Bilde av Haugnes, Hege Sagstuen
Bilde av Haugnes, Hege Sagstuen
Professor i onkologi Institutt for klinisk medisin +47 99277080 Hammerfest

Hege Sagstuen Haugnes


Jeg jobber som professor i onkologi i 50% stilling ved UiT, kombinert med 50% stilling som seksjonsoverlege i uro-onkologi ved Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge

  • Rune Sundset, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Alexander Perez, Ola Engelsen, Ida Fosseide, Miguel Castillejo m.fl.:
    Behandling av kastrasjonsresistent metastatisk prostatakreft med [177Lu]PSMA-radioligand
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Axel Gerdtsson, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard, Bjarte Almås, Anna Grenabo Bergdahl, Gabriella Cohn-Cedermark, Ingrid Glimelius m.fl.:
    Initial surveillance in men with marker negative clinical stage IIA non-seminomatous germ cell tumours
    BJU International 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna Thor, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard, Anna Grenabo Bergdahl, Bjarte Almås, Signe Melsen Larsen, Per-Olof Lundgren m.fl.:
    Primary Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection as Treatment for Low-volume Metastatic Seminoma in a Population-based Cohort: The Swedish Norwegian Testicular Cancer Group Experience
    European Urology Open Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Martin Støyten, Tore Knutsen, Einar Stikbakke, Ingvild Agledahl, Tom Wilsgaard, Anne Elise Eggen m.fl.:
    Excess weight, weight gain, and prostate cancer risk and prognosis: the PROCA-life study
    Acta Oncologica 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna Thor, Mette Pernille Myklebust, Anna Grenabo Bergdahl, Per-Olof Lundgren, Viktor Skokic, Bjarte Almås m.fl.:
    miR-371a-3p Predicting Viable Tumor in Patients Undergoing Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Metastatic Testicular Cancer: The SWENOTECA-MIR Study
    Journal of Urology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Line Veronika Hjelle, Marie Grøn Sælen, Erling Johan Aarsæther, Tore Knutsen, Sigve Andersen, Anne Gry Bentzen m.fl.:
    The Longitudinal Course of Prospectively Recorded Patient-reported Outcomes in Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Surgery and Salvage Radiotherapy
    European Urology Open Science 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Axel Gerdtsson, Gustav Torisson, Anna Thor, Anna Grenabo Bergdahl, Bjarte Almås, Ulf Håkansson m.fl.:
    Validation of a prediction model for post-chemotherapy fibrosis in nonseminoma patients
    BJU International 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lene Thorsen, Kerry S. Courneya, Jostein Steene-Johannessen, Jon Michael Gran, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard m.fl.:
    Association of physical activity with overall mortality among long-term testicular cancer survivors: A longitudinal study
    International Journal of Cancer 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marie Grøn Sælen, Line Veronika Hjelle, Erling Johan Aarsæther, Tore Knutsen, Sigve Andersen, Anne Gry Bentzen m.fl.:
    Patient-reported outcomes after curative treatment for prostate cancer with prostatectomy, primary radiotherapy or salvage radiotherapy
    Acta Oncologica 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ramesh Upreti, Elia Mmbaga, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Cecilie E. Kiserud, Ruby del Risco Kollerud :
    Most common health problems in general practice among adolescents, and young adults’ survivors of lymphoma: a register-based cohort study in Norway
    Acta Oncologica 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Alv A Dahl, Cecilie E. Kiserud, Alexander Fosså, Jakob Rasmussen Skalleberg m.fl.:
    Adverse health outcomes and global quality of life in long-term testicular cancer survivors: a longitudinal 30-year perspective
    Annals of Oncology 21. september 2023 DOI
  • Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Alv A Dahl, Lene Thorsen, Ragnhild Hellesnes, Cecilie E. Kiserud, Torgrim Tandstad m.fl.:
    Mortality and Second Cancer Incidence after Treatment for Testicular Cancer: Psychosocial Health and Lifestyle Are Modifiable Prognostic Factors
    Journal of Clinical Oncology 05. april 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Einar Stikbakke, Tom Wilsgaard, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Mona Irene Pedersen, Tore Knutsen, Martin Støyten m.fl.:
    Expression of miR-24-1-5p in Tumor Tissue Influences Prostate Cancer Recurrence: The PROCA-life Study
    Cancers 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jan Oldenburg, D.M. Berney, C. Bokemeyer, Miguel Angel Climent, G. Daugaard, Jourik A. Gietema m.fl.:
    Testicular seminoma and non-seminoma: ESMO-EURACAN Clinical Practice Guideline for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up
    Annals of Oncology 2022 DOI
  • Hege S. Haugnes, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard, Hilde Jensvoll, Tom Wilsgaard, Torgrim Tandstad, Arne Solberg :
    Thromboembolic Events During Treatment with Cisplatin-based Chemotherapy in Metastatic Testicular Germ-cell Cancer 2000–2014: A Population-based Cohort Study
    European Urology Open Science 15. august 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anders W. Bjerring, Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Ragnhild Veline Nome, Thomas Muri Stokke, Kristina Haugaa m.fl.:
    The cardiac impact of cisplatin-based chemotherapy in survivors of testicular cancer: A 30-year follow-up
    European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Axel Gerdtsson, Anna Thor, Anna Bergdahl Grenabo, Bjarte Almås, Ulf Håkansson, Magnus Törnblom m.fl.:
    Unilateral or Bilateral Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection in Nonseminoma Patients with Postchemotherapy Residual Tumour? Results from RETROP, a Population-based Mapping Study by the Swedish Norwegian Testicular Cancer Group
    European Urology Oncology (EUO) 06. mars 2021 DOI
  • Mette Pernille Myklebust, Anna Thor, Nina Benedikte Rosenlund, Peder Gjengstø, Åsa Karlsdottir, Marianne Brydøy m.fl.:
    Serum miR371 in testicular germ cell cancer before and after orchiectomy, assessed by digital-droplet PCR in a prospective study
    Scientific Reports 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Einar Stikbakke, Henrik Schirmer, Tore Knutsen, Martin Støyten, Tom Wilsgaard, Edward L. Giovannucci m.fl.:
    Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, prostate cancer risk, treatment, and survival. The PROCA-life study
    Cancer Medicine 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Hellesnes, Tor Åge Myklebust, Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Roy M. Bremnes, Åsa Karlsdottir, Øivind Kvammen m.fl.:
    Testicular cancer in the cisplatin era: Causes of death and mortality rates in a population-based cohort
    Journal of Clinical Oncology 13. august 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Hellesnes, Tor Åge Myklebust, Roy M. Bremnes, Åsa Karlsdottir, Øivind Kvammen, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard m.fl.:
    Metachronous Contralateral Testicular Cancer in the Cisplatin Era: A Population-Based Cohort Study
    Journal of Clinical Oncology 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Ruby Del Risco Kollerud, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Bjørgulf Claussen, Magne Thoresen, Per Nafstad, James Farnham m.fl.:
    A population-based study of testicular cancer risk among children and young adults from Norway and Utah, USA.
    International Journal of Cancer 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Synne-Kristin Hoffart Bøhn, Hanne Cathrine Lie, Kristin Valborg Reinertsen, Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Cecilie E. Kiserud m.fl.:
    Lifestyle among long-term survivors of cancers in young adulthood
    Supportive Care in Cancer 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hanne Skjerven Bersvendsen, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Alv A Dahl, Unn-Merete Fagerli, Øystein Fluge, Harald Holte m.fl.:
    Sexual dysfunction is prevalent in female lymphoma survivors after autologous stem-cell transplantation and is associated with younger age, chronic fatigue, and mental distress
    Bone Marrow Transplantation 03. november 2020 DOI
  • Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Alv A Dahl, Tor Åge Myklebust, Cecilie E. Kiserud, Ragnhild Veline Nome, Olbjørn Klepp m.fl.:
    Risk of positive selection bias in longitudinal surveys among cancer survivors: Lessons learnt from the national Norwegian Testicular Cancer Survivor Study
    Cancer Epidemiology 09. juli 2020 DOI
  • Lene Thorsen, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Marianne Brydøy, Torgrim Tandstad, Torbjørn Wisløff m.fl.:
    Thromboembolic events after high-intensity training duringcisplatin-based chemotherapy for testicular cancer: Casereports and review of the literature
    International Journal of Cancer 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ruby Del Risco Kollerud, LA Cannon-Albright, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Ellen Ruud, Magne Thoresen, Per Nafstad m.fl.:
    Childhood central nervous system tumors and leukemia: Incidence and familial risk. A comparative population-based study in Utah and Norway.
    Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Axel Gerdtsson, Ulf Håkansson, Magnus Törnblom, George Jancke, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard, Ingrid Glimelius m.fl.:
    Surgical Complications in Postchemotherapy Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Nonseminoma Germ Cell Tumour: A Population-based Study from the Swedish Norwegian Testicular Cancer Group
    European Urology Oncology (EUO) 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Cecilie Bucher-Johannessen, Christian Magnus Page, Trine B. Haugen, Marcin Wojewodzic, Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Tom Grotmol m.fl.:
    Cisplatin treatment of testicular cancer patients introduces long-term changes in the epigenome
    Clinical Epigenetics 03. desember 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hanne Skjerven Bersvendsen, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Unn-Merete Fagerli, Øystein Fluge, Harald Holte, Knut Bjøro Smeland m.fl.:
    Lifestyle behavior among lymphoma survivors after high-dose therapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, assessed by patient-reported outcomes
    Acta Oncologica 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ruby Del Risco Kollerud, Ellen Ruud, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Lisa A. Cannon-Albright, Magne Thoresen, Per Nafstad m.fl.:
    Family history of cancer and risk of paediatric and young adult’s testicular cancer: A Norwegian cohort study
    British Journal of Cancer 2019 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Synne-Kristin Hoffart Bøhn, Lene Thorsen, Cecilie E. Kiserud, Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Hanne Cathrine Lie, Jon Håvard Loge m.fl.:
    Chronic fatigue and associated factors among long-term survivors of cancers in young adulthood
    Acta Oncologica 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yahia Al-Jebari, Ingrid Glimelius, Carina Berglund Nord, Gabriella Cohn-Cedermark, Olof Ståhl, Torgrim Tandstad m.fl.:
    Cancer therapy and risk of congenital malformations in children fathered by men treated for testicular germ-cell cancer: A nationwide register study
    Nature Methods 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hanne Skjerven Bersvendsen, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Alv A Dahl, Unn-Merete Fagerli, Øystein Fluge, Harald Holte m.fl.:
    Sexual function in long-term male lymphoma survivors after high-dose therapy with autologous stem-cell transplantation
    Bone Marrow Transplantation 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Hellesnes, Øivind Kvammen, Tor Åge Myklebust, Roy M. Bremnes, Åsa Karlsdottir, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard m.fl.:
    Continuing increased risk of second cancer in long-term testicular cancer survivors after treatment in the cisplatin era
    International Journal of Cancer 2019 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Einar Stikbakke, Elin Richardsen, Tore Knutsen, Tom Wilsgaard, Edward L. Giovannucci, Anne McTiernan m.fl.:
    Inflammatory serum markers and risk and severity of prostate cancer: The PROCA‐life study
    International Journal of Cancer 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marie K Langberg, Carina Berglund-Nord, Gabriella Cohn-Cedermark, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Torgrim Tandstad, Carl W. Langberg :
    Imatinib may reduce chemotherapy-induced pneumonitis. A report on four cases from the SWENOTECA
    Acta Oncologica 2018 DOI
  • F Honecker, J Aparicio, D Berney, J Beyer, C Bokemeyer, R Cathomas m.fl.:
    ESMO consensus conference on testicular germ cell cancer: Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up
    Annals of Oncology 2018 DOI
  • Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Niels Christian Stenklev, Marianne Brydøy, Olav Dahl, Tom Wilsgaard, Einar Laukli m.fl.:
    Hearing loss before and after cisplatin-based chemotherapy in testicular cancer survivors: a longitudinal study
    Acta Oncologica 2018 DOI
  • Line Veronika Hjelle, Per Ole Mobråten Gundersen, Ragnhild Hellesnes, Mette Sprauten, Marianne Brydøy, Torgrim Tanstad m.fl.:
    Long-term serum platinum changes and their association with cisplatin-related late effects in testicular cancer survivors
    Acta Oncologica 2018 DOI
  • Richard Cathomas, Dirk Klingbiel, Brandon Bernard, Anja Lorch, Xavier Garcia del Muro, Franco Morelli m.fl.:
    Questioning the value of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography for residual lesions after chemotherapy for metastatic seminoma: Results of an International Global Germ Cell Cancer Group Registry
    Journal of Clinical Oncology 2018 DOI
  • Sven Löffeler, Helena Maria Bertilsson, Christoph Rainer Müller, Kirsti Aas, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Bjørg Yksnøy Aksnessæther m.fl.:
    Protocol of a randomised, controlled trial comparing immediate curative therapy with conservative treatment in men aged ≥75 years with non-metastatic high-risk prostate cancer (SPCG 19/GRand-P)
    BJU International 2024 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Ingerid Skjei Knudtsen, Bendik Skarre Abrahamsen, Kirsten Margrete Selnæs, Mattijs Elschot, Sverre Langørgen, Thomas Keil m.fl.:
    PSMA-PET-avbildning før primærbehandling av pasienter med høyrisiko prostatakreft
  • Torgrim Tandstad, Ragnhild Hellesnes, Åsa Karlsdottir, Øivind Kvammen, Carl W. Langberg, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard m.fl.:
    Late relapse in testicular cancer: A report from a national cohort. Oral presentation
  • Hege Sagstuen Haugnes :
    Presentasjon av seneffekt poliklinikken ved UNN
  • Hege Sagstuen Haugnes :
    Presentasjon av kreft seneffekt poliklinikken ved UNN
  • Torgrim Tandstad, Ragnhild Hellesnes, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Åsa Karlsdottir, Carl W. Langberg, Helene Francisca Stigter Negaard m.fl.:
    Late relapses in testicular cancer: Results from a national cohort
    Journal of Clinical Oncology 2022 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • B. Jordan, A. Margulies, F. Cardoso, G. Cavaletti, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, P. Jahn m.fl.:
    Systemic anticancer therapy-induced peripheral and central neurotoxicity: ESMO–EONS–EANO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, prevention, treatment and follow-up
    Annals of Oncology 2020 DOI
  • Cecilie Bucher-Johannessen, Christian M. Page, Trine B. Haugen, Sophie Dorothea Fosså, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Tom Grotmol m.fl.:
    Epigenetic changes in testicular cancer survivors treated with cisplatin
  • Einar Stikbakke, Hege Sagstuen Haugnes, Inger Thune, Tom Wilsgaard, Anne Elise Eggen, Tore Knutsen m.fl.:
    Pre-diagnostic Inflammation Score and risk of Prostate Cancer. The PROCA-life study

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    Jeg er opptatt av forskning med fokus på 1) seneffekter etter kreftbehandling, 2) diagnostikk, behandling og oppfølging innen urologisk kreft (med fokus på testikkelkreft og prostatakreft) og 3) kliniske kreftforskningsprosjekter knyttet til Tromsøundersøkelsen (prostatakreft og brystkreft). 


    Jeg har mange års erfaring med å undervise i onkologi ved medisinstudiet, og er hovedansvarlig for delemne 6.4F ved campus Hammerfest.