Admission process | International admissions

How to apply UiT

You have finished your application, what's next?

You can change your application until the deadline 15 November. The status of your application will be "Under consideration" on the Application Web (Søknadsweb) until we have finished the processing.

Admission Process

15 Oct - 15 Nov

Application period: All required documentation must be uploaded within this period. You can only change your application and upload new documents until the deadline 15 November, 23:59 O'lock local Norwegian time.

There is no application fee

Confirmation of Receipt: Our system is bases on self-service, which means it is your responsibility to make sure that all required documents are uploaded correctly. Use your e-mail (username) and password to log into your account on the Application Web (Søknadsweb). We do not have the capacity to confirm receipt of your application until they have been registered. We will not reply to e-mails regarding the receipt of the applications in this period.

15 Nov - March

1- The Admission Office coordinates the application process for international applicants and assesses whether you fulfil the formal general admission requirements. The outcome of your application is decided by the faculty offering the programme for which you have applied.

Admission to international programmes is highly competitive. Only few international applicants are offered admission.

March - April

2- The faculties base their decision on a composite of:

  • Formal admission requirements (average grade & English proficiency)

  • Specific academic requirements for the programme

  • Proposed research statements

  • Strength of Motivational letter

  • Interview (if applicable)

  • Availability of places of study


Offer of admission: The Admission Office emails you the "Notification of Admission". Applicants who are offered admission to UiT will have the result and their Offer of Admission (official letter) and Letter for Visa Purposes (only non-EU applicants) published on the Application Web (Søknadsweb). Use your e-mail (username) and password to log into your account on the Application Web (Søknadsweb) to download the letters to apply for Student Visa (Study Permit) at the nearest Norwegian consular services to you.

NB! Postponement/deferment of the offer of admission or transfer to another academic programme are not allowed.

The deadline is specified in the "Notification of admission" sent to you by email

Use your e-mail (username) and password to log into your account on the Application Web (Søknadsweb) and accept your offer of admission within the deadline.

End of April - May

Rejections: Refusal Letters will be emailed to you by the faculty that offers the programme of study to which you have applied for admission.

By 1 June

Student Deposit: Non-EU/EEA students must transfer their proof of financial ability into the Student Deposit account. Once the deposit is received, a Confirmation of Deposit will be issued to apply for Student Visa (Study Permit). Only visa-seeking students will be guaranteed housing in the priority housing list to fulfill the requirements for Study Permit to enter Norway for studies.

Foreign students residing temporarily in Norway on a Student Visa: You just need to

  • print out a your financial statement from your local Norwegian bank as proof of financial ability to apply for the renewal of your student residence.

  • If you have already obtained another degree in Norway, it is highly recommended that you write a personal statement to the UDI to explain why you want to take another degree programme in Norway.

  • Since you are already living in Norway, you are not considered as visa-seeking student. Housing is not guaranteed. We recommend that you look for housing in the private market as well.

By 15 May

Student housing (only admitted students): Apply for student housing as soon as you have received your offer of admission.

By 1 July

Student visa (only admitted students):  Apply for Study Permit to enter Norway for studies.

NB! Postponement/deferment of the offer of admission or transfer to another academic programme are not allowed.

From admission to arrival (admitted students)

Start planning your arrival to Norway: READ HERE

Ansvarlig for siden: May-Liss Hestnes
Sist endret: 24.03.2023 15.03
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