Christian Nøhr,
Heidi Gilstad,
Tuulikki Vehko,
Jarmo Reponen,
Sidsel Villumsen,
Gudrun A. Hardardottir
Citizens Access to Health Information in National Portals in the Nordic Countries
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2024
Ove Kumetz Bomhoff Lintvedt,
Espen Solbakken Nordheim,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Terje Geir Solvoll,
Rune Pedersen
Work Related Quality of Life and HIS Usability: An Examination of Human Factors' Impact on Electronic Health Record usability during the Adoption of a New Electronic Health Record System in Norway
International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED) 2024
Olga Golburean,
Espen Solbakken Nordheim,
Arild Faxvaag,
Rune Pedersen,
Ove Kumetz Bomhoff Lintvedt,
Luis Marco Ruiz
A systematic review and proposed framework for sustainable learning healthcare systems
International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund,
Rune Pedersen
Exploring the Emergence of Open Platforms in Healthcare: Design Considerations and Experiences from an Initial Case in Norwegian Primary Care
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2023
Ove Kumetz Bomhoff Lintvedt,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Rune Pedersen
User Satisfaction with Recently Deployed Electronic Health Records
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2023
Ove Kumetz Bomhoff Lintvedt,
Espen Solbakken Nordheim,
Rune Pedersen
Electronic Health Records User Satisfaction: Experience after implementation of a new system in Northern Norway
International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED) 2023
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Line Silsand,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen
Preconditions for Implementing a Nursing App to Improve Digital Maturity
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2023
Rune Pedersen,
Espen Solbakken Nordheim,
Ove Kumetz Bomhoff Lintvedt,
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund,
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
The Knowledge of Implementation Strategies: Impact of the Installed Base
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2023
Olga Golburean,
Ove Lintvedt,
Espen Solbakken Nordheim,
Rune Pedersen,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Arild Faxvaag
Does your EHR support a Learning Healthcare System? An exploration of possible indicators
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 2022
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Line Silsand,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen,
Gunnar Ellingsen
Introducing Lightweight IT – A Way to Build Flexibility for Healthcare Organizations?
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2022
Ove Lintvedt,
Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi,
Espen Solbakken Nordheim,
Rune Pedersen,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Halvard Lærum
Electronic Health Records User Experiences: a Nationwide Survey From Norwegian Hospitals.
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2022
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen,
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
Measuring Perceptions of Openness in Health Information Technology Platforms
Results from Pilot Testing Proposed Survey Framework
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2022
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Line Silsand,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen,
Beate Sørslett,
Gunnar Ellingsen
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing a Nursing App
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2022
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Line Silsand,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen
Interoperability and Governance; Important Preconditions for Establishing Large-Scale Healthcare Infrastructures like the Akson Program in Norway
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2022
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund,
Rune Pedersen
How does users of modern EHR perceive the usability, user resistance and productivity
five years or more after implementation?
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2022
Rune Pedersen,
Luis Marco Ruiz
Evidence-based biomedical
information systems: The road ahead
Line Silsand,
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Rune Pedersen
Structuring the Electronic Patient Record; an Easy Way to Improve Data Usability?
Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies 2021
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Alexandra Makhlysheva,
Rune Pedersen
Towards a National Clinical Decision Support Framework for Norway: Expert
Assessment and Proposed Architecture
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2020
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Line Silsand,
Rune Pedersen,
Gunnar Ellingsen
Socio-technical Requirements for Expert Users to Design Structured User-Interfaces
for OpenEHR-based Electronic Health Records
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2020
Andrius Budrionis,
Rune Pedersen,
Torbjørn Torsvik,
Karianne Fredenfeldt Lind,
Omid Saadatfard
Leveraging Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Monitoring E-health Publications
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2020
Linda W. Peute,
Valentina Lichtner,
Melissa T. Baysari,
Maria Hägglund,
Juell Homco,
Stephanie Jansen-Kosterink
Challenges and Best Practices in Ethical Review
of Human and Organizational Factors Studies
in Health Technology: a Synthesis of Testimonies
Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2020
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Rune Pedersen
The Patient Summary Case: Challenges in Archetypes Terminology Binding Using SNOMED-CT Compositional
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2019
Halgeir Holthe,
Rune Pedersen
Electronic Patient Communication in Norwegian Municipal Health Institutions
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2019
Andrius Budrionis,
Karianne Fredenfeldt Lind,
Inger Marie Holm,
Omid Saadatfard,
Rune Pedersen
Establishing Baseline in the Status of E-health Research in Norway
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2019
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Emma Rødsjø Evenstad,
Rune Pedersen
Efforts on using standards for defining the structuring of electronic health record data: A scoping review
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 2019
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Line Silsand,
Gunnar Ellingsen,
Rune Pedersen
From Free-Text to Structure in Electronic
Patient Records
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2019
Line Melby,
Hege Kristin Andreassen,
Torbjørn Torsvik,
Gunnar Ellingsen,
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Line Silsand
Ambivalently awaiting: Norwegian general practitioners' expectations towards a cross-Institutional Electronic health record
Olga Golburean,
Arild Faxvaag,
Rune Pedersen,
Line Melby
Old Habits Die Hard – Doctors’ Experiences with Laying Off Free-Text Documentation in the Face of a New, Structured Documentation Regime
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen
Kunstig intelligens endrer helsevesenet og utfordrer forskningen
Dagens medisin 2024
Arild Faxvaag,
Rune Pedersen
Old Habits Die Hard – Doctors’ Experiences with Laying Off Free-Text Documentation in the Face of a New, Structured Documentation Regime
Ove Kumetz Bomhoff Lintvedt,
Espen Solbakken Nordheim,
Rune Pedersen
Electronic Health Records User Satisfaction: Experience after implementation of a new system in Northern Norway
Jeppe Eriksen,
Camilla Bidstrup Hjermitslev,
Vehko Tuulikki,
Gudrun Audur Hardardóttir,
Sabine Koch,
Arild Faxvaag
A Nordic survey to monitor citizens use and experience with eHealth
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen,
Stein Olav Skrøvseth
Strukturerte helsedata – frustrerende eller nyttig?
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2023
Rune Pedersen,
Paolo Zanaboni
Presentasjon av E-helseforskning
Rune Pedersen
Rune Pedersen
Helhetlige pasientforløp - presentasjon for Universitetet i Oulu
Ove Lintvedt,
Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi,
Espen Solbakken Nordheim,
Rune Pedersen,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Halvard Lærum
Electronic Health Records user experiences: a nationwide survey from Norwegian hospitals
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Line Silsand,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen,
Beate Sørslett,
Gunnar Ellingsen
Intended and Unintended Consequences of Implementing a Nursing App
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen
Measuring Perceptions of Openness in Health Information Technology Platforms Results from Pilot Testing Proposed Survey Framework
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Line Silsand,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen
Interoperability and Governance; Important Preconditions for Establishing Large-Scale Healthcare Infrastructures like the Akson Program in Norway
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund,
Rune Pedersen
How Do Users of Modern EHR Perceive the Usability, User Resistance and Productivity Five Years or More After Implementation?
Rune Pedersen,
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Store IT-prosjekter må ha med forskning fra A til Å
Andrius Budrionis,
Karianne Fredenfeldt Lind,
Inger Marie Holm,
Omid Saadatfard,
Rune Pedersen
Establishing Baseline in the Status of E-health Research in Norway
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen,
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
Open or Closed: Investigating two different EHR platform approaches
Rune Pedersen
Lessons learned on how to plan an openEHR implementation
Rune Pedersen
Structuring EHR Data, using Medical Quality Registry Information?
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen,
Rune Pedersen,
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
Open or Closed: A project proposal for investigating two different EHR platform approaches
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2019
Line Silsand,
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Rune Pedersen,
Gunnar Ellingsen
Preconditions for Enabling Advanced Patient Centered Decision Support on a National Knowledge Information Infrastructure
Line Silsand,
Gro-Hilde Severinsen,
Rune Pedersen,
Gunnar Ellingsen
Preconditions for enabling advanced patient-centered decision support on a national knowledge information infrastructure
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2019
Line Silsand,
Rune Pedersen,
Gro-Hilde Ulriksen
Establishing an Evidence Based Knowledge Platform for Norwegian Healthcare