Rossella Ragazzi
Natur og Kulturvitenskap Institutt
UMAK Universitetsmuseet
9037 Tromsø
Telefon 0047 90925278
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
Recent publications:
Trude Fonneland and Rossella Ragazzi, 2023 (eds.) Memory Institutions and Sámi Heritage: Decolonisation, Restitution, and Rematriation in Sápmi. London: Routledge 2023
Ragazzi, Rossella. 2023: “Looking at Bruegel. Sensibility and Sensitivity in Ethnographic Filmmaking”. In: Bealcovschi, Simona (Ed.)« Espaces. Sensorialité. Dissonance. Réflexions anthropologiques et explorations interdisciplinaires » Editions@anthro. Montréal, 2023. ISBN: 978-2-925246-04-6
Ragazzi, Rossella. 2022 "Disaster, traces of displacement, and mizuaoi seeds
Conversations surrounding A Future for Memory: Art and Life After the Great Japan Earthquake". Norsdisk Museologi. Vol 33.n 1
Ragazzi, Rossella. Discourses, Practices and Performances in Sámi museology, Tromsø University Museum. Reading seminar for the research group Societal dimensions of Sami Research 2018-01-22 - 2018-01-23 2018.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Saami soundscape: Living together, performance cultural conviviality in Sapmi.. Minpaku Research Unit "Performance and Cultural Conviviality" 2018-05-16 - 2018-05-16 2018.
Rossella Ragazzi 2019 . “Supper for the Dead Souls”. Visual Anthropology Review ( ISSN 1058-7187)
Ragazzi, Rossella and Nerici, Giacomo. 2019 “Discourses, Practices and Performances in Sámi Museology”. ( ISSN 1103-8152) Nordisk Museologi.
Ragazzi, Rossella.2018 “Firekeepers”. Journal of Anthropological Films, 3(1)
Baglo, Cathrine; Nyyssönen, Jukka; Ragazzi, Rossella. “Museums as arenas for the production and circulation of knowledge on Sámi cultures, societies and identities”. Nordisk Museologi 2019 (3) s. 5-7
Rossella Ragazzi 2018 “Prefazione» in S’orchestra in Limba by Monica Dovarch and Simone Pisano. ISBN. 978-88-7356289-4. Cagliari, Condaghes 2018
Ragazzi, Rossella.2018 “Visual Anthropology in Sardinia”. Social Anthropology. Volume 24.(4) ISSN 0964-0282
Ragazzi, Rossella. Liberating Mimesis: Between Art and Anthropology. Critical Arts. A Journal for Cultural Studies 2013; Volum 27 (6). ISSN 0256-0046.s 801 - 808.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Walking on Uneven Paths: The Transcultural Experience of Children entering Europe in the years 2000. Peter Lang Publishing Group 2009 ISBN 978-3-0343-0042-1.
Varutti, Marzia; Silvén, Eva; Ragazzi, Rossella; Opdahl Mathisen, Silje.Rethinking Sámi cultures in museums. Nordisk Museologi 2015; Volum 2. ISSN 1103-8152.Ragazzi, Rossella. Cinema Transculturale. 2015 ISBN 978-88-96094-20-4.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Innledning: Fra fugl til Rein. Ottar 2014; Volum 301 (3). ISSN 0030-6703.s 2 - 2.
Ragazzi, Rossella. LIGNE D - Les anges pneumatiques. 2017 ISBN 8000206299590.
Ragazzi Rossella: "Il Futuro del Cinema Etnografico" in Antropologia Museale, special edition, Italy, October 2006.
Ragazzi Rossella. "Toward Pedagogical Awareness: Teaching Cine-ethnography" in: Visual Anthropology Review, 23.1 June 2007. Berkely, University of California Press.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Miyajima Mon Amour. 2014.
- Ragazzi Rossella: Memory, Resistance and Speaking the ‘Self'. Migrant Children's Accounts of a shifted place-time', In: Postma, Metje and P.I. Crawford (eds.), 'Reflecting Visual Ethnography - using the camera in anthropological research', Leiden & Hoejbjerg: CNWS Press and Intervention Press.2006
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Innledning: Det eksotiske Nord. Ottar 2015; Volum 306 (3). ISSN 0030-6703.s 2 - 2.
- Ragazzi Rossella: "Dwelling between Barn and Kitchen. Phenomenological perspectives in the making of the anthropological film: At Home in the World'' in Challenging Situatedness: Gender, Culture and the Production of Knowledge. Engelstad, Ericka and Siri Gerrard, (editors). Eburon Press, Delft. 2005. Distributed by University of Chicago Press.
- Ragazzi Rossella: "Migrant Children and the Performance of Memory: Film Fieldwork" in Grossman and O'Brien (eds.). In: "Projecting Migration: Transcultural Media Practice". Wallflower Press London. 2007.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Sami people of Norway and their musical expressions. Terakoi Cinema 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-03 2018.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Museums Constellations: the future of museums. The Future of Museums 2018-01-25 - 2018-01-25 2018.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Perfomativity and Mediatization of Cultural Heritage through Artistic Intervention and Filmmaking in Sápmi. Leiden university 2018-03-19 - 2018-03-19 2018.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Artistic Intervention and Filmmaking in Sápmi (Norway): shaping new forms of cultural heritage. Guest lecture Minpaku Museum, Japan 2018-06-13 - 2018-06-13 2018.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. La Educación, la Diversidad y la Desigualdad en el Mundo Global del Siglo XXI. IV Congreso Internacional de Etnografia y Educación 2017-07-11 - 2017-07-14 2017.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Sami Exhibitions and Visual Anthropology at Tromsø University Museum. Summer School Indigenous Health 2017-07-10 - 2017-07-10 2017.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Member of selection committee international anthropological film festival NAFA. Nafa 37 International anthropological film festival 2017-08-23 - 2017-08-27 2017.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Museum en Route. foredrag 2017-04-26 - 2017-04-26 2017.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Cultural critique in the film The Square. innlegg 2017-12-03 - 2017-12-03 2017.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Cinema di osservazione e transculturale. foredrag 2017-04-05 - 2017-04-07 2017.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Key concepts in artistic research. Summer Academy for Artistic Research 2017-08-13 - 2017-08-20 2017.
- Ragazzi, Rossella. Epiques Ecoles: La Memoire Dure vingt ans après. Centre Pompidou 2016-11-09 - 2016-11-10 2016.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Visual Ethnography of Saami Music. Kunamoto 2016-11-22 - 2016-11-22 2016.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Visual Anthropology and Sámi endangered languages. Minpaku 2016-11-14 - 2016-11-15 2016.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Empathy, Exotopia, Emplacement in Visual Research. Lecture Series in Visual and Media Anthropplogy 2015-10-20 - 2015-10-22 2015.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Images of Cultural Diversity and Heritage. Images of Cultural Diversity and Heritage 2015-09-21 - 2015-09-26 2015.
Ragazzi, Rossella. The Question of Ambiguity in Complexity and Interconnectedness in Disciplinary Inquiry. Visual Expression in the Disciplines of Words 2015-03-25 - 2015.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Contact Zones: Museums, Ethnography, Perfomarmativity and Mediatization of Cultural Heritage through Artistic Intervention. Contact Zones 2015-06-29 - 2015-07-01 2015.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Cinema du Prayoga: Amrit Gangar. Cinema du Prayoga 2015-01-26 - 2015-01-28 2015.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Migrations. Carte Blanche à Eva Joly 2015-01-29 - 2015-01-31 2015.
Ragazzi, Rossella. The meta-construction in media anthropological research. Department of Ethnology 2015-04-20 - 2015-04-22 2015.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Margarethe Wiig. Margarethe Wiig ABC 2014-02-04 - 2014-05-04 2014.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Empathy: Research Questions and Methodologies in Visual Anthropology. Lecture Series 2014-10-14 - 2014-10-15 2014.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Ole Henrik Magga: Saami Stories 2. 2014.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Mari Boine: Saami Stories 1. 2014.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Etnografie filmiche transculturali in contesti di migrazione. conference 2013-03-22 - 2013-03-22 2013.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Looking back: Tom Andersen. 2013.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Firekeepers, documentary. film screening in Samiske Kirkedager Festival 2013-08-09 - 2013-08-10 2013.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Cinema Etnografico Transculturale. I film e la riflessione teorica di David MacDougall. guest lecturers series 2013-03-26 - 2013-03-26 2013.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Behind the screen: anthropologists work with film. Oslo University 2013-04-19 - 2013-06-08 2013.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Introduzione all'antropologia visiva. Conference 2013-03-19 - 2013-03-19 2013.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Esperienze transculturali di bambini migranti: verso un'etnografia sistemica. Lezioni Aperte 2012-10-28 - 2012-10-28 2012.
Rossella Ragazzi "Una serie di flash back verité: Jean Rouch'. In: Lares. Rivista di Antropologia. Edizioni Olski, Firenze 2004.
Among her recent documentaries and anthropological films
"La Mémoire Dure" DVD or Beta Sp, 82' France Year: 2000
Special Prize of the Jury, International Anthropological Film Festival Nuoro, 2000
"At home in the World" Digi DVD 63' Norway, Year: 2003
"Walking on Uneven Paths" Dvcam 6 hours Ireland, Year 2005
"Firekeepers" Digital Beta, 57 min. Norway, Sonar Film DA, 2007
Screenings and lectures connected to the film:
30.08.07 Performing Nature in the worlds peripheries, Universitetet i Oslo
16.09.08 Premiere på Verdensteater. Lukket arrangement.
26.10.07 Institutt for flerkulturell kommunikasjon og kulturstudier, NTNU, Trondheim
1.10. 07 Siida Museum, Enare, Finland
18.10.07 Kino Athena, Tartu Estonia
01.12.07 Museumsnatt, Tromsø Museum, Tromsø
16 & 19.01.08 Tromsø Internasjonale Filmfestival
25.01.08 Inari Film Festival
26.01.08 Fondazione Cini (http://www.cini.it/); Venezia, Italia
01.02.08 Visual Cultural Studies dept. Institute of Social Anthropology.
04.02.08 Høgskolen I Tromsø. Seminar Videreutdanning i Helse og Samfunnsvitenskap.
07.02.08 Tromsø Universitet Museum. Forskningseminar, Kultur Vitenskap seksjon.
03.02.08 Kulturhistorisk Museum, Oslo http://www.khm.uio.no/program/index.php?showEvent=1565
10.02.08 Samisk søndag; Norsk Folkemuseum; Oslo
22.02.08 Verdensteater. Lukket Arrangement Fylkes Kommune Kultur Avdeling.
28.02.08 Sami Linguistic Documentation Seminar. Hum. Fak, Tromsø University
03.03.08 Culcom (Kulturell Kompleksitet i nye Norge) forskerseminar; Universitet i Oslo http://www.culcom.uio.no/aktivitet/seminar/index.html
31.05.08 "Breaking the Bareers" international conference , Isafiordur Museum, Iceland
02.06.08 Reykiavik Nordic House. Icelandic-Sami forening
05.06.08 NIFF, Nepalese Indigenous Film Festival 2008. Kathmandu, Nepal.
July 2008 Riddu Riddu Festival, Manndal, Troms.
August 2008: Santa Fé Indigenous Film Festival, U.S.
October 2008 Moscow International Anthropological Film Festival and Symposium. University of Moscow
Ocober 2008 S. Gimignano, University of Siena, International Symposium: Ars Videndi
October 2008 Joensuu, Carelia, Finland. Vis Cult Festival of Visual Culture
October 2008 Taiwann Indigenous Music and Film Festival.
October 2008 Barcelona. Stiges. Medimed Forum.
March 2009 : Australian National University, ANU, School of Humanities
Museologi, Samisk Museologi, Urfolk, Visuelle og Multimodal Antropologi, Mobilitet, Migrasjon og Mangfoldihet.
Visuelle Antropologi, Museologi
Medlem i forskningsgruppe
Rossella Ragazzi (PhD)
Born in Rome, Italy. 23.05.1965
Two daughters (Morgane Fauconnier, born 1989 and Marie Fauconnier born 1995)
Nationality: Italian and Norwegian
Current Position
Associate Professor in Museology and Visual Anthropology. The University Museum, UMAK, The Arctic University of Norway.
Italian (mother tongue); French (excellent), Norwegian (average), English (good), Spanish (average).
PhD Thesis: Rossella Ragazzi 2005: “Walking on Uneven Paths. The Transcultural Experience of Migrant Children in France and Ireland.” Dublin Institute of Technology, Electronic Edition: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/appadoc/6/
Educational Background in short (see details at the end of CV under the line “Education”)
Undergraduate and graduate studies in Italy (University of Rome, Faculty of Humanities, Cultural Anthropology and Philosophy and Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, National Film School, documentary filmmaking), a period of postgraduate studies and professional productions in France (MA in Arts Sciences at Sorbonne University). PhD in Media Anthropology at Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland. Post Doc in museology at University of Tromsø, Tromsø University Museum.
Research themes Multimodal anthropology, epistemology, performance, migration and mobility, childhood, museum and cultural heritage, transcultural cinema, indigeneity.
Scientific Publications
(for a more extensive list, please consult the Norwegian database for academic publications CRISTIN): https://wo.cristin.no/as/WebObjects/cristin.woa/wo/66.Profil. )
Rossella Ragazzi and Peter. I. Crawford : “Perceiving Children: media anthropology of childhood and children’s museums”. Book, co-edited with Peter I. Crawford. Århus, Intervention Press, forthcoming, 2021. ISBN 978-87-92724-11-3
Rossella Ragazzi: “The Ways of the World: Tropen Museum Junior Pedagogy”. Book Chapter. In: “Perceiving Children: media anthropology of childhood and children’s museums” co-edited with Peter I. Crawford. Århus, Intervention Press, forthcoming, 2021. ISBN 978-87-92724-11-3
Felice Tiragallo and Rossella Ragazzi (eds) «The Responsive Camera. L’antropologia audio-visuale di David MacDougall» ISRE, Italia. Forthcoming 2022
Rossella Ragazzi “Supper for the Dead Souls”. Visual Anthropology Review ( ISSN 1058-7187) DOI: 10.1080/08949468.2020.1721210 Level 1. 2020
Ragazzi, Rossella; Nerici, Giacomo. “Discourses, Practices and Performances in Sámi Museology at Tromsø University Museum”. ( ISSN 1103-8152) Nordisk Museologi 2019 (3), Level1
Ragazzi, Rossella. Firekeepers. Journal of Anthropological Films, 3(1), e2700. Suppl. e2700. ( ISSN 2535-437X). Level 1. DOI 10.15845/jaf.v3i1.2700. 2019
Baglo, Cathrine; Nyyssönen, Jukka; Ragazzi, Rossella. Museums as arenas for the production and circulation of knowledge on Sámi cultures, societies and identities. Nordisk Museologi 2019 (3) s. 5-7
Rossella Ragazzi and Jet Pascua. “Artivism: Small Projects, Tromsø 2011-2018”, chapter in Dream Academy (Camilla Fagerli and Henrik Sørlid eds) Archive Books. Forthcoming 2021
Rossella Ragazzi “Prefazione» in S’orchestra in Limba by Monica Dovarch and Simone Pisano. ISBN. 978-88-7356289-4. Cagliari, Condaghes 2018
Ragazzi, Rossella. Visual Anthropology in Sardinia. Social Anthropology. Volume 24.(4) ( ISSN 0964-0282) Level 2. 2016
Varutti, Marzia; Silvén, Eva; Ragazzi, Rossella; Opdahl Mathisen, Silje.
Rethinking Sámi cultures in museums. Nordisk Museologi 2015 ;Volume 2. ISSN 1103-8152)
Level 1
Ragazzi, Rossella. Il cinema etnografico transculturale. I film e la riflessione teorica di David MacDougall. Visual Ethnography 2014 ;Volume 3.(2) p. 68-91 Visual Ethnography ( ISSN 2281-1605)
Ragazzi, Rossella. Incandescent Joik: Filming Chants of Resilience in Sápmi, Norway. Visual Ethnography 2012 ;Volume 1.(1) p. 1-25
Rossella Ragazzi: Challenging Our View of Temporality. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology,
Volume 15.(5) s. 457-461. 2014
Rossella Ragazzi: “Liberating Mimesis: Between Art and Anthropology. Critical Arts. A Journal for Cultural Studies 2013, Volume 27.(6) p. 801-808. 2013
Rossella Ragazzi: “Walking on Uneven Paths: The Transcultural Experience of Children entering Europe in the years 2000”. Berne: Peter Lang, 2009
250 pages + DVD, 63min.
Rossella Ragazzi: “Filmare” In “Etnografie del Contemporaneo”: Antropologia Museale, special issue June 2009. Italy, Editrice La Mandragora.
Rossella Ragazzi: “In ricordo di Lévi-Strauss”. Antropologia Museale; Volume 8.(23) p. 3-4.2009
Rossella Ragazzi: “Steps Toward an Analysis of “Sápmi: Becoming A Nation” Exhibition at Tromsø University Museum” in NAMU publication proceedings online, Linköping University, 2008.
Rossella Ragazzi: “Praticare e Teorizzare il Cinema antropologico nelle e con le università”. Ricerca Folklorica, Milano 2008.
Rossella Ragazzi: "Toward Pedagogical Awareness: Teaching Cine-ethnography" in: Visual Anthropology Review, Vol. 23.n. 1 June 2007. Berkley, University of California Press. 2007.
Rossella Ragazzi: "Migrant Children and the Performance of Memory: Film Fieldwork" in Grossman and O'Brien (eds.). In: “Projecting Migration: Transcultural Media Practice”. Wallflower Press London. 2007.
Rossella Ragazzi ‘Memory, Resistance and Speaking the ‘Self’. Migrant Children’s Accounts of a shifted place-time’, In: Postma, M. and P.I. Crawford (eds.), 'Reflecting Visual Ethnography - using the camera in anthropological research', Leiden & Hoejbjerg: CNWS Press and Intervention Press.2006
Rossella Ragazzi “Il Futuro del Cinema Etnografico” in Antropologia Museale, special issue. La Mandragora. 2006
Rossella Ragazzi “Dwelling between Barn and Kitchen. Phenomenological perspectives in the making of the anthropological film: At Home in the World’’ in Challenging Situatedness: Gender, Culture and the Production of Knowledge. Engelstad, Ericka and Siri Gerrard, (editors). Eburon Press, Delft. Distributed by University of Chicago Press. 2005
Rossella Ragazzi "Una serie di flash back verité: Jean Rouch”. In: Lares. Rivista di Antropologia. Edizioni Olski, Firenze 2004.
Rossella Ragazzi, David MacDOugall, Paul Henley, Steef Meyknecht and Metje Postma. “Anthropological Film Manifesto”. Open Access Publication, Leiden University. 2004
Anthropological films
Firekeepers. Rossella Ragazzi (filmmaker). Digital Beta, 56 min. Norway 2007 (Commendation: Intangible Culture Prize, Royal Anthropological Institute, 2009).
Walking on Uneven Paths. Rossella Ragazzi (filmmaker) Dvcam 6 hours. Ireland. 2005
At home in the World. Rossella Ragazzi (filmmaker) Beta SP 63' Norway. 2003
The Enigma of Health: H.G. Gadamer. Rossella Ragazzi. (filmmaker) Beta Sp, 35’. University of Tromsø, Norway 2001
La Mémoire Dure. Rossella Ragazzi. (filmmaker) Beta Sp, 82’ France 2000. Distribution : DER, Documentary Educational Resources, USA. Prize Winner, ISRE, Sardinian International Ethnographic Film Festival. 2000
L’ Altro Sguardo. Rossella Ragazzi (Filmmaker). Film. 35mm, 33’ Italia. 1996.
Membership in scientific associations and boards
ICOM International Council of Museums, Institutional Member, 2010-ongoing.
CVA Commission for Visual Anthropology; Board Member (1/8 members). 2005-ongoing.
EASA European Association of Social Anthropology, Academic Member 2006-2016
SIMBDEA Società Italiana Musei Beni Demo-etno-antropologici, Member. 2003-2018
CFE Comité du Film Ethnographique, Individual Member. 2002-2016
NAFA Nordic Association Anthropological Films, Institutional Member, 2000-2019
ANAC Società degli Autori Cinematografici Italiani. 1992-2000
Organization of scientific meetings and conferences
Rossella Ragazzi Convener «Ivar Bjørklund 70 years» seminar under the Samisk Uke. Serie of lectures on Prof. Bjørklund dedicated topics. University Museum, 07.02.2020
Rossella Ragazzi Co-Convener with Peter I. Crawford. “The Nordic Eye (and Mind) meets the South”. international symposium. University Museum and Tromsø University Campus. 26-28-08.2019.
Rossella Ragazzi Convener : Seminar “Contact Zones: Museums, Ethnography, Performativity and Mediatisation of Cultural Heritage through Artistic Intervention”. Contact Zones Research Network. MusVit. Seminar at Tromsø University Museum and Small Projects Gallery; Tromsø. 29.06.-01.07.2015.
Rossella Ragazzi Co-convener with Marzia Varutti, Eva Silvén, Silje Mathisen. Conference “Rethinking Sámi Culture in Museums”, Oslo University, Center for Museums Studies, IKOS, University of Oslo; Tromsø University Museum, the Arctic University of Norway; and Nordiska Museet, Stockholm. Oslo 26-28.11.2014.
Rossella Ragazzi Co-convener with Metje Postma of the seminar “Women as Visual Anthropologists”, IUAES conference, Manchester University, 2013.
Rossella Ragazzi Co-Convener, with Prof. Anita Maurstad, of the International conference in Norway, Tromsø University Museum: Exploring Museum Expertise. November 2013.
Rossella Ragazzi Co-Convener, with Prof. Peter I. Crawford of the International Conference on Visual Anthropology of Childhood, Mosgård Ethnographic Museum, University of Århus. 2010.
Rossella Ragazzi, Member of Scientific Committee and Chair of two sessions. International Symposium “L’Heritage de Jean Rouch” Bibliothèque Nationale de France F. Mitterrand & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris, November 2009.
Rossella Ragazzi, Member of Scientific Committee: International Symposium by Comité du Film Ethnographique.” Du Cinema Ethnographique à l'Anthropologie Visuelle”. 2006
Rossella Ragazzi Co-Convener with Terje Brantenberg: Visuell Kulturstudier, Seminar at the Norwegian Centre for Cultural studies, Rome, 2002.
Peer Review and Assessments for Scientific journals and publishing houses: (including blind peer reviews)
Routledge, Francis and Taylor, Visual Anthropology, Visual Anthropology Review, Visual Ethnography Journal, Nordisk Museologi, Intervention Press, The Journal of Asian Anthropology, Nifu Japan.
Translations of Scientific books (authorized by the publisher)
“Cinema Transculturale” by David MacDougall. Princeton University Press 1998. Translated from English American to Italian, for Istituto Superiore Regionale Etnografico, Collana di Antropologia Visuale. Italy, 2016 (official translation authorized by University of Princeton Press).
Editorial work
Editorial Board, Editor in Chief. Journal of Museum and Multimodal Anthropology TRAJECTORIA. 2018-ongoing. Nifu, Japan
Editorial Member of the journal VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY REVIEW (VAR) 2011-ongoing.
Editorial Member of the Journal Media Anthropology Freie University Germany. 2015-2018.
Co-Editor Special Issues. Nordisk Museologi. 2014, 2019.
Editor (Cultural Sciences): Ottar, journal of the Tromsø University Museum, 2013-2015.
Convener or Jury member Anthropological Film Festivals
Member of Jury, IsREAL International Festival of Anthropological Film, ISRE, Nuoro, 2019.
Member of Jury: SIEFF, International Festival Anthropological Film, Istituto Superiore Etnografico, Nuoro. Italy 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014.
Member of Jury, TIFF, Tromsø International Film Festival, 2012, 2015.
Member of Jury, Cinéma Vérité, Tehran International Documentary Film Festival 2013.
Selection Committee member, Nordic anthropological film association, annual festival, 2009, 2010.
Co-convener with Peter I. Crawford: Nordic Anthropological Film Association International Festival, Tromsø, 1999 and Moesgård, Aarhus 2009.
Member of Jury,. Bilan du Film Ethnographique, Paris. 2003
Member of Jury: Ethnographic Film Festival, Student Competition, Göttingen 2006.
Curator and Convener: Film and Cinema Studies Summer Festival: Accademia Amiata, Italy. 1999-2000
Scholarships and Academic Grants
National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan: Grant as visiting scholar. March-June 2018
Australian National University: Research Grant at The Research School of Humanities, ANU Canberra: March-April 2007; February-April 2009, March-April 2015.
Freie University, Berlin: Grant as visiting scholar. January-February 2013, April- June 2013.
Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy. Grant as visiting scholar. March 2013
University of Tromsø, Post Doc Research Grant, University of Tromsø Museum. 2007-2009
The Norwegian Research Council NFR. Publication grant for the publication of the book “Walking on Uneven Paths” 2009.
Film Centre, Harvard University. The Sensory Ethnography Department. Grant as visiting scholar. February 2006.
Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences. PhD Scholarship 2002-2005.
Atelier Varan Bolivia. Scholarship of the Instituto Boliviano de Cinematografia. 1993
National Film School of Rome. Post Graduated scholarship, Scuola Nazionale di Cinema, 1989.
Summer University of Eger, Hungary. Scholarship East European Film Institute. 1987.
Lectures as invited speaker
Rossella Ragazzi. “Da una lingua minacciata al successo globale della musica Sámi”. University of Siena, Italy. Zoom seminar. 2020.
Ragazzi, Rossella. “Antropologia Visuale vicino e oltre al cinema etnografico” ISreal International Documentary Film Festival, in collaboration with ISRE Nuoro and University of Cagliari, Italy. Zoom seminar. 2020
Ragazzi, Rossella. “Perfomativity and Mediatization of Cultural Heritage through Artistic Intervention and Filmmaking in Sápmi”. Leiden university 19.03.2018
Ragazzi, Rossella. “From Samekulturen, through Sápmi becoming a nation to Sami Stories- exhibiting Samis in transition”. Centre for Sami Studies, Tromsø Museum; 11.10. 2018
Ragazzi, Rossella. “Museums Constellations: the Future of Museums”. Vitenskapelig Foredrag. Art Academy, Ui T; 25.01.2018
Rossella Ragazzi “Artistic Intervention and Filmmaking in Sápmi (Norway): shaping new forms of cultural heritage”. Guest Lecture, Seminar Series. National Museum of Ethnology, Japan. 13.06.2018
Ragazzi, Rossella. “Sámi Soundscape and Living together: performance and cultural conviviality in Sapmi”. National Museum of Ethnology Japan. Research Program "Performance and Cultural Conviviality"16.05.2018
Ragazzi, Rossella. «Museum en Route». Lecture. Seksjon for Kulturvitenskap Tromsø University Museum.26.04.2017
Ragazzi, Rossella. «Cinema di osservazione e transculturale». Lecture. Istituto Superiore Etnografico della Sardegna. ISRE. Italy. 05.04.2017
Ragazzi, Rossella. “La Educación, la Diversidad y la Desigualdad en el Mundo Global del Siglo XXI”. IV Congreso Internacional de Etnografia y Educación; Universitad Autonoma de Barcelona. 11 -14. 07.2017
Ragazzi, Rossella. “Visual Ethnography of Saami Music”. Kunamoto University. Lecture and screening. 22.11.2016
Ragazzi, Rossella. “Filming with social actors whose indigenous language is endangered: methodological approaches in Visual Anthropology”.Lecture and Screening. National Museum of Ethnology, Japan. 14.11.2016
Ragazzi, Rossella. “The Question of Ambiguity in Complexity and Interconnectedness in Disciplinary Inquiry”. Lecture, seminar Visual Expression in the Disciplines of Words; Australian National University. 25.03.2015
Ragazzi, Rossella. Empathy, Exotopia, Emplacement in Visual Research. Lecture Series in Visual and Media Anthropplogy; 22.10.2015. Freie University, Germany
Ragazzi Rossella. “Empathy: Research Questions and Methodologies in Visual Anthropology”. Lecture Freie University Berlin. 14.10.2014
Rossella Ragazzi. “Cinema Etnografico Transculturale. I film e la riflessione teorica di David MacDougall”. Guest lecturers series. University of Cagliari. Italy 2013
Rossella Ragazzi. “The construction of the cinema subject “. Series of lectures. Freie Universität, Berlin. October 2010, April 2011, October 2011, April 2013.
Rossella Ragazzi “Seeds of Empathy: Children’s cultural understanding and sense of citizenship at Tropen Museum Junior, Amsterdam”. Lecture at Conference Museale og Arkivale Praksises convened by Norsk Kulturråd, Oslo University 2012
Rossella Ragazzi. “Transcultural Experience of Migrant Children in Europe, 2000-2005” Lecture. Research School of Humanities, Seminar Series 20/20. Australian National University 2009
Rossella Ragazzi. “Keeping the ashes glowing in time of resilience. Contemporary Joik” Lecture and Screening “Firekeepers”. AIATSIS Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islands Institute, Canberra. 09.04.2009
Rossella Ragazzi. “Remembrance and Recollection: Languages and Mother tongue” Tromsø Kunstforening: Seminar for the Exhibition “The Road to Mental Decolonialization”. Paper and Screening. “Firekeepers”. November 2008.
Rossella Ragazzi. Screening of the film “Firekeepers” and Paper: "I guardiani del fuoco. Fra yoik e musica rock: flessibilità identitaria presso giovani Sami della Norvegia Contemporanea”. Siena University: “Ars Videndi”. Summer School in Visual Anthropology, S. Gemignano, Italy. October 2008.
Rossella Ragazzi. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia. Lecture: “Lo yoik Sami : identità, lingua, confronto generazionale”. Seminario Internazionale di Musicologia comparative. ESEM. Screening of “Firekeepers” during the conference. January 2008.
Former and Current Positions
Associate Professor 2010-ongoing. University Museum, UMAK, The Arctic University of Norway.
Vising Associate Professor, Freie University, Berlin. 2009-2016.
Post Doc 2007-2010 Tromsø University Museum, Ui Tø Norway
Lecturer 2005-2007 Ui Tø Department of Social Anthropology, Norway
PhD Fellow 2002-2005 Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Assistant Lecturer 1999-2001 ISV, Ui Tø Norway
Research assistant, program for Visual Anthropology, Ui Tø 1996-99 Norway
Archivist and Assistant Director, Les Films D’Ici. Paris 1989-92 France
Archivist and Research Assistant: Fondazione Pier Paolo Pasolini, Roma. 1988-89 Italy
University Teaching
Freie Universität, Berlin. Guest associate professor lecturer at the Master for Media Anthropology, Institute of Ethnology. From 2010 to 2016.
Sami Exhibitions at Tromsø University Museum. I have held regular classes in the Sámi exhibitions, with colleagues or students at university level. In 2009 we developed (my senior colleagues Prof. Ivar Bjørlund, Associate Professor Terje Brantenberg and myself) a Master level course “Museums and Representation of Culture”. Master Course 2009-2010.
Linguistic, Cultural and Educational Revitalization Processes. Faculty of Humanities, Ui T, 2010-2012. I taught classes and examined some students, course HIF 3620 coordinated by Professor Laura Castor.
From Fieldwork Experience to Ethnographic Text. I taught classes and examined some students in the course SVF 3903, at the Visuelle Kultur Studier (Visual Anthropology) ISV UiT. 2013, 2014, 2015.
Summer School Indigenous Health; University Museum. Lecture, guiding, teaching and screening with Master students from the Subpolar regions in Indigenous Health. 2017
Lecturer and Co-Director : American University Paris: Summer School “The Global city and Media Ethnography” (NYU). Lecturer, two weeks intensive Summer School for Post Graduate Students from New York University. 2008
University of Tromsø, Institute of Social Medicine. Several screenings and teaching on “The Wise Patient” research group, utilizing the “The Enigma of Health”, our film from 2001. With PhD Fellow Eivind Merøk. 2001
Visual Anthropology: Pedagogical Development of the subdiscipline. 1994-2000. Curriculum, Classes taught at Master Level, supervision and tutor in Ethnographic Film. Theoretical and practice-based design and conception of the Educational Curriculum in Visual Anthropology and Ethnographic Film after five years experimental pedagogy. Exploration of interdisciplinary boundaries of the subject. National Prize for the best national teaching program and University of Tromsø Students' prize for the best curriculum and innovative teaching program, University of Tromsø, ISV. 2001
ISRE. Since the year 2006, I am an academic consultant at Istituto Superiore Regionale Etnografico di Sardegna, ISRE, which is one of the main academic bodies promoting research on Cultural Heritage and Visual Anthropology in the Mediterranean. I have been invited by ISRE to chair seminars, international conferences, act as jury member in their periodic Ethnographic Film Festival, be part of selection committees and assessors. My contribution at the pedagogical level, in the last decade, enfolded to classes and seminars I delivered at the Institute of Cultural and Visual Anthropology at the university of Cagliari.
Supervision and exams
I have supervised Master students in Visual Anthropology, at Ui Tø as well as Berlin Freie University. I have also supervised PhD students in Media and Visual Anthropology/ Cultural Heritage. Main topics: indigeneity discourses, diaspora, migration, childhood, film history and film form (experimental, documentary, ethnographic), photography, transculturality, museum and heritage, virtual worlds, cultural revitalization, ritual, gender, body-language, environment.
MA supervision (the titles of their thesis can be added if needed)
Karin Dürr 2010
Carolin Röckelein 2010.
Kay Möpert 2010
Marie Claire Fredrich 2010
Elena Quintarelli 2011
Alina Trebbin 2011
Sara Kiani 2011
Yulia Mahr 2011
Starlynn Marie Jacobs 2011
Manizhe Zehra Ali 2012
Lidia Rossner 2012
Amanda Wichman 2012
Mai Vendelbo 2013
Juliana Bologna 2013
Jordana Goldman 2013
Liana McElvy. 2013
Raffaele Gallo 2013
Jóhanna Björk Sveinbjörnttir 2014
Luisa Ambrosy Turbay 2014
Ruth Sherman 2014
PhD supervision
PhD Fellow Petia Mankova, Department of Social Anthropology, UiTø. Completed in 2018.
Artistic Research Fellow Jet Pascua (equalized to a PhD in art practice), completed in 2020.
Supervisor for Artistic Research PhD Fellows at Summer Academy Artistic Research SAAR, 2017 Helsinki 12.-19.08.2017
Supervisor at Summer Academy Artistic Research SAAR, 2020 Helsinki (postponed to 2021 due to Covid 19 measures)
Evaluations committees and PhD Defense Opponent
Aubinet Stéphane, “ The. Craft of Joiking. Philosophical Variations on Sámi Chants” PhD thesis submitted and obtained at the Department of Musicology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo, 11.03.2020 (second opponent)
Günther Marks. PhD submitted and obtained at the Institute of Ethnology, Freie University Berlin. 2015
Sadaf Javdani. PhD. Submitted and obtained at the Institute of Ethnology, Freie University Berlin 2015
Andres Francisco Ruiz Rojas 2019 (co-supervision)
Snorre Johanessen 2020 (co-supervision)
Rune Bolland 2020 (co-supervision)
Videos for Museums and Archives
Looking back Tom Andersen. Rossella Ragazzi (filmmaker). DVD, 60 min, Norway 2016. (classified).
Kuratorisk Aksjon. The Road to Mental Decolonization: DVD. Rossella Ragazzi (filmmaker). Kuratorisk Aktion and Sami Festival Copenhagen og Kirkenes 2010
Mari Boine: Saami Stories. Video. For Exhibition “Sámi Stories” by Rossella Ragazzi and Marit A. Hauan.Tromsø Universitetet Museum. 2014.
Ole Henrik Magga: Saami Stories. Video. For Exhibition “Sámi Stories” by Rossella Ragazzi and Marit A. Hauan. Tromsø Universitetet Museum. 2014.
Arkeologer som minner. Gerd S. Munch Video by Rossella Ragazzi and Terje Brantenberg. . Tromsø University Museum. 2009.
Trygve Lund Guttormsen. The Máze Artists Group. Video by Rossella Ragazzi and Terje Brantenberg. Three Episodes. Maze, Sápmi. Finnmark 2017.
Museum outreach and Museum Catalogues
Museum outreach is a very important activity in my institution accompanied by the discursive discipline of museology. Read more here:
Rossella Ragazzi and Shoji Hiroshi co-curated the Sámi section of the exhibition “Treasures of Indigenous Peoples”. National Museum of Ethnology, Minpaku. Japan 2020.
Shoji Hiroshi and Rossella Ragazzi, Texts for the Exhibition and the Catalogue of the Exhibition: “Treasures of Indigenous Peoples”. National Museum of Ethnology, Minpaku. Japan 2020-2021.
Heidi Persen, Trude Fonneland and Rossella Ragazzi. “Ládjogahpir” exhibition. University Museum Ui Tø, February 2021-May 2021.
Trude Fonneland, Rossella Ragazzi, Eli-Anita Schøning, et al. The Societal Dimensions of Sámi Research, online exhibition. https://sodisami.net NFR, UMAK, 2020
Ragazzi, Rossella. TellUs: Geological Exhibition. Video contributions and preparatory museological research to the exhibition. Tromsø University Museum. 2015-17
Ragazzi, Rossella, Terje Brantenberg. The Máze Artists Group: Trygve Lund Guttormsen. Filmed Interviews. 3 Episodes. Maze, Finnmark, Norge 2017-09-24
Ragazzi, Rossella. Firekeepers, documentary. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] film screening in Samiske Kirkedager Festival. Sørsamisk Menighetsråd; Mo i Rana. 2013-08-09 - 2013-08-10
Ragazzi, Rossella. Sebastiao Salgado: A Brazilian Amazon Forest Initiative. Report from the International Council of Museums, ICOM in Kyoto. 2019
Sveinulf Hegstad, Mari Karldstad, Ellen Beck, Rossella Ragazzi. Glimt, 2012, Glimt 2013. Photo. exhibition, Tromsø Museum. 2012-2013
Ragazzi, Rossella «Arkeologer som minner». Video (29 min.) with Prof. Gerd S. Munch and Associate Prof Terje Brantenberg. Universitet i tromsø website. 04-09.2009
Ragazzi, Rossella. Sami Joik: chanting and resilience. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] University of Kyoto; Kyoto. 07.05.2018
Ragazzi, Rossella. Museum Exhibition curated by A. Schneider and C. Øien. “Behind the screen: anthropologists work with film”. [Artistic or museum-related presentation] Oslo University. Galleri Sverdrup and Bergen University Museum. 2013.
Terje Brantenberg, Rossella Ragazzi, Ellen Beck. “Margarethe Wiig ABC”. Vitenskapet, Museum-related presentation. Tromsø University Museum. 04.02.2014.
Rossella Ragazzi, Terje Brantenberg, Ivar Bjørklund, Dikka Storm, Trude Fonneland: Outreach scientific committee for the Samisk Uke, 2011-ongoing.
Ragazzi, Rossella, Rob Barrett. Innledning: Det eksotiske Nord. Ottar 2015 ;Volume 306.(3).
Rob Barrett, Ragazzi, Rossella. Innledning: Fra fugl til Rein. Ottar 2014 ;Volume 301.(3).
Rossella Ragazzi et al. “La resistenza silenziosa degli Uomini Necessari”. Exhibition and Catalogue. University Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli. 1996
Art Galleries, Film Festivals, Artistic Residencies and Art Biennales: Outreach
Ragazzi, Rossella. “Len Kamerling: Strange and Sacred Noise”. Presentation of the author and his film. [Kunstnerisk og museal presentasjon] Small Projects Art Gallery. Len Kamerling, Rossella Ragazzi, Marion Bouvier and Jet Pascua; Tromsø. 22.02. 2019
Rossella Ragazzi et al. RØST, Skomvær. Summer artistic residency curated by Johannes Bergsman and Elin Øien. August, 2014
Rossella Ragazzi Other Fields. Filmmakers in Residency. Quadrangle Film Festival Workshop. Suffolk England 2016.
Rossella Ragazzi. “Itsushi Kawase: Films from Ethiopia”, Presentation of the author and his films. Small Projects Gallery Tromsø, 2014.
Rossella Ragazzi. “Il Monologo de L’ Altro Sguardo con Antonio Neiwiller”. Film. 35mm, 33’ Venezia Biennale. Cinema, 1996.
Rossella Ragazzi. “Arbos” Video Beta SP, 13’ 1990. Galleria Grotte del Boldini, Ferrara, 1991.
Rossella Ragazzi. “Fino al punto che si può raggiungere: Il cinema di Jean-Luc Godard”. Publication Catalogue Retrospective. Accademia Amiata, Italy 1998
Television outreach
1980-90: Filmmaker at for RAI, Italian National Television : Director for series of short documentary films and reportages from 1988 to 1990 on different topics: ecology, society, medicine, biology and natural sciences.
Longer documentaries:
Rossella Ragazzi. ”Il viaggio della Sibilla”,Docu-fiction- 16mm, 26’ Axelotil Rome. 1991
Rossella Ragazzi. ”Sayarii” (second director) 35mm, 70’. Bolivia, Axelotil, Rome. 1993
Rossella Ragazzi. ”Il teatro come invenzione” Beta Sp, RAI 3 Fuori Orario. 45’ 1998.
Presentations and talks
Rossella Ragazzi “Musical Expressions, Endangered Language and Resilience of Sámi Youth”. Presentation translated simultaneously in Japanese, and screening of the film “Firekeepers” subtitled in Japanse. Terakoi Cinema. Gifu Prefecture, Japan. 03.06.2018
Ragazzi, Rossella. Migrations. Carte Blanche à Eva Joly; 2015-01-29 - 2015-01-31. Talk and Screening.Les Parnassiens #Engagement Festival, Paris
Rossella Ragazzi «Epiques Ecoles: La Memoire Dure vingt ans après». 2016, Centre Georges Pompidou. Convener: La Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Paris 2016
Rossella Ragazzi and Britt Kramvig. Badebok, Desembernatt 03.12.2009. Launching of the book «Walking on Uneven Paths” , Author: Rossella Ragazzi. 2009
Ragazzi, Rossella. “Cultural critique in the film The Square”. Presentation and review of the film. Verdensteater Cineclub Tromsø. 03-12-2017.
Ragazzi, Rossella. Key concepts in artistic research. Summer Academy for Artistic Research. University of Arts, Helsinki. 13-20/08.2017
Ragazzi Rossella “Museologia del popolo Sámi” presentation at the research seminar convened by the Italian Embassy in Oslo. 04.09.2009
Research Affiliations
Societal Dimensions of Sámi Research, So.Di.Sami, Scientific Member. 2017-2020. Project Leader: Associate Professor Jukka Nyyssönen. Tromsø University Museum financed by NFR.
MusVIt, MuseerVitere: Scientific Member in the Research Project on Materiality, Expertise and Mediation of Knowledge in the Norwegian University Museums. Project Leader: Prof. Anita Maurstad. 2011-2015. Tromsø University Museum, financed by NFR.
Anthropos Programme, Assistant Research Member. University of Ngaoundéré and Tromsø ISV. Cameroon. Project leader Prof. Lisbet Holtedahl. (1994-1997).
Assistant researcher and collaborative filmmaker with Prof. Lisbet Holtedahl, in the making of the documentary film “A Castle in Africa”, 3 hours, 2004. Fieldwork in Cameroon, Nigeria and France (1997-2001). Released in 2018.
Institute for Social Medicine, University of Tromsø: fieldwork and interdisciplinary research “The Wise Patient”, research leader: PhD Fellow Eivind Merok. 1999-2002
Institute for Social Medicine, University of Tromsø: fieldwork and film-work in the Kalmar High Security Prison on therapeutic dialogues and systemic group therapy with Prof. Tom Andersen. (2003-2004)
Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Media Faculty of Social Sciences, Trancultural Ethnographic Media Practice Unit. Fieldwork and film-work on contemporary Irish inward Migration and Childhood. (2002-2005).
Commissions of trust
2008-2009 Advisory Board member, Ordkalotten Literature Festival.
2010-2013 Exhibitions, Consultant board for Formidling, TMU
2018, June-April 2020: Board Member, Fylkeslege Wessel og frues Fond
2018, June- April 2020 Board Member, Seljesdadfondet
2005-2009 Board, Sonar Film AM, Tromsø.
2018-ongoing, Board, Small Project Art Gallery, Tromsø.
PREVIOUS INVITED LECTURES and Screenings (before 2008, selection)
University of Oslo Cultural Complexity Seminar series, ISA. “Firekeepers” presentation and screening. March 2008.
Manchester University: International Conference of the Royal Anthropological Association (RAI). Paper: “Visual Anthropology of Childhood: the site-specific context” and screen presentation in the workshop and panel “Visualizing Childhood: Methodological approaches and challenges”. June 2007.
Tropen Museum, Amsterdam. Chair of one session at Beeld voor Beeld. Visual Anthropological Film Festival. June 2007.
Tromsø University Museum. Internal Research Seminar Series, presentation of Post Doctoral Research Project. May 2007.
Australian National University: International Symposium “Visualizing Childhood” Centre for Cross Cultural Research. Paper and film presentation. April 2007.
University of Tromsø: Seminar in Cross cultural cinema taught with Dr. Ilisa Barbash from Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Boston. University of Tromsø, January, 2007.
Musée de l’Homme Regards Comparés, « Migrations » : Screening Mémoire Dure and lecture. October 2006
Harvard University: Film and Environmental Studies Centre, Cambridge, Massachusetts : lecture in the seminar series of Visual Anthropology. Convener: Prof. Lucien G. Taylor. Seminar Series: “Sensory Ethnography”. February 2006
Harvard University, Cambridge Mass: Graduate School of Education. Course Leader: Prof. Wendy Luttrell. Seminar: “Intercultural aspects in Education” for Post graduate and Post doc. students in Education.Paper: “The Eloquence of Silence: a case study of a ten years old girl recently immigrated Chinese girl in France.” Screening, La Mémoire Dure. February 2006
Università degli Studi di Firenze. Seminario Permanente di Intercultura: dieci occasioni di studio, riflessione e confronto. Convener: prof. Maurizio Agamennone. Screening and Paper: “Lungo Sentieri Sconnessi. Esperienze transculturali e narrative di Bambini Migranti nell’Europa Contemporanea.” March 2006
New York University, Steinhardt School of Education, department of Culture and Communication. “The Global City and Media Ethnography: Practice Based Research on Migration and Public Policy.” Paper: “Migrant Children: Ethnographic film and Classroom Research”. Screening and paper. February 2006.
University of Bologna. Paper and Screening. “Il non detto e l'indicibile. Forme di resistenza all'assimilazione di alcuni bambini migranti in Francia e Irlanda”. Screening and Paper at Seminar Series on “Mediazioni Culturali” April 2006.
Musée de l’Homme, Paris. International Symposium, Comité du Film Ethnographique. Paper and Screening. “Framing Migration and Childhood: Anthropological Film Approaches”. Du cinema Ethnographique à l'Anthropologie Visuelle”. Online Proceedings. March 2006
Summer School New York University in collaboration with Dublin Insitute of Technology, Paper and Screning. “Migrant Children: Ethnographic Film and Classroom Research”. The Global City and Media Ethnography. June 2006.
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia. ESEM. Ethnomusicology International Seminar. Paper: Aspetti etnologici ed etnomusicologici nel cinema di Otar Ioseliani. Fondazione Cini Isola di S. Giorgio. Polifonie in Viva Voce n.9. 2005
Dublin Institute of Technology, post graduate series of seminar. Screening and presentation (and excerpts of film): "Non Nationals". 2004
Tromsø University, Forskning Seminar ISV. La Memoire Dure, screening and paper.2004
Siena University, Italy. Conference online "I saperi dello sguardo", paper "Ricettività e Reciprocitá nell' Etnografia Visiva". 2004
Bergamo University, CERCO and Bologna Film Institute. Screening "La Memoria Dura" within the conference "Visual Anthropology and Migration Studies". 2004
University of Rome La Sapienza, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Psychology. Screening and paper: “La Migrazione infantile nell’Europa del nuovo millennio”. 2004
Bristol University.The visible Evidence" Series of Seminars on Visual and Cultural Studies, Paper "Non-nationals: new forms of immigration in Ireland" in the panel "Migration and Location". 2003
Bilan du Film Ethnographique, Paris. Screening out competition of "At home in the World".
Nordic Anthropological Film Association, Taartu, Estonia. Screening "At home in the world". 2004.
Eala University of Moscow Ethnographic Film Conference. Screening "At home in the world". 2004.
The Irish Film Institue, Dublin: screening "La Memoire Dure" and paper: "Transcultural Media practice with migrant children". 2003
Festival of Visual Culture, Petrozavodsk, Russia, and Joensuu Finland: screening of "At home in the world" with Russian Subtitles. 2003
University of Leiden, Visual Ethnographic Department. Screening of "La Memoire Dure" and paper: "Filming with Migrant children in Primary school". 2003
Tropen Museum, Amsterdam. International Ethnographic Festival Beeld voor Beeld Anthropological Film Festival. Screening La Memoire Dure. Presentation and discussion with the audience. 2002
Irish Film Centre and Dublin Institute of Technology. Series of Conference "Transcultural Visual Research" screening of "La Memoire Dure" and paper "Performing Memory". 2002
Kalmar, Sweden: High Security Prison, Kriminelle Avdeling Screening and debate with inmates: "La mémoire dure". 2002
Festival of Visual Culture, Joeunsuu, Finland: screening of "Else Hjemme i Verden". 2002
Centre for Gender Research. University of Tromsø. “Challenging Situatedness: Gender, Culture and the Production of Knowledge”. Paper: “Dwelling with camera in between the female spaces of barn and kitchen” and screening of the film “Else at home in the world”. 2002
Norwegian Institute in Rome. Seminar “Practicing Visual Anthropology - Perspectives on Audiovisual Means for Mediating Scientific Knowledge". Paper: "Sensitivity and Sensibility in teaching Visual Ethnography". 2002
D.I.T., Ireland. “Migration and Location”, School of Media, Dublin. Presentation of the film “La Mémoire Dure” and a paper “Methodology and fieldwork in anthropological filmmaking”. 2002
Comune di Pistoia, Italy. Conference “Infanzia e Infanzie: l’educazione in una prospettiva antropologica” co-convened by Unicef Italia and University of Rome. Film “La Mémoire Dure” and Paper “La Memoria Dura: cosa dura nella memoria?”. 2002
Saami Parliament of Norway: presentation of the “Wise Patient”, Social Medicine Institute Research Network led by Dr. Eivind Merok. “Else hjemme I verden”, screening and debate, Karasjok, Norway 2001
Høgskolen, Tromsø, Screening of “La Memoire Dure” and paper: “Transcultural Childhood”. Lecture: Multiculturalism and Education. 2001
University of Rome, Seminar “Raccontare, raccontarsi” Department of Cultural Anthropology, screening of “La Memoire Dure” and paper: “Il tempo dell’emersione, il tempo dell’invenzione”. 2001
University of Arkangelsk, Russia. Screening of “Else Hjemme i verden” and “The Enigma of Health”, Lecture: “The wise patient: a multidisciplinary research project”. With PhD Fellow Eivind Merøk. 2001
Heidelberg University, screening of “The Enigma of Health” in presence of Hans-Georg Gadamer. With PhD Fellow Eivind Merok and Associate Prof. Åge Wifstadt. 2001
University of College London and The British Institute. Conference: “Global Media or Global Image?” film screening of “La Memoire Dure” and paper: “Imagining Childhood, meeting Children”.2001
Bodø, Norway, Nordland County, cultural department: retrospective of my films and paper: “Methodology in anthropological film research”. 2001
Senter for visuelle kulturstudier, Celebration for the establishment of the permanent department of Visual and Cultural Studies at university of Tromsø. Paper “How we constructed this department and our pedagogical philosophy”. 2001
University of Stockholm: Screening of “The Enigma of Health” and lecture on H.G. Gadamer’s filmatic engagement. 2001
Festival du Réel, Centre Pompidou, Paris: two screenings with debate of “La Memoire Dure”.
Reykiavik University, International seminar titled “Dignity in Medical studies” presentation, talks, screening and debate of “The enigma of Health”. 2001
Volda Documentary Film Festival: Screening of “La Memoire Dure”. 2001
Drammen, Norway, Seminar- “Building bridges, not walls”, screening of “La Memoire Dure” and paper: “Mediating knowledge through films”. 2001
Joensuu University, Finland. Festival of Visual Culture. Screening of “La Memoire Dure” and lecture: “Imagining Childhood, meeting children”. 2001
Tromsø International Film Festival, two screenings of “La Memoire Dure” and debate.
ISRE, Anthropological Film Festival, “Children”, Sardinia, Italy: “La Memoire Dure” awarded by the Special Prize of the Jury. 2000
Tromsø Conference of Nafa (Nordic Anthropological Film Association): presentation and debate: “La Memoire Dure”. 2000
Bergen Philosophical Poliklinik: Screening of “Else hjemme i verden”. 2000
Tromsø International Peace Conference Unesco: Screening of “Else hjemme i verden” and paper: “Visual Studies for Peace purposes”. 2000
Paarnu Interantional Documentary and Anthropological Film Festival, Estonia, screening “Else at home in the world”.2000
Tromsø International Litterature Conference “The Heritage of Laestadius”, screening of “Else hjemme i Verden” and paper: “Mystical and sensual: women’s faith and ecology”. 2000
Philosophical Poliklinik, Annual Conference, Bergen : “Else at Home in the world”, screening and paper. 2000
Tromsø International Womens World Conference: screening of “Else at home in the world”.
Medical Philosophical Forum, Tromsø University. Screening and presentation Else Hjemme i Verden. 1999
Ethics and Education, Den danske legeforening. Screening. 1999
Workshop, Verdinett, Norwegian Research Council. Oslo. 1999
“Videreutdanning i psykiatri”, Tromsø helsefaghøgskole. “Rehabiliteringsenheten”, Åsgård psykiatriske sykehus, Tromsø. 1999
International Peace Conference, Unesco Tromsø. Opening Screening and paper: Hjemme i Verden. 1999.
N.B: More than 100 screenings of “Else Hjemme i Verden”, At Home in the World, The Enigma of Health, La Mémoire Dure, Firekeepers, Video for museums in Institutions, hospitals, schools, academies, universities that are not all listed here. These films have been acquired by libraries and archives and are still required for screenings. 1999-2020
Name of institution attended, awards
Liceo Classico Virgilio, Rome 1979-84
Maturitá Classica
Latin, Greek, Philosophy, History, Italian Literature, French, Physics, Mathematics.
Liceo Classico
G.C.E. A level
A level
58/60 award
National Film School, Rome: 1984-87
Bachelor Cinema Studies, Cinema Theory, Film Direction & Production
Ethnographic Documentary Filmmaking
University of Rome
Anthropology, Philosophy, 1984-87
Rome University La Sapienza
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
Level GCE +4, 1990-1991
Level:Master +1
Université Paris 1 La Sorbonne
Maîtrise, Sciences of Art, Cinema Studies.
Université de France
GCE+3 years, 15/18 award
Mphil and PhD
Dublin Institute of Technology: M.phil and PhD. Award obtained in due time, with no revisions required
University of Tromsø Museum: Post Doc (3 years)
Museum Studies, Indigenous Studies. 2007-2010
Anthropological Fieldwork
1994: Cameroon, 1 month
1997: Cameroon, 1 month
1998: Cameroon, 1 month
1998: France, 9 months
1999: Sápmi Finnmark, 2 months
2000: Sápmi Finnmark: 1 month
2000: France, 1 month
2001: Cameroon, 1 month
2002: Sápmi Finnmark, 1 month
2003: Ireland, 6 months
2004: Ireland, 8 months
2005: Ireland, 4 months
2006: Sápmi-Trondelag, 1 month
2007: Sápmi Trondelag, 1 month
2008: Sápmi Finnmark 2 weeks
2009: Sápmi Finnmark 2 weeks
2009: Amsterdam 2 weeks
2009: Japan, 2 weeks
2010: Trondelag, Sápmi 2 weeks
2013: Amsterdam, 2 weeks
2013: Berlin, 1 month
2014: Trondelag, Sápmi 2 weeks
2015: Amsterdam 2 weeks
2016: Japan, 2 weeks
2017: Japan, 2 weeks
2018: Japan 2 months
2019: Japan 2 weeks
2020: Covid pandemic imposed confinement, no fieldwork.
2021: Covid Pandemic. No fieldwork
Attended Courses (to improve and or update my profession)
I have taken several courses offered by UiT in the last ten years. From those orienting or updating my technical skills at the computer, like programs and new applications, to classes presenting new digital tools, to learning about Open Source publications, presentation on Powerpoint, writing applications for H2020, European funding or Marie Curies scholarship.