Steffi Schenzle,
Jon Håkon Schultz
“Students are bringing the revolution into the classroom!” teachers’ and counselors’ perceptions of the need for psychosocial support in crisis-affected classrooms in Lebanon
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies 2023
Ida Frugård Strøm,
Grete Anita Dyb,
Tore Wentzel-Larsen,
Lise Eilin Stene,
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Synne Stensland
Terror leaves adolescents behind: Identifying risk and protective factors for high-school completion among survivors of terrorism
Journal of Traumatic Stress 2023
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Brenda Ghazale,
Samer Siefeldeen,
Jon Håkon Schultz
Measuring promotors of school functioning: Informing school-based psychosocial support for crisis-affected students in Lebanon
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology 2023
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Carly Tubbs Dolan,
Jon Håkon Schultz
Development and Psychometric Testing of the Student Learning in Emergencies Checklist (SLEC): Measuring Promotors of Academic Functioning and Wellbeing in Palestinian Youth Affected by War and Conflict
Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict 2023
Line Lundvoll Warth,
Åse Langballe,
Jon Håkon Schultz
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Arresting Migrant Families for Deportation. New Policing Practice
European Journal of Policing Studies 2023
Dag Skarstein,
Jon Håkon Schultz
“Terror victims are probably not the easiest to follow up”: students’ perception of learning and teaching in the aftermath of trauma
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2022
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Jon Håkon Schultz
Educational and psychosocial support for conflict-affected youths: The effectiveness of a school-based intervention targeting academic underachievement
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology 2022
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Gerlinde Harb,
Eva Alisic
Prevalence and Characteristics of Post-traumatic Nightmares in War- and Conflict-Affected Students.
Nature and Science of Sleep 2021
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Dag Skarstein
I’m not as bright as I used to be – pupils’ meaning making of reduced academic performance after trauma
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology 2020
Safwat Diab,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Factors contributing to student academic underachievement in war and conflict: A multilevel qualitative study
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies 2020
Gerlinde Harb,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
The nature of posttraumatic nightmares and school functioning in war-affected youth
Åse Langballe,
Lisa Govasli Nilsen,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Å skape mening i det meningsløse. Ungdoms erfaringer fra deltakelse i egne rettsprosesser
Gyldendal Akademisk 2019
Dag Skarstein,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Endrede identiteter - hvem er jeg nå?
Gyldendal Akademisk 2019
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Eline Grelland Røkholt,
Dag Skarstein,
Ida Frugård Strøm,
Åse Langballe
Pedagogisk oppfølging av traumatiserte elever - Hva kan skolen lære i etterkant av massakren på Utøya?
Gyldendal Akademisk 2019
Lise Eilin Stene,
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Grete Dyb
Returning to school after a terror attack: a longitudinal study of school functioning and health in terror‑exposed youth
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2018
Dag Skarstein,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Identity at risk: Students’ identity configuration in the aftermath of trauma
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2017
Kristina Kepinska Jakobsen,
Åse Langballe,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Trauma-exposed young victims: possibilities and constraints
for providing trauma support within the investigative
Psychology, Crime and Law 2017
Åse Langballe,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
‘I couldn’t tell such things to others’: Trauma-exposed youth and the investigative interview
Police Practice & Research 2017
Mona-Iren Hauge,
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Carolina Øverlien
Møter med barn i utsatte livssituasjoner. Fra forskning til praktiske tiltak
Universitetsforlaget 2016
Eline Grelland Røkholt,
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Åse Langballe
Negotiating a new day: Parents’ contributions to supporting students’ school functioning after exposure to trauma
Kristin Skjørten,
Mona-Iren Hauge,
Åse Langballe,
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Carolina Øverlien
Å se det utsatte barnet
Universitetsforlaget 2016
Ida Frugård Strøm,
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Tore Wentzel-Larsen,
Grete Dyb
School performance after experiencing trauma: a longitudinal study of school functioning in survivors of the Utøya shootings in 2011
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2016
Åse Langballe,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Elever utsatt for vold og seksuelle overgrep - samtalen som redskap for å oppdage og hjelpe
Gyldendal Akademisk 2016
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
S. Helen Norheim,
Sonia Gomez,
Annelies Ollieuz
Better Learning Programme 1: Supporting Students' Recovery in Emergencies
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Magne Raundalen
Seksuelle overgrep og vold: forebyggende undervisning i skolen
Universitetsforlaget 2016
Carolina Øverlien,
Mona-Iren Hauge,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Barn, vold og traumer. Møter med unge i utsatte livssituasjoner.
Universitetsforlaget 2016
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Eva Alisic,
Gerlinde Harb,
Safwat Diab,
Karam Al-Shanti,
Asad Ashour
Returning to learning following the ongoing war in Gaza – Supporting teachers and students in establishing new school routines and stimulating
natural recovery
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Growing up with war and conflict: Preventing traumatic stress reactions and academic underachievement in school communities.
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Steffi Schenzle,
Marianne Grødum,
Helene Fulland,
Marit Cristine Borchgrevink,
Alexandra Hoel
Traumesensitiv opplæring for barn og unge som har opplevd krig og flukt. Kontekstualisering av Better Learning Program fra bruk i konfliktområder til norsk skolekontekst.
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Gerlinde Harb,
Eva Alisic,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Safwat Diab,
Karam Al-Shanti
School-based psychosocial support for children in Gaza: A research informed framework for providing support and identifying needs in the aftermath of the 2023 war. Educational Response Brief for Education in Emergencies, No.7: UiT, the Arctic University
of Norway.
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Jon Håkon Schultz
5 forskningsbaserte råd for å hjelpe barn som har opplevd krig og flukt
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Gerlinde Harb,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Safwat Diab,
Steffi Schenzle,
Joanne Lee
Supporting Palestinian children after the May 2021 escalation – Reflections on psychosocial needs and how to design a school-based intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educational Response Brief for Education in Emergencies, No.4: UiT, the Arctic University of Norway.
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Barna i Gaza kan få livslange traumer.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2021
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Stephen Richardson,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Helping children to deal with reactions from the Beirut explosion - Reflections on how to protect and support children. Educational Response Brief for Education in Emergencies, No 2: UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Camilla Lodi,
Cristian de Luca,
Courtney Lare,
Steffi Schenzle
Educational response for students affected by COVID-19 - Using Better Learning Program (BLP) as an educational resource. Educational Response Brief for Education in Emergencies, No.1: UiT, the Arctic University of Norway.
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Camilla Lodi,
Daniel Wheeler,
Cristian de Luca,
Steffi Schenzle,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Back to school during the COVID-19 pandemic: Reflections on how to provide support to reduce students' fear. Educational Response Brief for Education in Emergencies, No.3: UiT, the Arctic University of Norway.
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Steffi Schenzle
Blir alt egentlig bra? Snakk åpent med barn om skremmende nyheter 2020
Diab Safwat,
Diab Dalya,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Helping students in Gaza: Evaluation of Better Learning Program 2
Lise Eilin Stene,
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Grete Dyb
School functioning and health in survivors of the Utøya youth camp attack
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Åse Langballe
Rett hjelp til rett tid: Traumatiserte ungdommers erfaringer
i møte med politi og skole etter å ha overlevd massakren på
Utøya, 2011.
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Dag Skarstein
Pupils understanding of reduced academic functioning after being exposed to trauma
Gerlinde Harb,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Better Learning in Gaza: Adressing posttraumatic nightmares and sleep problems to improve School functioning.
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Supporting Recovery: Experiences from Better Learning Program in Gaza, Palestine.
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Walaa Abu Zaiter
Posttraumatic Nightmares among Pupils in Gaza
Åse Langballe,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Er det skadelig å delta i politiavhør? Å bli avhørt kort tid etter en traumatiserende hendelse kan gi utslag både i positiv og negativ retning
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Laura Marshall,
Helen Norheim,
Karam Al-Shanti
School-Based Intervention in Ongoing Crisis: Lessons from a Psychosocial and Trauma-Focused Approach in Gaza Schools.
Journal on Education in Emergencies 01. desember 2016
Ida Frugård Strøm,
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Tore Wentzel-Larsen,
Grete Dyb
School performance after experiencing trauma: A longitudinal study of school functioning in survivors of the Utøya shootings in 2011
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
Åse Langballe
Rett hjelp til rett tid. Ungdommens erfaringer fra møte med politi og skole etter massakren 22.juli 2011
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Skoleprestasjonene til ungdommene som var på Utøya 22. juli 2011
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Slik gikk det med Utøya-ungdommen som fullførte videregående skole