Saija Mikkilä,
Bjørn Helge Handegård,
Jonas Lars Johansson,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock,
Roland Johannes Wilhelmus van den Tillaar,
Nina Alice Emaus
Cross-sectional associations between accelerometer-measured physical activity and hip bone mineral density: the Tromsø Study 2015-2016
Edvard Hamnvik Sagelv,
Nina Alice Emaus,
Elin Kristin Evensen,
Tore Christoffersen,
Elaine Dennison,
Anne-Sofie Furberg
Acquisition of peak bone mass in a Norwegian youth cohort : longitudinal findings from the Fit Futures study 2010–2022
Karina Karlsen,
Charlotte Konradsdatter Aronsen,
Therese Daleng Bjørnnes,
Trine Bruun Harberg,
Anita Nytræ Halland,
Thomas Holand
Integration of e-learning approaches in a post-pandemic learning environment – Norwegian nursing students’ recommendations from an action research study
Jonas Johansson,
Nina Emaus,
Bastiaan Geelhoed,
Edvard Hamnvik Sagelv,
Bente Morseth
Vertebral Fractures Assessed by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and All-Cause Mortality: The Tromsø Study, 2007-2020
American Journal of Epidemiology 2022
Jonas Linkas,
Luai Awad Ahmed,
Gabor Csifcsak,
Nina Emaus,
Anne-Sofie Furberg,
Gunn Pettersen
Two-year changes in sleep duration are associated with changes in psychological distress in adolescent girls and boys: the fit futures study
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 2022
Helena Kames Kjeldgaard,
Haakon Eduard Meyer,
Martin O’Flaherty,
Ellen Margrete Apalset,
Cecilie Dahl,
Nina Emaus
Impact of Total Hip Replacements on the Incidence of Hip Fractures in Norway During 1999–2019. A Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS) Study
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2022
Saija Mikkilä,
Jonas Johansson,
Anna Hava Nordström,
Peter Nordström,
Nina Emaus,
Bjørn Helge Handegård
A 15-year follow-up study of hip bone mineral density and associations with leisure time physical activity. The Tromsø Study 2001-2016
Jonas Linkas,
Luai A. Ahmed,
Gabor Csifcsak,
Nina Emaus,
Anne-Sofie Furberg,
Guri Grimnes
Are pro-inflammatory markers associated with psychological distress in a cross-sectional study of healthy adolescents 15–17 years of age? : the Fit Futures study
Jonas Linkas,
Luai A. Ahmed,
Gabor Csifcsak,
Nina Emaus,
Anne-Sofie Furberg,
Guri Grimnes
C-Reactive Protein and TGF-α Predict Psychological Distress at Two Years of Follow-Up in Healthy Adolescent Boys : the Fit Futures Study
Ole-Andreas Nilsen,
Nina Emaus,
Tore Christoffersen,
Anne Winther,
Elin Evensen,
Gyrd Thrane
The influence of snuff and smoking on bone accretion in late adolescence : the Tromsø study, Fit Futures
Annette Vogt Hauger,
Kristin Holvik,
Astrid Bergland,
Agneta Ståhle,
Nina Emaus,
Bente Morseth
Physical capability, physical activity, and their association with femoral bone mineral density in adults aged 40 years and older: The Tromsø study 2015–2016
Yume Imahori,
Ellisiv B. Mathiesen,
Katy E. Morgan,
Chris Frost,
Alun D. Hughes,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock
The association between anthropometric measures of adiposity and the progression of carotid atherosclerosis
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2020
Geir F Lorem,
Sarah Anne Cook,
David A. Leon,
Nina Emaus,
Henrik Schirmer
Self-reported health as a predictor of mortality: A cohort study of its relation to other health measurements and observation time
Nils Abel Aars,
Sigurd Beldo,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen,
Alexander Horsch,
Bente Morseth,
Nina Emaus
Association between objectively measured physical activity and longitudinal changes in body composition in adolescents : the Tromsø study fit futures cohort
Annette Vogt Hauger,
Astrid Bergland,
Kristin Holvik,
Nina Emaus,
Bjørn Heine Strand
Can bone mineral density loss in the non-weight bearing distal forearm predict mortality?
Ole-Andreas Nilsen,
Luai A. Ahmed,
Anne Winther,
Tore Christoffersen,
Gyrd Thrane,
Elin Evensen
Body weight and body mass index influence bone mineral
density in late adolescence
in a
-up study.
The Tromsø Study: Fit Futures
Siri Marie Solbakken,
Jeanette H. Magnus,
Haakon E Meyer,
Cecilie Dahl,
Hein Stigum,
Anne-Johanne Søgaard
Urban–Rural Differences in Hip Fracture Mortality: A Nationwide NOREPOS Study
Dunia Alarkawi,
Dana Bluic,
T Tran,
Luai A Ahmed,
Nina Emaus,
Åshild Bjørnerem
Impact of osteoporotic fracture type and subsequent fracture on mortality: The Tromsø Study
Osteoporosis International 2019
Ellina Iordanova Schistad,
Xiang Yi Kong,
Anne-Sofie Furberg,
Emmanuel Bäckryd,
Guri Grimnes,
Nina Emaus
A population-based study of inflammatory mechanisms and pain sensitivity
Bjørn Heine Strand,
Astrid Bergland,
Lone Jørgensen,
Henrik Schirmer,
Nina Emaus,
Rachel Cooper
Do More Recent Born Generations of Older Adults Have Stronger Grip? A Comparison of Three Cohorts of 66- to 84-Year-Olds in the Tromsø Study
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2019
Anne-Johanne Søgaard,
Jeanette H. Magnus,
Åshild Bjørnerem,
Kristin Holvik,
Anette Hylen Ranhoff,
Nina Emaus
Grip strength in men and women aged 50–79 years is associated with non-vertebral osteoporotic fracture during 15 years follow-up: The Tromsø Study 1994–1995
Nils Abel Aars,
Bjarne Koster Jacobsen,
Bente Morseth,
Nina Emaus,
Sameline Grimsgaard
Longitudinal changes in body composition and waist circumference by self-reported levels of physical activity in leisure among adolescents: the Tromsø Study, Fit Futures
BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation 2019
Saija Mikkilä,
Giovanna Calogiuri,
Nina Emaus,
Bente Morseth
A cross-sectional and 6-year follow-up study of associations between leisure time physical activity and vertebral fracture in adults
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2019
Yume Imahori,
Ellisiv B. Mathiesen,
Daniella Axelsson Leon,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock,
Alun D. Hughes,
Stein Harald Johnsen
The contribution of obesity to carotid atherosclerotic plaque burden in
a general population sample in Norway: The Tromsø Study
Elin Evensen,
Guri Skeie,
Tom Wilsgaard,
Tore Christoffersen,
Elaine Dennison,
Anne-Sofie Furberg
How Is Adolescent Bone Mass and Density Influenced by
Early Life Body Size and Growth? The Tromsø Study: Fit
Futures—A Longitudinal Cohort Study From Norway
Maina Sofie Wergel Teigmo,
TE Gundersen,
Nina Emaus,
Guri Grimnes
Distribution and determinants of retinol in Norwegian adolescents, and its relation to bone mineral density: the Troms? Study: Fit Futures
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2018
Elin Evensen,
Nina Emaus,
Anne-Sofie Furberg,
Ane Sofie Kokkvoll,
Jonathan Wells,
Tom Wilsgaard
Adolescent body composition and associations with body size
and growth from birth to late adolescence. The Tromsø study:
Fit Futures—A Norwegian longitudinal cohort study
Pediatric Obesity 27. desember 2018
Annette Vogt Hauger,
Astrid Bergland,
Kristin Holvik,
Agneta Ståhle,
Nina Emaus,
Bjørn Heine Strand
Osteoporosis and osteopenia in the distal forearm predict all-cause mortality independent of grip strength: 22-year follow-up in the population-based Tromsø Study
Osteoporosis International 2018
Anne Winther,
Lone Jørgensen,
Luai A. Ahmed,
Tore Christoffersen,
Anne-Sofie Furberg,
Guri Grimnes
Bone mineral density at the hip and its relation to fat mass and lean mass in adolescents: the Tromsø Study, Fit Futures
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2018
Anne Kristine Gulsvik,
Marius Myrstad,
Ida Wilson Landgraff,
Nina Emaus,
Anette Hylen Ranhoff
Lower bone mineral density in older female
endurance skiers – a cross-sectional, observational study
Tore Christoffersen,
Nina Emaus,
Elaine Dennison,
Anne-Sofie Furberg,
Luis Gracia-Marco,
Guri Grimnes
The association between childhood fractures and adolescence bone outcomes: a population-based study, the Tromsø Study, Fit Futures
Osteoporosis International 16. november 2017
Leva Martinaityte,
Rolf Jorde,
Nina Emaus,
Anne Elise Eggen,
Ragnar Martin Joakimsen,
Elena Kamycheva
Bone mineral density is associated with Vitamin D related rs6013897 and estrogen receptor polymorphism rs4870044: The Tromsø study
Tord Markussen Hammer,
Nina Alice Emaus,
Elin Kristin Evensen,
Jonas Lars Johansson,
Bente Morseth,
Tore Christoffersen
Associations between accelerometer-measured physical activity and bone mineral density from adolescence to young adulthood. Fit Futures.
Grete Mehus,
Anne Britt Klemetsen Hætta,
Nina Emaus,
Linda Okstad
The history of Sámi nursing education and the path toward regulations on a national guideline for Sámi nursing education in Norway
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 09. mai 2023
Jonas Linkas,
Luai A. Ahmed,
Gabor Csifcsak,
Nina Emaus,
Anne-Sofe Furberg,
Guri Grimnes
Correction to: Are pro-infammatory markers associated with psychological distress in a cross-sectional study of healthy adolescents 15–17 years of age? The Fit Futures study (BMC Psychology, (2022), 10, 1, (65), 10.1186/s40359-022-00779-8)
Jonas Linkas,
Luai A. Ahmed,
Gabor Csifcsak,
Nina Emaus,
Anne-Sofie Furberg,
Guri Grimnes
Corrigendum: C-Reactive Protein and TGF-α Predict Psychological Distress at Two Years of Follow-Up in Healthy Adolescent Boys: The Fit Futures Study (Front. Psychol., (2022), 13, 823420, 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.823420)
Frontiers in Psychology 2022
Nina Emaus,
Linda Okstad
Vi står sammen i kampen om flere sykepleiere til Finnmark
Jonas Johansson,
Nina Emaus,
Bastiaan Geelhoed,
Edvard Hamnvik Sagelv,
Bente Morseth
Associations between vertebral fracture and mortality. The Tromsø Study 2007-2020
Linda Okstad,
Anne Britt Klemmetsen Hætta,
Grete Mehus,
Nina Emaus
Samisk sykepleierutdanning: Målet er å utdanne kulturelt trygge sykepleiere
Tidsskriftet sykepleien 12. februar 2021
Linda Okstad,
Nina Emaus
Et felles løft for Finnmark
Sør-Varanger Avis 12. november 2020
Linda Okstad,
Nina Emaus
Krav til utdanningen i koronatiden- kan ikke gi fritak fra de restriksjoner som helsetjenesten pålegger oss
Tidsskriftet sykepleien 01. april 2020
Edvard Hamnvik Sagelv,
Ulf Ekelund,
Jonas Johansson,
Boye Welde,
Sameline Grimsgaard,
Nina Emaus
Measures of adiposity and its association to physical activity: The Tromsø Study
Oddgeir Friborg,
Nina Emaus,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Unni Bilden,
Jan Abel Olsen,
Gunn Pettersen
Correction: Violence affects physical and mental health differently: The general population based Tromsø Study
Annette Vogt Hauger,
Bjørn Heine Strand,
Nina Emaus,
Astrid Bergland,
Kristin Holvik
Midlife bone mineral density change in the distal forearm and subsequent mortality
Nils Abel Aars,
Sigurd Beldo,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen,
Alexander Horsch,
Bente Morseth,
Nina Emaus
The association between objectively measured physical activity and longitudinal changes in body composition in adolescents; The Tromsø Study Fit Futures Cohort.
Annette Vogt Hauger,
Kristin Holvik,
Astrid Bergland,
Nina Emaus,
Bjørn Heine Strand
Midlife Bone Mineral Density Change in the Distal Forearm and Subsequent Mortality: Findings from the Population Based Tromsø Study
Elin Evensen,
Nina Emaus,
Guri Skeie
Født sånn eller blitt sånn? Hvordan påvirker fødselsvekt, kroppsmasseindeks og vekst, kroppssammensetning og beinhelse i ungdomsårene?
Annette Vogt Hauger,
Astrid Bergland,
Kristin Holvik,
Agneta Ståhle,
Nina Emaus,
Bjørn Heine Strand
Bone mineral density of the distal forearm as a predictor of all-cause mortality. The Tromsø Study
Bente Morseth,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen,
Nina Emaus,
Tom Wilsgaard,
Lone Jørgensen
Correlates and predictors of leisure time physical activity. The Tromsø Study 1979-2008
Bente Morseth,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen,
Nina Emaus,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock,
Lone Jørgensen,
Sameline Grimsgaard
Secular trends in physical activity among adults and elderly. The Tromsø Study 1979-2016