Wei Deng Solvang,
Bjørn Solvang,
Forgo Zoltan,
Heidi Kaartinen,
Hao Yu,
Beibei Shu
Educational Support for SMEs Transitioning from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 - Insights and Lessons Learned from European Cooperation Projects
Hussein Mahdi Yaseen Al-Sallami,
Halldor Arnarson,
Bjørn Solvang,
Bernt Arild Bremdal
Investigation of wireless electrification for a reconfigurable manufacturing cell
Journal of manufacturing systems 2023
Halldor Arnarson,
Hao Yu,
Morten Monland Olavsbråten,
Bernt Arild Bremdal,
Bjørn Solvang
Towards smart layout design for a reconfigurable manufacturing system
Journal of manufacturing systems 2023
Halldor Arnarson,
Syed Abdur Rahman Tahir,
Beibei Shu,
Bernt Arild Bremdal,
Bjørn Solvang
Intelligent and self-reconfigurable manufacturing system
SSRN Electronic Journal 2023
Halldor Arnarson,
Bjørn Solvang
Reconfigurable autonomous industrial mobile manipulator system
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2022
Kevin Bredesen,
Halldor Arnarson,
Bjørn Solvang,
Annette Anfinnsen
Human-robot collaboration for automatic garbage removal
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2022
Tero Kaarlela,
Halldor Arnarson,
Tomi Pitkäaho,
Beibei Shu,
Bjørn Solvang,
Sakari Pieskä
Common Educational Teleoperation Platform for Robotics Utilizing Digital Twins
Tero Kaarlela,
Sakari Pieskä,
Tomi Pitkäaho,
Wei Deng Solvang,
Beibei Shu,
Halldor Arnarson
Robot cell digital twins as a tool for remote collaboration between organizations
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2022
Beibei Shu,
Halldor Arnarson,
Bjørn Solvang,
Tero Kaarlela,
Sakari Pieskä
Platform independent interface for programming of industrial robots
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2022
Halldor Arnarson,
Bernt Arild Bremdal,
Bjørn Solvang
Reconfigurable Manufacturing: Towards an industrial Big Data approach
IEEE ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics 2022
Halldor Arnarson,
Hussein Mahdi Yaseen Al-Sallami,
Bjørn Solvang,
Bernt Arild Bremdal
Towards automatic configuration and programming of a manufacturing cell
Journal of manufacturing systems 2022
Bjørn Solvang,
Beibei Shu,
Halldor Arnarson
The application of virtual reality in programming of a manufacturing cell
IEEE conference proceedings 2021
Halldor Arnarson,
Bjørn Solvang,
Beibei Shu
The application of open access middleware for cooperation among heterogeneous manufacturing systems
IEEE conference proceedings 2020
Beibei Shu,
Gabor Sziebig,
Bjørn Solvang
Introduction of cyber-physical system in robotized press-brake line for metal industry
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 2018
Hao Yu,
Wei Deng Solvang,
Bjørn Solvang
A Goal Programming Approach for Green Supply
Chain Network Optimization
Hao Yu,
Wei Deng Solvang,
Bjørn Solvang
A multi-objective mathematical programming for sustainable reverse logistics network design. Part II: Model application and analysis
Hao Yu,
Wei Deng Solvang,
Bjørn Solvang
A multi-objective mathematical programming for sustainable reverse logistics network design. Part I: Model formulation
Simo Jokanovic,
Bjørn Solvang,
Trygve Thomessen,
Gábor Sziebig
Integration of Distributed Production Resources by Means of RT-Middleware and Virtual Reality
Simo Jokanovic,
Bjørn Solvang,
Trygve Thomessen,
Gábor Sziebig
Integration of distributed production resources by means of RT-middleware and virtual reality [abstract]
Sule Yayilgan,
Aurilla Aurelie Arntzen Bechina,
Gry Helene Stavseng,
Milena Ljubicic,
Bjørn Solvang,
Richard Meadow
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation (KTI): Opportunities, Issues and Challenges of KTI transfer between Norway and the Balkans countries
IEEE conference proceedings 2015
Tanja Kerezovic,
Gábor Sziebig,
Bjørn Solvang,
Tihomir Latinovic
Human Safety in Robot Applications - Review of Safety Trends
Acta Technica Corvininesis 2013
Nikola Malesevic,
Gábor Sziebig,
Bjørn Solvang,
Tihomir Latinovic
Simulation of Robotic Tasks with VALIP System - Practical Application
Nikola Malesevic,
Gábor Sziebig,
Bjørn Solvang,
Tihomir Latinovic
Simulation of Robotic Tasks with VALIP System - Practical Application [abstract]
Tanja Kerezovic,
Gábor Sziebig,
Bjørn Solvang,
Tihomir Latinovic
Human Safety in Robot Applications - Review of Safety Trends [abstract]
Bjørn Solvang,
Gábor Sziebig
On Industrial Robots and Cognitive Infocommunication
IEEE conference proceedings 2012
Wei Deng Solvang,
Bjørn Solvang
Understanding Cognitive Aspects in Measuring Flexibility of a Manufacturing Supply Chain
IEEE conference proceedings 2012
Bjørn Solvang,
Gábor Sziebig,
Peter Korondi
Shop-Floor Architecture for Effective Human-Machine and Inter-Machine Interaction
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (APH) 2012
Bjørn Solvang,
Wei Deng Solvang
Real-time Positional Error Compensation for Industrial Robots
Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems 2011
Wei Deng Solvang,
Bjørn Solvang
Integrating Qualified and Quantified Measures in Measurement of Supply Chain Flexibility – an AI approach
Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems 2011
Tamas Pallos,
Gábor Sziebig,
Peter Korondi,
Bjørn Solvang
Multiple-Camera Optical Glyph Tracking
Advanced Materials Research 2011
Gábor Sziebig,
Peter Balint Zanaty,
Peter Korondi,
Bjørn Solvang
Cog Framework-3D Visualization for Mobile Robot Teleoperation
Advanced Materials Research 2011
Béla Takarics,
Gábor Sziebig,
Bjørn Solvang,
Peter Korondi
Multimedia Educational Material and Remote Laboratory for Sliding Mode Control Measurements
Journal of Power Electronics (JPE) 2010
Peter Korondi,
Peter Baranyi,
Hideki Hashimoto,
Bjørn Solvang
3D-based internet communication and control
Bjørn Solvang,
Lars Kristian Refsahl,
Gabor Sziebig
Step-NC based industrial robot CAM system
Gabor Sziebig,
Bjørn Solvang,
Csaba Kiss,
Peter Korondi
Vibro-tactile feedback for VR systems
IEEE conference proceedings 2009
Bjørn Solvang,
Gabor Sziebig,
Peter Korondi
Vision based robot programming
IEEE conference proceedings 2008
Wei Deng Solvang,
Bjørn Solvang
Special Issue: CogInfoCom enabled research and applications in engineering
International Journal of Intelligent Decision Technologies 2015
Henrik Nergård,
Åsa Ericsson,
Johan Wenngren,
Bjørn Solvang,
Wei Deng Solvang,
Gábor Sziebig
Sustainable Manufacturing and Engineering (SMaE) : Final Project Report 2012-2014
Gábor Sziebig,
Bjørn Solvang,
Terje Kristoffer Lien,
Peter Korondi
Man-machine and inter-machine interaction in flexible manufacturing systems. Thesis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor
Bjørn Solvang,
Henrik Nergård
DIM Digital Integrated Manufacturing 1.9.2009-28.2.2012
Henrik Nergård,
Christian Johansson,
Bjørn Solvang,
Wei Deng Solvang,
Sakari Pieskä,
Jouko Kärkkäinen
Current Status and Upcoming Needs in SME's in Northern Regions of Finland, Norway and Sweden : Technologies, Personnel, Market and ICT in the Business Process
Bjørn Solvang,
Wei Deng Solvang
Kinematic modeling and control in high accuracy robot applications
Wei Deng Solvang,
Bjørn Solvang
Quantifying Flexibility of Manufacturing Supply Chains - an AI Approach
Gabor Sziebig,
Péter Zanaty,
Peter Korondi,
Bjørn Solvang
Cog framework - 3D visualization for mobile robot teleoperation
Gabor Sziebig,
Béla Takarics,
Peter Korondi,
Bjørn Solvang
Telemanipulation without physical contact in the intelligent space
Tamás Pallos,
Gabor Sziebig,
Peter Korondi,
Bjørn Solvang
Multiple-camera optical glyph tracking
Peter Korondi,
Bjørn Solvang,
Peter Baranyi
Cognitive robotics and telemanipulation
Peter Baranyi,
Bjørn Solvang,
Hideki Hashimoto,
Peter Korondi
3D internet for cognitive info-communication