Katie Herlingshaw,
Noora Partamies,
Charlotte Van Hazendonk,
Mikko Syrjäsuo,
Lisa Baddeley,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Science highlights from the Kjell Henriksen Observatory on Svalbard
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
F.L. Poblet,
J.L. Chau,
V. Avsarkisov,
Hans Laszlo Pecseli,
M. Tsutsumi
Dissipation Rates of Mesospheric Stratified Turbulence From Multistatic Meteor-Radar Observations
Geophysical Research Letters 2024
Ingeborg Frøystein,
Andres Spicher,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
On the Identification of the Dayside Auroral Region Using Incoherent Scatter Radar
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2024
Elisa Robert,
Mathieu Barthélemy,
Gaël Cessateur,
Angélique Woelfflé,
Hervé Lamy,
Simon Bouriat
Reconstruction of electron precipitation spectra at the top of the upper atmosphere using 427.8 nm auroral images
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 2023
Léo Bosse,
Jean Lilensten,
Nicolas Gillet,
Colette Brogniez,
Olivier Pujol,
Sylvain Rochat
Night light polarization: Modeling and observations of light pollution in the presence of aerosols and background skylight or airglow
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2023
Ben Reid,
David R. Themens,
A McCaffrey,
P.T. Jayachandran,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Thomas Ulich
A-CHAIM: Near-Real-Time Data Assimilation of the High Latitude Ionosphere With a Particle Filter
Satonori Nozawa,
Norihito Saito,
Takuya D. Kawahara,
Satoshi Wada,
Takuo T. Tsuda,
S Maeda
A statistical study of convective and dynamic instabilities in the polar upper mesosphere above Tromsø
Earth, Planets and Space 2023
Keisuke Hosokawa,
S.-I. Oyama,
Y. Ogawa,
Y. Miyoshi,
S. Kurita,
M. Teramoto
A Ground-Based Instrument Suite for Integrated High-Time Resolution Measurements of Pulsating Aurora With Arase
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2023
Léo Bosse,
Jean Lilensten,
Nicolas Gillet,
Colette Brogniez,
Olivier Pujol,
Sylvain Rochat
At the source of the polarisation of auroral emissions: experiments and modeling
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 01. april 2022
Kyle R. Murphy,
I. Jonathan Rae,
Alexa J. Halford,
Mark Engebretson,
Christopher T. Russell,
Jürgen Matzka
GMAG: An open-source python package for ground-based magnetometers
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2022
Sota Nanjo,
Satonori Nozawa,
Masaki Yamamoto,
Tetsuya Kawabata,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Takuo T. Tsuda
An automated auroral detection system using deep learning: real-time operation in Tromsø, Norway
Léo Bosse,
Jean Lilensten,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Nicolas Gillet,
Sylvain Rochat,
Alain Delboulbé
The polarisation of auroral emissions: A tracer of the E region ionospheric currents
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 2022
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Matthias Clahsen,
Jorge L. Chau,
Toralf Renkwitz,
Ralph Latteck,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Multiple E-Region Radar Propagation Modes Measured by the VHF SIMONe Norway System During Active Ionospheric Conditions
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2022
Toralf Renkwitz,
Ralph Latteck,
Irina Strelnikova,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Jorge L. Chau
Characterization of polar mesospheric VHF radar echoes during solar
minimum winter 2019/2020. Part I: Ionisation
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2021
Chris Hall,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
On the correction of temperatures derived from meteor
wind radars due to geomagnetic activity
Experimental Results 12. august 2021
Chris Hall,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
On the relation between ionospheric parameters and sunspot number
Daniel Nyqvist,
Caroline Durif,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Karen de Jong,
Tonje Nesse Forland,
Lise Doksæter Sivle
Electric and magnetic senses in marine animals, and potential behavioral effects of electromagnetic surveys
Marine Environmental Research 2020
Léo Bosse,
Jean Lilensten,
Nicolas Gillet,
Sylvain Rochat,
Alain Delboulbé,
Stephane Curaba
On the nightglow polarisation for space weather exploration
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 28. juli 2020
Chris Hall,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Influence of Geomagnetic Activity on Derivation of Temperatures From Meteor Wind Radars
Masatoshi Yamauchi,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Carl-Fredrik Enell,
Anders Tjulin,
Anna Willer,
Dmitry A. Sormakov
High-latitude crochet: Solar-flare-induced magnetic disturbance independent from low-latitude crochet
Inge Edvardsen,
E Nyrnes,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Truls Lynne Hansen,
I. Aarnes
How To Manage Geomagnetic-Field Disturbances in the Northern Auroral Zone To Improve the Accuracy of Magnetic Measurement-While-Drilling Directional Surveys
SPE Drilling & Completion 2019
Shinici Ohtani,
Jesper Gjerløv,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Masatoshi Yamauchi,
Urban Brändström,
Andrew M. Lewis
Solar illumination dependence of the auroral electrojet intensity: Interplay between the solar zenith angle and dipole tilt
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2019
Chris Hall,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Possible influence of variations in the geomagnetic field on migration paths of snow buntings
International Journal of Astrobiology 2019
Mathieu Barthélemy,
Hervé Lamy,
Anne Vialatte,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Gaël Cessateur,
Naïma Zaourar
Measurement of the polarisation in the auroral N 2 427.8 nm band
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 2019
Ingrid Mann,
Kirsti Kauristie,
Ruth Bamford,
Ian McCrea,
Jøran Idar Moen,
Kjellmar Oksavik
Challenges and Strategic Research Plans for Earth and Heliosphere: Research Infrastructures, Projects and Initiatives
M Yamauchi,
Timothy Sergiengko,
Carl-Fredrik Enell,
A. Schillings,
R. Slapak,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Ionospheric response observed by EISCAT during the September 6‐8, 2017, space weather event: overview
Young-Sook Lee,
Young Ha Kim,
Kyung-Chan Kim,
Young-Sil Kwak,
Timothy Sergiengko,
Sheila Kirkwood
EISCAT Observation of Wave‐Like Fluctuations in Vertical Velocity of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes Associated With a Geomagnetic Disturbance
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2018
Norah Kaggwa Kwagala,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Dag Arne Lorentzen,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Karl Magnus Laundal
Seasonal and solar cycle variations of thermally excited 630.0 nm emissions in the polar ionosphere
Nadezda Yagova,
Natalia Nosikova,
Lisa Baddeley,
Olga Kozyreva,
Dag Arne Lorentzen,
Vyacheslav Pilipenko
Non-triggered auroral substorms and long-period (1–4 mHz) geomagnetic and auroral luminosity pulsations in the polar cap
Norah Kaggwa Kwagala,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Dag Arne Lorentzen,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
How often do thermally excited 630.0 nm emissions occur in the Polar Ionosphere?
Jean Lilensten,
Mathieu Barthélemy,
Gérard Besson,
Hervé Lamy,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Jøran Idar Moen
The thermospheric auroral red line Angle of Linear Polarization
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2016
Norah Kaggwa Kwagala,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Dag Arne Lorentzen,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
On the contribution of thermal excitation to the total
630.0 nm emissions in the northern
cusp ionosphere
Inge Edvardsen,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Unni Pia Løvhaug
Effects of substorm electrojet on declination along concurrent geomagnetic latitudes in the northern auroral zone
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 2016
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Ingeborg Frøystein
A century of geomagnetic activity in Norway
Ingeborg Frøystein,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Long-term analysis of Norwegian K-indices
Kristian Thinn Solheim,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Geomagnetic induced currents in long subsea power cables
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Ingrid Mann,
Lisa Baddeley,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Lasse Clausen,
Michael Gausa
EISCAT 3D Norway - An Overview
Peter Wintoft,
Magnus Wik,
Ari Viljanen,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Kristian Thinn Solheim,
Luciano Rodriguez
Real-time challenges for space weather predictions: October-November 2021 solar and geomagnetic events for Scandinavia
Kristian Thinn Solheim,
Olve Mo,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Geomagnetically induced currents in a Norwegian transformer station
Per Ivar Emanuelsen,
Chris Hall,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Simple Minimalistic Offline Plotting of CADI Data Files
Daniel Nyqvist,
Tonje Nesse Forland,
Lise Doksæter Sivle,
Caroline Durif,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Karen de Jong
Electric and magnetic senses in marine animals , and potential effects of electromagnetic surveys
Norah Kaggwa Kwagala,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Dag Arne Lorentzen,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Karl Magnus Laundal
Thermally excited 630.0 nm emissions in the polar ionosphere
Kate Maxwell,
Unni Pia Løvhaug,
Per Pippin Aspaas,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Bente Heimtun,
Per helge Nylund
Nordlyset hjemme – Nordlysvitenskap og UiT i 100 år
Nordlyset hjemme – Nordlysvitenskap og UiT i 100 år 2018
Inge Edvardsen,
Erik Nyrnes,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Truls Lynne Hansen,
I. Aarnes
How to Manage Geomagnetic Field Disturbances in the Northern AuroralZone to Improve Accuracy of Magnetic MWD Directional Surveys
Norah Kaggwa Kwagala,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Dag Arne Lorentzen,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Thermally excited 630.0 nm emissions in the polar ionosphere
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Historisk overblikk: Norsk Geofysisk Forening gjennom 100 år
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Redaktørens forord
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Norsk Geofysisk Forening 100 år - En samling artikler i anledning foreningens 100-årsjubileum i 2017
Norah Kaggwa Kwagala,
Kjellmar Oksavik,
Dag Arne Lorentzen,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Thermally Excited 630.0 nm Emissions in the Polar Ionosphere