Bilde av Hood, Bryan
Bilde av Hood, Bryan
Institutt for arkeologi, historie, religionsvitenskap og teologi +4777645612 Her finner du meg

Bryan Hood

Professor emeritus i arkeologi


  Som professor emeritus jeg prøver å få gjort forskningen som jeg ikke fikk gjort når jeg undervist.

  • Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer :
    Concepts and Methods
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    Landscape and Resource Management in Interior Sápmi, North Norway
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    LARM Investigations in Inner Finnmark 1: The Kárášjohka/Karasjok Region.
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    Investigations in Inner Finnmark 2: Small Investigations in Western Finnmark and Investigations of House-Pits in the Bácheveaij/Pasvik and Deatnu/Tana River Valleys, Eastern Finnmark.
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer :
    Reflections on Living in Landscapes
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer :
    Conclusions. Resource Management and Landscape Use in a Long-Term Perspective.
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Bryan Cameron Hood, Hans Peter Blankholm :
    Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions.
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Cameron Hood :
    Modern Ecological Structure and Lithic Resources of Northern Norway
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood, Hans Peter Blankholm :
    Previous Archaeological Research in Interior Finnmark and Troms
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Bryan C. Hood :
    Settlement Models for Interior Finnmark
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Bryan C. Hood :
    The Emergence of Reindeer Herding in North Norway, Part I: Improvisations on Two Scales
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Bryan C. Hood :
    Historical Sources and Ethnographic Analogies: The Early Modern Sámi of Inner Finnmark as Seen Through the Swedish Tax Records, 1553 - 1752
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Bryan C. Hood :
    The Emergence of Reindeer Herding in North Norway Part 2: Archaeological and Historical Evidence
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Bryan C. Hood :
    Hunting-Pit Systems in the Northern Interior
    Equinox Publishing 2024 DOI
  • Bryan Cameron Hood, Knut Helskog, Vladimir Ya. Shumkin :
    Stone Age Houses on the Northern RIm of Europe: Arctic Norway and Russia`s Kola Peninsula
    University Press of Florida 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Bryan Hood, Erling Krog Ravna, Trine Merete Dahl, Marianne Skandfer :
    Preliminary geochemical analysis of asbestos minerals from geological and archaeological contexts in Finnmark, north Norway Evaluating the potential for sourcing tempers in asbestos ceramics
  • Bryan Hood, Stine Grøvdal Melsæther :
    Shellfish Exploitation in Stone Age Arctic Norway: Procurement Patterns and Household Activities
    Acta Borealia 2016 DOI
  • Bryan Hood :
    Framing Sámi Entanglement in Early Modern Colonial Processes: Ethnohistorical and Archaeological Perspectives from Interior North Norway
    Arctic Anthropology 2015
  • Bryan Hood :
    The Empty Quarter? Identifying the Mesolithic of Interior Finnmark, North Norway
    Arctic Anthropology 2012
  • Samuli Helama, Bryan Hood :
    Stone Age midden deposition assessed by bivalve sclerochronology and radiocarbon wiggle-matching of Arctica islandica shell increments
    Journal of Archaeological Science 2011 DOI
  • Bryan Hood, Samuli Helama :
    Karlebotnbakken Reloaded: Shifting the Chronological Significance of an Iconic Late Stone Age Site in Varangerford, North Norway
    Fennoscandia Archaeologica 2010
  • Bryan Hood :
    The Circumpolar Zone
    Oxford University Press 2009
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Juan Barcelo, Jordi Estevez, Bryan Hood :
    Introduction: Tops of the World (ToW): the Dawn of a Concept
    Arctic Anthropology 2009 DOI
  • Marianne Skandfer, Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood :
    Archaeological Perspectives on Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes and Resource Management in Interior North Norway
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Knut Helskog, Bryan C. Hood, Vladimir Shumkin :
    Dwelling Forms and Settlement Patterns on Russia's Kola Peninsula Northern Coast, 2300-1500 cal. BC
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Bryan Hood :
    Towards an Archaeology of the Nain Region, Labrador
    Smithsonian Institution Press 2008
  • Bryan Hood :
    Crisis? What Crisis? Perspektiver på klima, kulturendring og kausalitet
  • Bryan Hood :
    Bokanmeldelse: Lotte Hedeager 2017 Arkeologi kort fortalt
    Primitive tider 2018
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Bryan Hood :
    Obituary: Ericka Maria Thrash Engelstad 1947-2018
    Norwegian Archaeological Review 2018 DOI
  • Bryan Hood :
    "Another #?&/%*!! Quartz Scatter". Framing Sites and Off-Sites in Inner Finnmark (and Elsewhere).
  • Bryan Hood :
    Match My Wiggle. Climate Proxies and the Gressbakken Phase (2300-1600 BC) in Northern Norway.
  • Bryan Hood :
    Review of: Tuija Rankama (ed.): Mesolithic Interfaces: Variability in Lithic Technologies in Eastern Fennoscandia.
    Fennoscandia Archaeologica 2015
  • Bryan Hood :
    The Unbearable Lightness of History? North Norwegian Archaeology and the Early Modern Sámi as Image and Analogue
  • Bryan Hood, Bjørn Bjerkli :
    Trond Thuen 1943–2013
    Acta Borealia 2014 DOI
  • Bjørn Bjerkli, Bryan Hood :
    Obituary Trond Thuen 1943-2013
    Acta Borealia 2014
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    Registreringer i Karasjok kommune, Finnmark, 2013. Rapport fra feltarbeid
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2013
  • Ingrid Sommerseth, Bryan Hood :
    Forskningsprosjektet "Landskapskunnskap og ressursforvaltning i Indre Troms og Finnmark 2500 f.Kr. - 1000 e.Kr." LARM. Registreringsrapport Indre Finnmark 2010
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2011
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    Registreringsrapport 2011, Indre Finnmark. Forskningsprosjektet "Landskapskunnskap og ressursforvaltning i Indre Troms og Finnmark 300 f.Kr. - 100 e.Kr."(LARM)
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2011
  • Marianne Skandfer, Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood, Ingrid Sommerseth :
    LARM: Resultater og refleksjoner etter feltsesongen 2011
  • Ingrid Sommerseth, Bryan Hood :
    Molležis gávdnan boarráseamos
    13. august 2010
  • Bryan Hood :
    Evig analogi. Etnografi og begrepsmessige integreringsprosesser i arkeologi
  • Bryan Hood :
    LARM-prosjektets feltarbeid i indre Finnmark, 2009-2010
  • Bryan Hood :
    Early Post-Glacial Settlement of Inner Finnmark, North Norway
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood, Jan Ingolf Kleppe :
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Maja Sojtaric, Bryan Hood, Jan Ingolf Kleppe :
    Livet etter istiden
    19. januar 2009
  • Bryan C Hood :
    The Empty Quarter? Archaeological Investigation of Possible Early Holocene Settlement in Inner Finnmark
  • Bryan C Hood :
    Thinking the Arctic: Cognitive History of Science and the Development of Culture-Historical Concepts in the North American Arctic
  • Bryan C Hood :
    North Norway and Russia's Kola Peninsula ca. 2000 BC: Pit-Houses, Pit-Falls, People, and Environment
  • Bryan C Hood :
    Review of: Grønlands forhistorie
    Norwegian Archaeological Review 2006
  • Bryan C Hood :
    Review of: Taymyr. The Archaeology of Northernmost Eurasia. By Leonid P. Khlobystin. Arctic Studies Center Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology 5, Smithsonian Institution, Washington
    Acta Borealia 2006

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →

    Publikasjoner utenom Cristin


    Work in progress 

    Skandfer, M., Blankholm, H. P., and Hood, B. (eds.)

    Archaeological Perspectives on Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes and Resource Management in Interior
    North Norway. Sheffield: Equinox. (neverending "in preparation":

    Publication of the LARM-project. Contributing to chapters on: previous archaeological research in Finnmark, recent environmental background for Finnmark, paleoenvironmental data from Finnmark, archaeological investigations in the Karasjok region, settlement models, hunting-pit systems, emergence of reindeer herding, and early modern historical sources (Swedish tax records 1553-1752).

    Helskog, K., Hood, B., and Shumkin, V.  Dwelling Forms and Settlement Patterns on Russia's Kola Peninsula Coast, 2200-1500 calBC.

    (Possibly a mini-book in the Finnish series Iskos. Nearly done)

     Hood, B.  The Gressbakken Phase: "Complex" Hunter-Gatherers in Northern Norway? A Case-Study in Archaeological Interpretation.

    (mini-book intended as student literature; draft completed, needs up-dating. Probably for an open-access source)

    Hood, B. Lithic Raw Materials in Finnmark.  (Working paper/report for the Stone Age Demography project. Mini-book in progress. Probably for an open-access source).


    Hood, B.C., Helskog, K. and Shumkin, V.Ya. 2022. Stone Age Houses on the Northern Rim of Europe:
    Arctic Norway and Russia’s Kola Peninsula. In More than Shelter from the Storm : Hunter-gatherer Houses and the Built Environment, edited by B.N. Andrews and D.A. Macdonald, pp. 83-107. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

    Hood, B.C. , Ravna, E. Krogh, Dahl, T.M.  and Skandfer, M. 2022. Preliminary Geochemical Analysis of Asbestos Minerals from Geological and Archaeological Contexts in Finnmark, North Norway. Evaluating the Potential for Sourcing Tempers in Asbestos Ceramics. In: Odes to Mika. Festschrift for Professor Mika Lavento on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, edited by Petri Halinen, Volker Heyd and Kristiina Mannermaa, pp. 26-34. Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 10. Helsinki: The Archaeological Society of Finland.

    Hood, B. C. and Melsæther, S. G. 

    2016 Shellfish exploitation in Stone Age Arctic Norway: Procurement patterns and household activities. Acta Borealia 33(1):1-29.

    Hood, B. C.

    2015 Framing Sámi Entanglement in Early Modern Colonial Processes. Ethnohistorical and Archaeological Perspectives from Interior North Norway. Arctic Anthropology 52(2):37-56

    Blankholm, H. P., Hood, B. C., and Kleppe, J. I.

    2014  Northern Scandinavia. Synthesis. In: Initial Human Colonization of Arctic in Changing Paleoenvironments. Atlas-Monograph, edited by V.M. Kotlyakov, A.A. Velichko, and S.A. Vasil'ev, pp. 24-29. Geos, Moscow. (In Russian) 

    Hood, B. C.

    2012  The Empty Quarter? Identifying the Mesolithic of Interior Finnmark, North Norway. Arctic Anthropology 49(1):105-135.

    Helama, S. and Hood, B. C. 

    2011 Stone Age Midden Deposition Assessed by Bivalve Sclerochronology and Radiocarbon Wiggle-Matching of Arctica islandica Shell Increments. Journal of Archaeological Science 38:452-460.

    Hood, B. C. and Helama, S.

    2010 Karlebotnbakken Reloaded. Shifting the Chronological Significance of an Iconic Late Stone Age Site in Varangerfjord, North Norway. Fennoscandia Archaeologica 27:35-43.

    Blankholm, H.P., Barcelo, J., Estevez, J. and Hood, B.C.
    2009  Introduction: Tops of the World (ToW): The Dawn of a Concept. Arctic Anthropology 46(1-2):1-7.

    Hood, Bryan C.

    2009 The Circumpolar Zone. In The Oxford Handbook of Archaeology, In: B. Cunliffe, C. Gosden and R. Joyce (eds), pp. 812-840. Oxford University Press. 

    2008  Towards an Archaeology of the Nain Region, Labrador. Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology 7, Arctic Studies Center, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. (365 p.)

    2002 Days of Future Past: Pluralizing Eastern Arctic/Subarctic Archaeology. In Honoring Our Elders. A History of Arctic Archaeology., edited by William W. Fitzhugh, Stephen Loring and Daniel Odess, pp.239-252. Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology 2, Arctic Studies Center, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.

    2000 Pre-Dorset/Maritime Archaic Social Boundaries in Labrador. In Identities and Cultural Contacts in the Arctic, edited by Martin Appelt, Joel Berglund and Hans Christian Gulløv, p. 120-128. Danish Polar Center, Copenhagen.

    1998 Theory on Ice: the Discourse of Eastern Canadian Arctic Paleo-Eskimo Archaeology. Acta Borealia 15(2):3-58.

    1995 Circumpolar Comparison Revisited: Hunter-Gatherer Complexity in the North Norwegian Stone Age and the Labrador Maritime Archaic. Arctic Anthropology 32(2):75-105.

    1994 Lithic Procurement and Technological Organization in the Late Stone Age and Early Metal Period of West Finnmark, North Norway. Norwegian Archaeological Review 27(2):65-85.

    1993 The Maritime Archaic Indians of Labrador: Investigating Prehistoric Social Organization. Newfoundland Studies 9(2):163-184.

    1993 Chert Sources and Distribution Patterns in the Stone Age of West Finnmark, North Norway: A Preliminary View. Acta Borealia 9(2):69-84.

    1988 Sacred Pictures, Sacred Rocks: Ideological and Social Space in the North Norwegian Stone Age. Norwegian Archaeological Review 21(2):65-84.

    Hood, Bryan C. (with the collaboration of Gary Baikie)
    1998 Mineral Resource Development, Archaeology and Aboriginal Rights in Northern Labrador. Études/Inuit/Studies 22(2):7-29.

    Hood, Bryan C. and Bjørnar Olsen
    1988 Virdnejavri 112: A Late Stone Age/Early Metal Period Site from Interior Finnmark, North Norway. Acta Archaeologica 58:105-125.

    Labrèche, Yves, Fred Schwarz and Bryan C. Hood
    1997 Voisey's Bay 1996 Environmental Baseline Technical Data Report. Historic Resources. Prepared for Voisey's Bay Nickel C. Ltd., by Jacques Whitford Environment Ltd., Mushuau Band Council and Torngâsok Cultural Center-Labrador Inuit Association. 166 p.



    Sirkumpolar arkeologi:  nord Fennoskandia, Kola;  tidligere, Labrador/øst-arktisk Canada, Grønland

    Jeger-samler sosialkompleksitet (spesialt perioden ca. 2000 f.Kr. i Finnmark og Kola)

    Overganger mellom reinjakt og reindrift, organisering og forvaltning av jaktlandskaper (fangstgrop systemer og Commons management) 

    Steinråstoffskilder og bruk i Finnmarks steinalder (geoarkeologisk perspektiver)

    Kunnskapskonstruksjon i arkeologi: teori, forskningshistorie; kognitive perspektiver i vitenskapsteori

    Metode: til varierende grader innom geoarkeologi, paleoklima, skalldyranalyse, radiokarbondateringer


    Som nylig professor emeritus (pensjonert) har jeg ikke lenger undervisning. Men tidligere har jeg undervist i bl.a.:  introduksjon til arkeologi, arkeologi eks.fak. (vitenskapsteori), metode kurs, arkeologiens idehistorie (faghistorie/teori) sirkumpolar arkeologi, nordre Fennoskandisk steinalder, globale temaer (dvs. menneskers evolusjon, tidlig jordbruk, statssamfunn, kolonialisme og verdenssystemer), og jeger-samlere.

    Jeg har også veiledet flere hovedfag/masters studenter samt en del PhD stipendiater.