redesign and make prototypes.
With a curriculum designed to resonate on a global scale, our Master of Engineering Design at UiT Narvik offers a distinctive blend of subjects and courses, ensuring that you stand out as a highly sought-after candidate in the competitive job market
Learning outcomes
After passing the program, the candidate has the following learning outcomes:
- has advanced knowledge within the academic field of mathematics, physics and engineering and specialized insight in a limited area within the field of engineering design (K1)
- has thorough knowledge of different theories and methods in the field of engineering design (K2)
- can apply knowledge to new areas within the academic field of numerical and analytical calculations, computations, materials, systematic design process, computational methods, engineering design (K3)
- can analyze academic problems on the basis of the history, traditions, distinctive character and place in society of the academic field in engineering (K4)
- can analyze and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to structure and formulate scholarly arguments (S1)
- can analyze existing theories, and interpretations in the field of engineering design and work independently on practical and theoretical problems (S2)
- can use relevant methods in engineering design for research and scholarly in an independent manner (S3)
- can carry out an independent, limited research or development project under supervision and in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics (S4)
- can analyze and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to structure and formulate scholarly arguments (S1)
- can analyze existing theories, and interpretations in the field of engineering design and work independently on practical and theoretical problems (S2)
General competence:
- can analyze relevant academic, professional and research ethical problems (GC1)
- can apply the knowledge and skills within engineering design in new areas in order to carry out advanced assignments and projects (GC2)
- can communicate extensive independent work and masters language and terminology of the academic field of engineering design (GC3)
- can communicate about academic issues, analyses and conclusions in the field of engineering design, both with specialists and the general public (GC4)
- can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes (GC5)
Job prospectives
You can work for anyone who is dependent upon continual development of their products, such as for example, manufacturers, constructors or consultancy firms within car production, space technology, the oil branch, boat and mobile lightweight constructions, house and building detailing, technical equipment, or consumer goods. In addition, you can work in teaching, research and development, continue with a PhD study or you can be a candidate for management positions within public and private sectors. Based upon former experience design engineers are extremely sought after and easily find themselves interesting jobs.
The study provides relevance for job opportunities both nationally and internationally in a number of industries.
Some examples of where some students from master Engineering Design have gotten jobs are
- Aker Solution
- Tomra
- Siemens
- Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace
- Glamox
- Think Nordic
- Design Compagniet
- Forskningsparken
- Norut/ SINTEF
- Raufoss Industrier
- Kværner
- Bane NOR (Jernbaneverket)
- Hydro Aluminium
- Sweco
- Øveraasen
- Kystverket
- UiT Narvik (ph.d.-ph.d.candidates or scientific staff)
- Vard Engineering
Degree Name
Master of Science in Engineering Design / 'Sivilingeniør'Access to further studies
After completing the master study in Engineering design the candidate has a MsS degree which qualify to start as a PhD-student within relevant ph.d.-areas (i.e. mechanical engineering, applied mathematics, computaional methods). UIT Campus Narvik has a ph.d. education within the field of Engineering Science and Technology, which students from Engineering design are qualified to get a position at, if the grading is good enough (for instance for acceptance as a doctoral student), and if there are available positions.
Language of instruction
The language of teaching is Norwegian unless an international student is at place, in such case teaching language is English. Course notes, syllabus material and examination are English.
Teaching and assessment
Refresher course:
In Week 33 a two-days refresher course in linear algebra is offered. In this course, central concepts and methods from previous linear algebra courses will be repeated. Experiences from previous years are that students who participate in this refresher course benefit greatly from this in SMN6190 Linear Algebra II.
All teaching on this program takes place in English.
The programme involves lectured courses, as well as a high degree of problem-based education (i.e. learning-by-doing), where the students spend their time working on relevant projects under supervision of a highly qualified staff. The projects are concerned with relevant topics within the field of engineering design.
Form of assessment
Through the two year master programme in Engineering Design, the students are evaluated in both theoretical knowledge and engineering skills. This evaluation is based on written or oral exams, in addition to written reports and presentation of project results. The programme aims at being international and research-based, and the students will therefore acquire state-of-the-art technological competence.
Mandatory safety training in health, security and environment (HSE)
All students must complete mandatory safety training before they are allowed access and given permission to work in laboratories, workshops and the like. This also goes for participation in fieldwork/research cruises and similar. Please contact your immediate supervisor for list of mandatory courses.
It is possible to study parts of the master program at other universities. An individual plan must in this case be made in accordance with the program coordinator.
Studiesteder du kan utveksle til
Har du spørsmål om studiet?
Send mail til studie-ivt@hjelp.uit.no
15. april er søknadsfristen for søkere med norsk/nordisk utdanningsbakgrunn - søknadskode 4603
Til dette programmet ønskes både norske- og engelskspråklige studenter.
Språk: Forelesningene gis på engelsk. Til eksamen er det mulig å søke om å få oppgavesett og/eller besvare eksamen på et annet språk.
Spørsmål om studiet kan sendes til: studie-ivt@hjelp.uit.no
Spørsmål om opptak kan rettes til: admission@hjelp.uit.no
The candidate will be awarded the right to use the Norwegian professional title sivilingeniør. This right is legally protected in Norway.
Du har rett til å bruke den beskyttede tittelen sivilingeniør etter endt studium. Det vil fremgå av vitnemålet.
Term Plans
Andrei Karzhou