Bilde av Edvardsen, Øyvind
Bilde av Edvardsen, Øyvind
Fakultetsdirektør Fakultetsledelse og stab Jurfak +4777660264 40041281 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Øyvind Edvardsen


Leder for fakultetets administrasjon og administrativ virksomhet

  • Dag Malm, Hilde Monica Frostad Riise Stensland, Øyvind Edvardsen, Øivind Nilssen :
    The natural course and complications of alpha-mannosidosis-a retrospective and descriptive study
    The Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease (JIMD) 06. juni 2013 DOI
  • Dag Malm, HM Stensland, Øivind Nilssen, Øyvind Edvardsen :
    The natural course of alpha-mannosidosis
    Book of abstract 2005 DATA

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →

    Publikasjoner utenom Cristin

    • Bronowska A, Chilmonczyk Z, Les A, Edvardsen Ø, Østensen R, Sylte I. Molecular dynamics of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A serotonin receptors with methylated buspirone ana logues. J. Comp-Aided Molec. Des. 1-19 (2002).
    • A. W. Ravna & Ø. Edvardsen: A putative three dimensional arrangement of the human serotonin transporter transmembrane helices: a tool to aid experimental studies. J. Mol. Graphics Model. 20(2):133-144 (2001).
    • A. Bronowska, A. Les, Z. Chilmonczyk, S. Filipek, Ø. Edvardsen, R. Østensen, I. Sylte: Molecular dynamics of buspirone analogues interacting with the 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A serotnin receptors. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 9(4):881-95 (2001).
    • Bronowska A., Sylte I., Edvardsen Ø., Østensen R., Les A., Chilmonczyk Z. Theoretical models of interactions between buspirone analogues and 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A serotonin receptor subtypes. Acta Pol. Pharm. - Drug Res., 57(Suppl.):40-45, (2000).
    • A. W. Ravna, K. E. Schrøder & Ø. Edvardsen: A World Wide Web-service to aid the development of AMBER parameters using analogy to standard parameters. Computers Chem., 23:435-37 (1999).
    • M. W. Beukers, K. Kristiansen, A.P. IJzerman & Ø. Edvardsen: TinyGRAP database: a bioinformatics tool to mine G protein-coupled receptor mutant data. TiPS 20(12):475-77 (1999).
    • Ø. Edvardsen & T. Steensrud: Simulert virkelighet innen utdanning av medisinere. Tidsskr. Nor. Lægefor. 188(6):34-38 (1998).
    • F. Horn, J. Weare, M. Beukers, S. Horsch, A. Bairoch, K. Aberer, Ø. Edvardsen, F. Campagne & G. Vriend: GPCRDB: an information system for G protein-coupled receptors. Nucl. Acids Res. 26(1):277-281 (1998).
    • K. Kristiansen, Ø. Edvardsen & S. G. Dahl: Molecular modeling of the endogenous peptide Leu-Ser-Ala-Leu, 5-hydroxytryptamine and their interactions with the human 5-hydroxytryptamine1B (5-HT1B) receptor. Recept. Channels 6:31-50 (1998).
    • Ø. Edvardsen & K. Kristiansen: Internet-resources on G-protein-coupled receptors. TIBS 22(6), 226-227 (1997).
    • I. Sylte, Z. Chilmonzcyk, S. G. Dahl, J. Cybulski & Ø. Edvardsen: The ligand-binding site of buspirone analogues at the 5-HT1A receptor. J. Pharmac. Pharmacol. 49, 698-707 (1997).
    • Ø. Edvardsen & K. Kristiansen: Computerization of mutant data: the tinyGRAP mutant database. 7TM Journal 6, 1-6 (1997).
    • Ø. Edvardsen: A World-Wide Web service for calculating approximate AMBER C-C and C-N bond stretching and torsional parameters. Computers Chem. 20, 483-484 (1996).
    • K. Kristiansen, S. G. Dahl & Ø. Edvardsen: A database of mutants and effects of site-directed mutagenesis experiments on G-protein coupled receptors. PROTEINS: Struct. Funct. Genet. 26, 81-94 (1996).
    • I. Sylte, Ø. Edvardsen & S. G. Dahl: Molecular modelling of UH-301 and 5-HT1a receptor interactions. Protein Eng. 9, 149-160 (1996). Abstr. in Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 15, 455-456 (1996). 
    • Ø. Edvardsen: Using the world-wide computer network, Internet, in chemical sciences. Acta Chem. Scand. 49, 344-350 (1995).
    • Ø. Edvardsen: CLIFF: A command-line file specification front-end to unix programs. Application to AMBER 4. Computers Chem., 18, 433-434 (1994).
    • S. G. Dahl & Ø. Edvardsen: Molecular modelling of dopamine receptors. In Dopamine receptors and transporters. Pharmacology, structure and function. Ed. H. B. Niznik, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, N.Y., (1994), pp. 265-282.
    • K. Kristiansen, Ø. Edvardsen & S. G. Dahl: Molecular modelling of ketanserin and its interactions with the 5-HT2 receptor, Med. Chem. Res., 3, 370-385 (1993).
    • S.G. Dahl, Ø. Edvardsen & I. Sylte: Molecular modeling of neurotransmitter receptors and ligands. In Clinical Pharmacology in Psychiatry. Strategies in Psychotropic Drug Development. Eds. L. F. Gram, L. P. Balant, H. Y. Meltzer & S. G. Dahl. Psychopharmacology Series, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, (1993), pp. 1-8.
    • I. Sylte, Ø. Edvardsen & S.G. Dahl: Molecular dynamics of the 5-HT1A receptor and ligands. Protein Eng. 6, 691-700 (1993). 
    • Ø. Edvardsen & S.G. Dahl: Molecular dynamics and electrostatic potentials of dopamine. Mol. Neuropharmacol. 1, 165-172 (1992).
    • E. Heimstad, Ø. Edvardsen & S.G. Dahl: Molecular structures and dynamics of the four 10-hydroxynortriptyline isomers. Neuropsychopharmacol., 6, 137-144 (1992). 
    • Ø. Edvardsen, I. Sylte & S.G. Dahl: Molecular dynamics of serotonin and ritanserin interacting with the 5-HT2 receptor. Mol. Brain Res., 14, 166-178 (1992).
    • Ø. Edvardsen & S.G. Dahl: Three dimensional structure and molecular dynamics of serotonin. Mol. Brain Res. 9, 31-37 (1991). 
    • E. Heimstad, Ø. Edvardsen, T.E. Ferrin & S.G. Dahl: Molecular structure and dynamics of tricyclic antidepressant drugs. Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol., 1, 127-137 (1991).
    • S.G. Dahl, Ø. Edvardsen & I. Sylte: Molecular dynamics of dopamine at the D2 receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 88, 8111-8115 (1991).
    • S.G. Dahl, Ø. Edvardsen & I. Sylte: Molecular structure and dynamics of psychotropic drugs and metabolites. Therapie, 46, 453-459 (1991).
    • S.G. Dahl, Ø. Edvardsen & I. Sylte: Molecular structure and dynamics of dopamine, serotonin and D2, 5-HT2 and 5-HT1a receptors. Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol., 1, 310-311 (1991).
    • S. G. Dahl, Ø. Edvardsen & I. Sylte: Computer modelling of psychotropic drug and neuroransmitter molecules. In Current Practices and Future Developments in the Pharmacotherapy of Mental Disorders, Eds. H. Y. Meltzer & D. Nerozzi. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (1991), pp 21-27.
    • S.G. Dahl, Ø. Edvardsen & I. Sylte: Molecular structure and dynamics of the doapmine D2 receptor and ligands, Clin. Neuropharmacol., 13, suppl. 2, 41-42 (1990).
    • S.G. Dahl, Ø. Edvardsen & E. Heimstad: Molecular graphics of antidepressant drugs. In Clinical Pharmacology in Psychiatry. From Molecular Studies to Clinical Reality. Eds. S.G. Dahl & L.F. Gram. Psychopharmacology Series 7. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, (1989), pp 60-67.
    • P. H. J. Carlsen & Ø. Edvardsen: Et dataprogram til evaluering av syntesekostnader: KOST - et moderne verktøy for FoU. Kjemi 30-31 (1987).


    Mastergradsprosjekt - erfaringsbasert master i organisasjon og ledelse for offentlig sektor (MPA): Hemmere og fremmere av kompetanseutvikling i en geografisk spredt organisasjon.  
    Øyvind Edvardsen, Dr.philos. 1993: “Molecular modelling of drugs, neurotransmitters and receptors in the central nervous system”, UiT. 



    • Sivilingeniør, industriell organisk kjemi (NTH, NTNU)
    • Pedagogisk grunnutdanning for undervisning på universiteter og høgskoler (UiT)
    • Forvaltningsrett, 10 SP (UiT)
    • Dr.philos., teoretisk farmakologi (UiT)
    • Erfaringsbasert mastergrad i Organisasjon og ledelse i offentlig sektor (MPA) (UiT)



    • Førsteamanuensis i farmakologi, farmasiutdanningen, UiT
    • Studieadministrasjon, Høgskolen i Tromsø og UiT
    • Prosjektleder studieadministrative systemer, Høgskolen i Oslo og Høgskolen i Akershus (fusjonsprosjekt)
    • Studiedirektør, Høgskolen i Ålesund
    • Leder av Justervesenets tilsynsavdeling for Nord-Norge og Svalbard


    Utvalgte publikasjoner

    • D. Malm, H.M. Riise Stensland, Ø. Edvardsen, Ø. Nilssen: The natural course and complications of alpha-mannosidosis – a retrospective and descriptive study. Inherit. Metab. Dis. 37(1):79-82 (2014)
    • Ø. Edvardsen, A. L. Reiersen, M. W. Beukers and Kurt Kristiansen: tGRAP, the G-protein coupled receptors mutant database. Nucl. Acids Res. 30(1):361-363 (2002).
    • Ø. Edvardsen: Veiledningsarbeid. Universitetspedagogisk seminar 1999-2001. Universitetet i Tromsø. Evalueringsrapport og Kursbeskrivelse. Red. K. Skagen. PLP Publikasjoner 2:73-80 (2001).
    • Ø. Edvardsen & S. G. Dahl: A putative model of the dopamine transporter. Mol. Brain Res. 27, 265-274 (1994).
    • Ø. Edvardsen & S.G. Dahl: Molecular structure and dynamics of acetylcholine. J. Neur. Transm. [Gen. Sect.], 83, 157-170 (1991).
    • S.G. Dahl, Ø. Edvardsen & I. Sylte: Molecular dynamics of dopamine at the D2 receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 88, 8111-8115 (1991).
    • P.H.J. Carlsen & Ø. Edvardsen: COST: A computer program for the economical evaluation of syntheses. Tet. Computer Meth., 2, 305-326 (1989).