Bilde av Alsos, Inger Greve
Bilde av Alsos, Inger Greve
Professor i biologi Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum +4777620796 Tromsø

Inger Greve Alsos


Alsos leder laboratoriet for urgammelt DNA ved Tromsø Museum. Hennes primære forskningsområde er arktisk botanikk med særlig fokus på hvordan planter reagerer på klimaendringer. Forskningsgruppen jobber med å rekonstruere hvordan økosystemer (planter og dyr) har utviklet seg fra siste istids maksimum og frem til i dag.

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Post docs:

Lucas Elliott (2024-): IceAge Genomic Tracking of Refugia and Postglacial Dispersal

Nichola Stranberg (2024-) ArcEcoGen - Arctic Ecosystem Genomics

Marieke-Lise Beaulieu (2023-): IceAGenT - IceAge Genomic Tracking of Refugia and Postglacial Dispersal  

Youri Lammers (2019-): IceAGenT -  IceAge Genomic Tracking of Refugia and Postglacial Dispersal

Anastasia Poliakova (2019-2021): Future ArcTic Ecosystems (FATE): drivers of diversity and future scenarios from ethnoecology, contemporary ecology and ancient DNA

Sandra Garcés Pastor (2018-2022): ECOGEN - Ecosystem change and species persistence over time: a genome-based approach

Dilli Prasad Rijal (2017-2020 ): ECOGEN - Ecosystem change and species persistence over time: a genome-based approach

Per Sjögren (2014-2017): AfterIce: Ancient DNA of NW Europe reveals responses to climate change

Tina Jørgensen (2012-2013): AfterIce: Ancient DNA of NW Europe reveals responses to climate change



Yuan Pan (2024-2028): IceAGenT: IceAge Genomic Tracking of Refugia and Postglacial Dispersal / Changing Arctic Research School

Diego Brambilla (2023-2027): Domestication of reindeer (PI Galina Gusarova)

Hedvig Elisabeth Mjøen (2022-2026): Genomic basis of eco-evolutionary responses to changing environments in Arctic plant-herbivore systems (PI Galina Gusarova)

Mary Lucas (2022-2026): Archeogenomics (PI Tony Brown)

Alois Nicholas Revéret (2021-2025): Sedimentary ancient DNA in Arctic lakes: towards a full-ecosystem reconstruction since the Last Glacial Maximum

Tulug Gülce Ataman: The taphonomy of DNA in lakes and small catchments (PI Tony Brown)

Lucas Elliott (2019-2024): IceAge Genomic Tracking of Refugia and Postglacial Dispersal

Lasse Topstad (2019-): IceAGenT: IceAge Genomic Tracking of Refugia and Postglacial Dispersal

Aya Komatsu (2019-): Jomon Environemntal Archaeology and Diet and a Comparison with Northern Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherer-Fishers (h-g-fs). (PI Tony Brown, Tromsø Museum)

Scarlett Zetter (2019-): ECOGEN: Ecosystem change and species persistence over time: a genome-based approach 

Sam Hudson (2019-2022): (PI Tony Brown)

María Ariza (2018-2022): Taxon identification and multispecies coalescent plant biodiversity assessments (Plant.ID project, University of Oslo, PI Hugo de Boer) 

Physilia Chua (2018-2021): Shotgun sequencing for comparative diet analysis of capercaillies (Plant.ID project, University of Copenhagen, PI Kristine Bohmann)

Aythya Young (2017-2022): Insects, post glacial colonisation and refugia in northern Norway (Edinburgh University, PI Eva Panagiotakopulu)

Youri Lammers (2016-2020): Sedimentary ancient DNA: Exploring methods of ancient DNA analyses for different taxonomical groups

Charlotte Clark (2016-2019): (University of Southampton, PI Mary E. Edwards) 

Dilli Prasad Rijal (2012-2016): Invasive Heracleum in Northern Europe: Introduction history and impact on native plant diversity

Chris Ware (2011-2015): Shipping in polar waters: Introduction of marine invasive species through ballast water and biofouling

Teppo Rämä (2010-2014): Diversity of marine wood-inhabiting fungi in North-Norway (PI Geir Mathiassen)

Eike Müller (2008-2011): Dispersal and recruitment in the Arctic: studies of migration and germination in arctic-alpine vascular plants

Kristine Westergaard (2006-2010): Disjunctly distributed arctic-alpine plant species – phylogeography and conservation genetics in a changing world