Premature Project
New candidates have been certified in NBAS. They come from Øvre Romerike, Hege Syversen Smedrud and Heidi Fjeldheim da Silva. They were certified April 28th 2016.
To day March 1, 2016 it is 17 år since the Tromsø Intervention Study on Preterms started.
Inger Pauline Landsem had her dissertation on the 26th of February 2016. Dissertation is called: Results from the Tromsø Intervention Study on Preterms until children's age of nine.
Two new NBAS-certified coworkers in Bergen. Congratulation Rakel Greve and Vibeke Dreyer! June 2015
Third article from fellow Inger Pauline Landsem. This time in reputable Child Development. The online edition was out April 15. 2015. (Unfortunately only available for subscribers on Ch.Dev.) This is the link for the subscribers. Child Development
New article from fellow Inger Pauline Landsem. The article is precented in the journal Health and Quality of Life Outcomes.
In connection with fellow Inger Pauline Landsem's article in Trials, the newspaper Aftenposten wanted to make a cronicle on the topic. Aftenposten November 4th.
This chronicle is also precented at the Center for Child- and Adolescent Mental Health, Health Region East and South (link to their site)
Belgium's Federal Health Authorities plan to improve the care of the children who are born prematurely. They wanted to learn from the experience of the Premature Project in Tromsø. Jorunn Tunby held a lecture in the Ministry Building in Brussels on September 30th along with professionals with NIDCAP experience from the Nederlands and France.
MITP in norwegian
The Interventionmodel Mother-Infant-Transactional-Program is translated to norwegian by Lars Smith and is in the norwegian headmenu.
The textbook on Neonatal Behaviour Assessment Scale is now translated to norwegian.
Article on - Dvelopment of clinical competence through the experiences from the Premature project - by Inger Pauline Landsem, Jorunn Tunby and Nina Bøhle Cheetham - in the Journal of Childrens' Nurse Assocation
Brazelton Institute, Harvard medical School, Boston
The Institute has updated their homepage The initiative in Norway where Tromsø and the Premature project and the NBAS education are central, and the important start of the NBO education in Oslo.
National newspaper VG wrote about Inger Paulines book - October 28.
One of the intervention-nurses - Inger Pauline Landsem - have made a great book - inspired by the intervention in the Premature Project. The book is called En bedre start (A better start) and has its own homepage.
Book-launching in Pingvinen kafé at UNN, Friday 28th September, 11 o'clock
Dear participants in the project!
The tvelve-year-olds are coming!
After our superpilots (that had just turned 13) had gone through the research program it was ready for those great 12 year old kids that is participating in the project. New challenges and tests and they complete with style!
You kids impress us that meets you.
Continuation of the Project
Helse Nord announced December 6th 2011 a decition on further support to continue the Prosjektet for three more years. The children will with that be invited to control as 12 year-old. The Controls will start in Januar 2012.
Brazil The University in Rio de Janeiro have discovered the Premature Project. Prof. John A. Rønning gave a lecture at the Instute of Psychiatry in October.
Doktoral defence September 23rd 2011
Solveig Marianne Nordhov argued her doctoral thesis Friday September 23rd. She defended the forsvarte thesis: "A randomised clinical trial on the impact of early intervention on parental child-rearing attitudes and cognitive, motor and behavioural outcomes in preterm infants" in an excellebt way. Congratulation!
Article in Sykepleien 12/2011 Nina Cheetham has taken her Masters degree in health education subjects with the thesis: "Hvordan erfares veiledning ved hjelp av Neonatal Behavioral Observation for førstegangsfødende mødre med friske barn?" The thesis is inspired by the Premature Project intervention. She was one of the intervention nurses in the Project.
Forskningspris John Rønning mottok på vegne av Prematurprosjektet en forskningspris på Helse Nord sin forskningskonferanse1 og 2 november 2006. |
Pediatric consultant Per Ivar Kaaresen has his dissortation friday 1 February 2008 at 10.15. He is defending his theses"Aspects of outcome in children born prematurely and effects of an early intervention program" The Dissortation takes place in Store Auditorium på MH Thursday 31.1 the candidate has his trial lecture the same place at 14.15 and 15.15. The self-selected topic is "Broncopulmonal dysplasi hos premature - en oversikt" Topic selected by the committee is "I hvilken grad kan klinisk tilstand og undersøkelser i nyfødtperioden forutsi senere nevrologisk, psykologisk og kognitiv utvikling" |
Research funding 2008 The Premature Project have received further research funding for 2008 from Helse Nord,and continue pursue the follow-up of all the children. One important reason to pursue this project is the high partisipation that gives the results& great value. Thanks to all of you that partisipates and makes this possible. |
News on TV2 TV2 News made a feature about the prematureproject 9. December 2007. |
Retningslinjer for oppfølging Sosial- og helsedirektoratet har nylig lagt ut Faglige retningslinjer for oppfølging av for tidlig fødte barn. Prosjektets medarbeidere John Rønning og Stein Erik Ulvund har deltatt i arbeidet med disse retningslinjene. Retningslinjene kan lastes ned fra linken under |
Nordisk konferanse i Trondheim Prematurprosjektet deltok med forelesninger på Nordisk Forening for Spedbarns Utvikling, NFSU sin konferanse i Trondheim 27-28 okt 06. På workshopen som handlet om tidlig intervensjon fikk vi høre om implementeringen av Prematurprosjektets ideer ved intensivavdelingen for nyfødte ved Sykehuset Buskerud HF i Drammen. Leder for prosjektet er Nancy Moss. |
Nasjonalt kompetansenettverk for sped- og småbarns psykiske helse Sosial- og Helsedepartementet ga RBUP Helsesegion Øst og Sør i oppdrag å etablere et nasjonalt kompetansenettverk for sped- og småbarns psykiske helse. Utredningen og kartleggingen av evaluerte og anbefalte nasjonale og internasjonale tiltak er igang og ble presentert høsten 2006. Internasjonale programmer og noen få nasjonale programmer ble presentert på Oslo-konferansen 27 og 28 april 2006 "Early interventions for families and small children at risk" bl.a. Prematurprosjektet i Tromsø. |
Takk for alle premier Prematur-prosjektet fikk etter en liten ytring i "Kort sagt" i Nordlys og noen ord i artikkelen i Lørdags-magasinet mengder med små figurer og bøker.Vi vil med dette takke spesielt Britt fra Rossfjordstraumen, Lise fra Lyngseidet, Liv fra Meistervik, Espen fra Videoverden, Truls på Akademisk Kvarter og dere andre som kom med små figurer til Nyfødt-Intensiv. Tusen takk! |
Artikler fra prosjektet I "Pediatrics" tidsskriftet til the American Academy of Pediatrics. Juli 06." "Infant Behavior and Development", Desember 06. "Early Human Development" Tilgjengelig online fra august 07. "Scandinavian Journal of Psykology", November 07.Se linkene under publikasjoner. |
Vårkurs i Fredrikstad Hab'en i Fredrikstad 29 mars 2007.Til kursdeltagerne: Linker til presentasjonene ligger under undervisning. Takk for en hyggelig samling. |