Fatema Rahman,
Imin Wushur,
Nabin Malla,
Ove Alexander Høgmoen Åstrand,
Pål Rongved,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Zinc-Chelating Compounds as Inhibitors of Human and Bacterial Zinc Metalloproteases
Fatema Rahman,
Tra-Mi Nguyen,
Olayiwola Adekoya,
Cristina Campestre,
Paolo Tortorella,
Ingebrigt Sylte
Inhibition of bacterial and human zincmetalloproteases
by bisphosphonate- and catechol-containing compounds
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 2021
Rangita Dawadi,
Nabin Malla,
Beate Hegge,
Imin Wushur,
Eli Berg,
Gunbjørg Svineng
Molecular Interactions Stabilizing the Promatrix Metalloprotease-9·Serglycin Heteromer
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Method for Determining Gelatinolytic Activity in Tissue Extracts: Real-Time Gelatin Zymography.
Methods in molecular biology 2019
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Method for Determining Gelatinolytic Activity in Tissue: In Situ Gelatin Zymography
Methods in molecular biology 2019
Elisabeth Øya,
Komlavi Anani Afanou,
Nabin Malla,
Silvio Uhlig,
Elin Rolen,
Ida Skaar
Characterization and pro-inflammatory responses of spore and hyphae samples from various mold species
Berit Bang,
Nabin Malla,
Sampada Bhagwat,
lisbeth Aasmoe,
Jan-Olof Winberg
A Sensitive Assay for Proteases in Bioaerosol Samples: Characterization and Quantification of Airborne Proteases in Salmon Industry Work Environments
Annals of Work Exposures and Health 2018
Ingebrigt Sylte,
Rangita Dawadi,
Nabin Malla,
Susannah von Hofsten,
Tra-Mi Nguyen,
Ann Iren Solli
The selectivity of galardin and an azasugar-based hydroxamate compound for human Matrix metalloproteases and bacterial metalloproteases
Synnøve Magnussen,
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Daniela Elena Costea,
Eli Berg,
Cristiane de Albuquerque Cavalcanti Jacobsen,
Bente Mortensen
Cleavage of the urokinase receptor (uPAR) on oral cancer cells: Regulation by transforming growth factor - beta1 (TGF-beta1) and potential effects on migration and invasion
Conny Tümmler,
Igor Snapkov,
Malin Wickström,
Ugo Moens,
Linda Ljungblad,
Maria Elfman
Inhibition of chemerin/CMKLR1 axis in neuroblastoma cells reduces clonogenicity and cell viability in vitro and impairs tumor growth in vivo
Stian Sjøli,
Elisa Nuti,
Caterina Camodeca,
Irina Bilto,
Armando Rossello,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Synthesis, experimental evaluation and molecular modelling of hydroxamate derivatives as zinc metalloproteinase inhibitors
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2016
Imin Wushur,
Ingebrigt Sylte,
Jan-Olof Winberg
The catalytic reaction mechanism of drosophilid alcohol dehydrogenases
Perspectives in Science 2015
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Ann Iren Solli,
Anne Dragøy Hafstad,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen
Intracellular MMP-2 Activity in Skeletal Muscle is Associated with Type II Fibers
Journal of Cellular Physiology 2015
Stian Sjøli,
Ann Iren Solli,
Øyvind Wilhelm Akselsen,
Yang Jiang,
Eli Berg,
Trond Vidar Hansen
PAC-1 and isatin derivatives are weak matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 18. juli 2014
Imin Wushur,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Ingebrigt Sylte
Comparative molecular dynamic simulations of wild type and Thr114Val mutated Scaptodrosophila lebanonensis alcohol dehydrogenase
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2014
Olayiwola Adekoya,
Stian Sjøli,
Imin Wushur,
Irina Bilto,
Sergio M Marques,
M Amelia Santos
Inhibition of pseudolysin and thermolysin by hydroxamate-based MMP inhibitors
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2014
Synnøve Magnussen,
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Nadezhda Latysheva,
Emma Pirila,
Sonja Eriksson Steigen,
Robert Hanes
Tumour Microenvironments Induce Expression of Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (uPAR) and Concomitant Activation of Gelatinolytic Enzymes
Sampada Satchidanand Bhagwat,
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Ole Morten Seternes,
Berit Bang
Salmon and king crab trypsin stimulate interleukin-8 and matrix metalloproteinases via protease-activated receptor-2 in the skin keratinocytic HaCaT cell line
Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) 2014
Yimingjiang Wuxiuer,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Ingebrigt Sylte
Comparative molecular dynamics simulations of wild type and Thr114Val mutated Scaptodrosophila lebanonensis alcohol dehydrogenase
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2013
ingvild Pettersen,
Ninib Baryawno,
Frida Abel,
wenche helen Bakkelund,
Svetlana Zykova,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Expression of TWEAK/Fn14 in neuroblastoma: Implications in tumorigenesis
International Journal of Oncology 2013
Nabin Malla,
Eli Berg,
Achilleas D. Theocharis,
Gunbjørg Svineng,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Invitro reconstitution of complexes between pro-matrix metalloproteinase-9 and the proteoglycans serglycin and versican
The FEBS Journal 2013
Ann Iren Solli,
Bodil Irene Fadnes,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen,
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen
Tissue- and Cell-Specific Co-localization of Intracellular Gelatinolytic Activity and Matrix Metalloproteinase 2
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 2013
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen
Matrix metalloproteinases in cancer: their value as diagnostic and prognostic markers and therapeutic targets
Tumour Biology 01. august 2013
Yimingjiang Wuxiuer,
Ekaterina Morgunova,
Neus Cols,
Alexander Popov,
Andrey Karshikoff,
Ingebrigt Sylte
An intact eight-membered water chain in drosophilid alcohol dehydrogenases is essential for optimal enzyme activity
The FEBS Journal 2012
Bodil Irene Fadnes,
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Ingebrigt Sylte,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Matrix metalloproteinase complexes and their biological significance
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2012
Turid Hellevik,
ingvild Pettersen,
Vivian Berg,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Bjørn Torvald Greve Moe,
Kristian Bartnes
Cancer-associated fibroblasts from human NSCLC survive ablative doses of radiation but their invasive capacity is reduced
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Hilde Ljones,
Chandra Sekhar Ravuri,
Ahmad Omair,
Oddveig G Rikardsen,
Gunbjørg Svineng
Organ specific regulation of tumour invasiveness and gelatinolytic activity at the invasive front
European Journal of Cancer 2011
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Bodil Irene Fadnes,
Ingebrigt Sylte,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Regulation of matrix metalloproteinase activity in health and disease
The FEBS Journal 2011
Nabin Malla,
Eli Berg,
Ugo Moens,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Biosynthesis of Promatrix Metalloproteinase-9/Chondroitin Sulphate Proteoglycan Heteromer Involves a Rottlerin-Sensitive Pathway
Hilde Ljones,
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Synnøve Magnussen,
Oddveig G Rikardsen,
sonja eriksson Steigen,
elisabeth Sundkvist
S100A4 Expression in Xenograft Tumors of human carcinoma cell lines is induced by the tumor microenvironment
American Journal of Pathology 2011
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Finn P. Reinholt,
Terje Larsen,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen,
Trond Geir Jenssen
Proteases in plasma and kidney of db /db mice as markers of diabetes-induced nephropathy
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Hilde Ljones,
Oddveig G Rikardsen,
Sonja Eriksson Steigen,
Premasany Kanapathippillai,
Reidar Grenman
Stromal impact on tumor growth and lymphangiogenesis in human carcinoma xenografts
Fatema Rahman,
Imin Wushur,
Ingebrigt Sylte,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Extracellular human and bacterial zinc metalloproteases – challenges in design of specific inhibitors
NBS-nytt 2021
Berit Bang,
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Sampada Satchidanand Bhagwat,
Nabin Malla,
Ole Morten Seternes,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Seafood proteases present in workplace bioaerosols – effects on inflammatory pathways in skin and airway cell models.
Berit Bang,
Nabin Malla,
Sampada Satchidanand Bhagwat,
Merethe Larsen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
A sensitive assay for proteases in work environmental samples based on zymography.
Berit Bang,
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Sampada Satchidanand Bhagwat,
Nabin Malla,
Ole Morten Seternes,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Seafood proteases present in workplace bioaerosols – effects on inflammatory pathways in skin and airway cell models.
Anna Maria Wirsing,
Ann Iren Solli,
Gunbjørg Svineng,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen
Intracellular Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in skeletal muscle - a 3D skeletal muscle tissue engineering approach -
Anna Maria Wirsing,
Ann Iren Solli,
Gunbjørg Svineng,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen
Intracellular Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in skeletal muscle: effect of glucose and oxidative stress
Ann Iren Solli,
Bodil Irene Fadnes,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen,
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen
Intracellular MMP-2 localization and activity
Gunbjørg Svineng,
Synnøve Magnussen,
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Nadezhda Latysheva,
Emma Pirila,
Sonja Eriksson Steigen
Stromal induced expression of uPAR
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Ann Iren Solli,
Anne Dragøy Hafstad,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen
Intracellular MMP-2 Activity in Skeletal Muscle is Associated with Type II Fibers
Jan-Olof Winberg
Matrix proteinases: biological significance in health and disease - Introduction
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2012
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Ann Iren Solli,
Bodil Irene Fadnes,
Lars Uhlin-Hansen,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Tissue localization of intracellular gelatinolytic activity
The FEBS Journal 2012
Turid Hellevik,
ingvild Pettersen,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Vivian Berg,
Kristian Bartnes,
Lill-Tove Busund
Secretory profile of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts after exposure to ablative radiation doses: Impact on angiogenesis and tumor growth
Turid Hellevik,
ingvild Pettersen,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Vivian Berg,
Jack-Ansgar Bruun,
Bjørn Thorvald Greve Moe
Consequential effects of ablative ionizing radiation on tumor stromal fibroblasts from lung tumors
Turid Hellevik,
Inger Pettersen,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Vivian Berg,
Ruth H Paulssen,
Kristian Bartnes
The Impact of Ionizing Radiation on the Motility and Matrix Remodelling Properties of Carcinoma-associated Fibroblasts
European Journal of Cancer 2011
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Chandra Sekhar Ravuri,
Hilde Ljones Wetting,
Oddveig G Rikardsen,
sonja eriksson Steigen,
Gunbjørg Svineng
Stromal Impact on Tumor Invasiveness and Gelatinolytic Activity at the Invasive Front
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Hilde Ljones,
O Rikardsen,
sonja eriksson Steigen,
Jan-Olof Winberg,
Gunbjørg Svineng
Stromal impact on tumor growth and lymphangiogenesis in human carcinoma xenografts
APMIS - Journal of Pathologiy, Microbiology and Immunology 2010
Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen,
Chandra Sekhar Ravuri,
Hilde Ljones,
Oddveig G Rikardsen,
sonja eriksson Steigen,
Gunbjørg Svineng
Organ specific stromal influence on tumor invasiveness and proteolytic activity at the invasive front
European Journal of Cancer 2010
Yimingjiang Wuxiuer,
N Cols,
R Gonzalez-Duarte,
R Ladenstein,
Ingebrigt Sylte,
Jan-Olof Winberg
Kinetic characterization of the Drosophila lebanonensis ADH T114V mutant
The FEBS Journal 2010