Kristin Busund,
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Amalie Hauan,
Ellisiv B. Mathiesen,
Agnethe Eltoft
Geografiske forskjeller i trombolysebehandling ved akutt hjerneinfarkt
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2024
Barbara Ratajczak-Tretel,
Anna Tancin Lambert,
Riadh Ibrahim Mahmud Al-Ani,
Kathrine Grønning Arntzen,
Grete Bakkejord,
Hanna Marie Otterholt Bekkeseth
Prediction of underlying atrial fibrillation in patients with a cryptogenic stroke: results from the NOR-FIB Study
Barbara Ratajczak-Tretel,
Anna Tancin Lambert,
Riadh Ibrahim Mahmud Al-Ani,
Hanna Marie Otterholt Bekkeseth,
Grete Bakkejord,
Vigdis Bjerkeli
Underlying causes of cryptogenic stroke and TIA in the nordic atrial fibrillation and stroke (NOR-FIB) study – the importance of comprehensive clinical evaluation
Anna Tancin Lambert,
Barbara Ratajczak-Tretel,
Riadh Ibrahim Mahmud Al-Ani,
Kathrine Grønning Arntzen,
Grete Bakkejord,
Hanna Marie Otterholt Bekkeseth
Biomarkers predictive of atrial fibrillation in patients with cryptogenic stroke. Insights from the Nordic Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke (NOR-FIB) study
European Journal of Neurology 14. februar 2023
Barbara Ratajczak-Tretel,
Anna Tancin Lambert,
Riadh Ibrahim Mahmud Al-Ani,
Kathrine Grønning Arntzen,
Grete Bakkejord,
Hanna Marie Otterholt Bekkeseth
Atrial fibrillation in cryptogenic stroke and TIA patients in The Nordic Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke (NOR-FIB) Study: Main results
Barbara Ratajczak-Tretel,
Anna Tancin Lambert,
Henriette Johansen,
Bente Halvorsen,
Vigdis Bjerkeli,
David Russell
Atrial fibrillation in cryptogenic stroke and transient ischaemic attack – The Nordic Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke (NOR-FIB) Study: Rationale and design
Trygve Holmøy,
Egil Rørvik Røsjø,
Henrik Zetterberg,
Kaj Blennow,
Jonas Christoffer Lindstrøm,
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen
Vitamin D supplementation and neurofilament light chain in multiple sclerosis
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2018
Trygve Holmøy,
Jonas Christoffer Lindstrøm,
Erik Fink Eriksen,
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Margitta Theodora Kampman
High dose vitamin D supplementation does not affect biochemical bone markers in multiple sclerosis - a randomized controlled trial
Egil Rørvik Røsjø,
Peter Andreas Vold Lossius,
Nada Abdelmagid,
Jonas Christoffer Lindstrøm,
Margitta Theodora Kampman,
Lone Jørgensen
Effect of high-dose vitamin D3 supplementation on antibody responses against Epstein-Barr virus in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis 2017
Egil Rørvik Røsjø,
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Lone Jørgensen,
Jonas Christoffer Lindstrøm,
Jurate Saltyte Benth,
Annika Michelsen
Vitamin D supplementation and systemic inflammation in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Journal of Neurology 01. desember 2015
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Magritt Brustad,
Margitta Theodora Kampman
What is needed to keep persons with multiple sclerosis vitamin D-sufficient throughout the year?
Journal of Neurology 2013
Margitta Theodora Kampman,
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Svein Ivar Mellgren,
Lone Jørgensen
Effect of vitamin D-3 supplementation on relapses, disease progression, and measures of function in persons with multiple sclerosis: exploratory outcomes from a double-blind randomised controlled trial
Multiple Sclerosis 2012
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Lone Jørgensen,
Bjørn Straume,
Svein Ivar Mellgren,
Margitta Theodora Kampman
Can vitamin D-3 supplementation prevent bone loss in persons with MS? A placebo-controlled trial
Margitta Theodora Kampman,
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen
The role of vitamin D in multiple sclerosis
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B: Biology 2010
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Svein Ivar Mellgren,
Margitta Theodora Kampman
Predictors and prevalence of low bone mineral density in fully ambulatory persons with multiple sclerosis
Journal of Neurology 2010
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Svein Ivar Mellgren,
Margitta Theodora Kampman
Predictors and prevalence of low bone mineral density in fully ambulatory persons with multiple sclerosis
Journal of Neurology 01. oktober 2009
Øivind Fredvik Torkildsen,
Kjell-Morten Myhr,
Vegard Skogen,
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Kjetil Lauvland Bjørnevik
Tenofovir as a treatment option for multiple sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2020
Egil Rørvik Røsjø,
Andreass Lossius,
Nada Abelmagid,
Jonas Christoffer Lindstrøm,
Margitta Theodora Kampman,
Lone Jørgensen
Selective and transient effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on antibody responses against Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Egil Rørvik Røsjø,
Kjell-Morten Myhr,
Margitta Theodora Kampman,
Kristin Ingeleiv Løken-Amsrud,
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Søren Jacob Bakke
Vitamin D og interferon-behandling ved multippel sklerose
Linn Hofsøy Steffensen,
Magritt Brustad,
Guri Skeie,
Leif Jørgensen,
Yngve Figenschau,
Margitta Theodora Kampman
Vitamin D status in individuals with multiple sclerosis at baseline and after supplementation with 20,000 IU cholecalciferol a week for 48 weeks
Multiple Sclerosis 2009