Bilde av Berg, Thomas
Foto: Jørn Berger-Nyvoll
Bilde av Berg, Thomas
Førsteamanuensis Rettsgenetisk senter +47 77 64 54 82 41633169 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Thomas Berg


Jeg er ansatt som førsteamanuensis og leder ved Rettsgenetisk senter, UiT Norges arktiske universitet. I hovedsak er mine arbeidsoppgaver ved Rettsgenetisk senter oppbygning av analysevirksomhet, forskning, rapportering av sakkyndige oppdrag og kvalitetssikring.

Jeg bidrar også inn mot undervisning ved instituttet, og veiledning av studenter på master- og doktorgradsnivå.

Jeg har siden 2015 vært medlem i Den rettsmedisinske kommisjon, genetisk gruppe (DRK), hvor oppgaven er å kontrollere rettsmedisinske erklæringer i rettsgenetikk. 


  • Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Thomas Berg, Kirstin Janssen :
    Biogeographical Ancestry Analyses Using the ForenSeqTM DNA Signature Prep Kit and Multiple Prediction Tools
    Genes 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mehrdad Rakaee, Sigve Andersen, K. Giannikou, Erna-Elise Paulsen, Thomas Karsten Kilvær, Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund m.fl.:
    Machine learning-based immune phenotypes correlate with STK11/KEAP1 co-mutations and prognosis in resectable NSCLC: a sub-study of the TNM-I trial
    Annals of Oncology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Jeppe Dyrberg Andersen, Kirstin Janssen, Olivia Luxford Meyer, Thomas Berg, Claus Børsting m.fl.:
    Association between Variants in the OCA2-HERC2 Region and Blue Eye Colour in HERC2 rs12913832 AA and AG Individuals
    Genes 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Marie Gule Mathisen, Kirstin Janssen, Thomas Berg, Gunn-Hege Olsen :
    Experimental long-distance haplotyping of OCA2-HERC2 variants
    Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Kirstin Janssen, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Thomas Berg, Jeppe Dyrberg Andersen :
    Association between copy number variations in the OCA2-HERC2 locus and human eye colour
    Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sissel Gyrid Freim Wahl, Yan Dai Hong, Elisabeth Fritzke Emdal, Thomas Berg, Tarje Onsøien Halvorsen, Anine Larsen Ottestad m.fl.:
    The prognostic effect of KRAS mutations in non-small cell lung carcinoma revisited: A norwegian multicentre study
    Cancers 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Kirstin Janssen, Maria Kristine Kirsebom, Olivia Strunge Meyer, Thomas Berg, Gunn-Hege Olsen :
    Predicting eye and hair colour in a Norwegian population using Verogen’s ForenSeq™ DNA signature prep kit
    Forensic Science International: Genetics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mehrdad Rakaee, Thomas Karsten Kilvær, Simin Jamaly, Thomas Berg, Erna-Elise Paulsen, Marte Berglund m.fl.:
    Tertiary lymphoid structure score: a promising approach to refine the TNM staging in resected non-small cell lung cancer
    British Journal of Cancer 2021 DOI
  • Anne Jarstein Skjulsvik, Hans Kristian Bø, Asgeir S Jakola, Erik Magnus Berntsen, Lars Eirik Bø, Ingerid Reinertsen m.fl.:
    Is the anatomical distribution of low-grade gliomas linked to regions of gliogenesis?
    Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kirstin Janssen, Marthe Aune, Marita Olsen, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Thomas Berg :
    Biological stain collection – Absorbing paper is superior to cotton swabs
    Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Astrid T. Stormorken, Thomas Berg, Ole-Jacob Anderssen Norum, Søren Torben Hølmebakk, Kristin Åberg, Sonja Eriksson Steigen m.fl.:
    APC mosaicism in a young woman with desmoid type fibromatosis and familial adenomatous polyposis
    Familial Cancer 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Asgeir Store Jakola, Anne Jarstein Skjulsvik, Kristin Smistad Myrmel, Kristin Sjåvik, Geirmund Unsgård, Sverre Helge Torp m.fl.:
    Surgical resection versus watchful waiting in low-grade gliomas
    Annals of Oncology 2017 DOI
  • Gunn-Hege Olsen, Marthe Aune, Kirstin Janssen, Thomas Berg :
    Additional fixation improves the performance of SPERM HY-LITER Express™
    Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2015 DOI
  • Kirstin Janssen, Marita Olsen, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Marthe Aune, Thomas Berg :
    Validation of automated PCR-setup of the Quantifiler® Trio DNA Quantification kit on the Biomek® 4000 Laboratory Automation Workstation
    Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2015 DOI
  • Christian Nordahl Melbø-Jørgensen, Nora Ness, Sigve Andersen, Andrey Yurjevich Valkov, Tom Dønnem, Samer Al-Saad m.fl.:
    Stromal expression of miR-21 predicts biochemical failure in prostate cancer patients with Gleason score 6
  • Linn Greiner-Tollersrud, Thomas Berg, Hilde Monica Frostad Riise Stensland, Gry Evjen, Ole Kristian Tollersrud :
    Bovine Brain Myelin Glycerophosphocholine Choline Phosphodiesterase is an Alkaline Lysosphingomyelinase of the eNPP-Family, Regulated by Lysosomal Sorting
    Neurochemical Research 2013 DOI
  • Tom Dønnem, Christopher Graham Fenton, Kenneth Lønvik, Thomas Berg, Katrine Eklo, Sigve Andersen m.fl.:
    MicroRNA Signatures in Tumor Tissue Related to Angiogenesis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
  • Odd Terje Brustugun, Åslaug Helland, Lars Fjellbirkeland, Lilach Kleinberg, Sarah Louise Ariansen, Peter Wilhelm Jebsen m.fl.:
    Mutasjonstesting ved ikke-småcellet lungekreft
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tormod Eggen, Georg Sager, Thomas Berg, Birgitte Nergaard, Bjørn Torvald Greve Moe, Anne Ørbo :
    Increased Gene Expression of the ABCC5 Transporter without Distinct Changes in the Expression of PDE5 in Human Cervical Cancer Cells during Growth
    Anticancer Research 2012 FULLTEKST
  • Tom Dønnem, Katrine Eklo, Thomas Berg, Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Kenneth Lønvik, Samer Al-Saad m.fl.:
    Prognostic Impact of MiR-155 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Evaluated by in Situ Hybridization
    Journal of Translational Medicine 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tom Dønnem, Kenneth Lønvik, Katrine Eklo, Thomas Berg, Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Khalid Ibrahim Al-Shibli m.fl.:
    Independent and Tissue-Specific Prognostic Impact of miR-126 in Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer
    Cancer 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • thomas Berg, Ann Hilde Kalsaas, Jochen Büchner, Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund :
    Ewing sarcoma-peripheral neuroectodermal tumor of the kidney with a FUS-ERG fusion transcript
    Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 2009 DOI
  • E Kuokkanen, W Smith, M Makinen, H. Tuominen, M Puhka, E Jokitalo m.fl.:
    Characterization and subcellular localization of human neutral class II alpha-mannosidase cytosolic enzymes/free oligosaccharides/glycoside hydrolase family 38/M2C1/N-glycosylation
    Glycobiology 2007 DOI
  • Henri De la Salle, Sabrina Mariotti, C Angenieux, M Gilleron, LF Garcia-Alles, Dag Malm m.fl.:
    Assistance of microbial glycolipid antigen processing by CD1e
    Science 2005
  • Gaute Hansen, Thomas Berg, Hilde Riise Stensland, Pirkko A Heikinheimo, Helle Bagterp Klenow, Gry Evjen m.fl.:
    Intracellular transport of human lysosomal alpha-mannosidase and alpha-mannosidosis-related mutants
    Biochemical Journal 2004
  • Thomas Berg, Barbara King, Peter Meikle, Øivind Nilssen, ole kristian Tollersrud, John Hopwood :
    Purification and Characterization of Recombinant Human Lysosomal alpha-Mannosidase
    Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 2001 DOI
  • Thomas Berg, Gaute Hansen, Dag Malm, Lisbeth Tranebjærg, ole kristian Tollersrud, Øivind Nilssen :
    Spectrum of mutations in alpha-mannosidosis
    American Journal of Human Genetics 1999
  • ole kristian Tollersrud, Thomas Berg, Peter Healy, gry Evjen, Umayal Ramachandran, Øivind Nilssen :
    Purification of bovine lysosomal alpha-mannosidase, characterization of its gene and determination of two mutations that cause alpha-mannosidosis
    European Journal of Biochemistry (EJB) 1997 DOI
  • Thomas Berg, Peter J Healy, ole kristian Tollersrud, Øivind Nilssen :
    Molecular heterogeneity for bovine alpha-mannosidosis: PCR based assays for breed-specific mutations
    Research in Veterinary Science 1997
  • Thomas Berg, ole kristian Tollersrud, Steven U. Walkley, Donald S. Siegel, Øivind Nilssen :
    Purification of feline lysosomal alpha-mannosidase, determination of its cDNA sequence and identification of a mutation causing alpha-mannosidosis i Persian cats
    Biochemical Journal 1997
  • Øivind Nilssen, Thomas Berg, Hilde Monica Frostad Riise, Umayal Ramachandran, gry Evjen, Gaute Hansen m.fl.:
    alpha-mannosidosis: functional cloning of the lysosomal alpha-mannosidase cDNA and identification of a mutation in two affected siblings
    Human Molecular Genetics 1997 DOI
  • Hilde Monica Frostad Riise, Thomas Berg, Øivind Nilssen, Giovanno Romeo, ole kristian Tollersrud, Isabella Ceccherini :
    Genomic structure of the human lysosomal alpha-mannosidase gene (MAN2B1)
    Genomics 1997
  • Åslaug Helland, Hege Elisabeth Giercksky Russnes, Gro Live Fagereng, Khalid Ibrahim Al-Shibli, Yvonne Andersson, Thomas Berg m.fl.:
    Correction to: Improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway: IMPRESS-Norway (Journal of Translational Medicine, (2022), 20, 1, (225), 10.1186/s12967-022-03432-5)
    Journal of Translational Medicine 2022 DOI
  • Åslaug Helland, Hege Elisabeth Giercksky Russnes, Gro Live Fagereng, Khalid Ibrahim Al-Shibli, Yvonne Andersson, Thomas Berg m.fl.:
    Improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway: IMPRESS-Norway
    Journal of Translational Medicine 14. mai 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Thomas Berg :
    Intervju Nordnytt/reportasje NRK-nett
    20. april 2021
  • Thomas Berg :
    Innlegg iTromsø
    iTromsø 2021
  • Thomas Berg :
    DNA løser gåter
    05. februar 2021
  • Guri Gunnes Oppegård, Nina Mjølsnes Salvo, Thomas Berg, Eirik Natås Hanssen, Gunn-Hege Olsen :
    Genene Avslører Deg
    05. februar 2021
  • Cecilie Therese Hagemann, Kristiane Erlendsdotter Urke, Ragnhild Takle, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Thomas Berg :
    Detection of spermatozoa and male DNA after sexual assault. A descriptive study from a Sexual assault center
  • Thomas Berg :
    NRK EKKO, intervju
    18. november 2020
  • Kirstin Janssen, Marthe Aune, Marita Olsen, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Thomas Berg :
    Biological stain collection - absorbing paper is superior to cotton swabs
  • Gunn-Hege Olsen, Marthe Aune, Kirstin Janssen, Thomas Berg :
    Additional fixation improves the performance of SPERM HY-LITERTM Express
  • Marthe Aune, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Morten Elde, Jørn H. Henriksen, Thomas Berg :
    DE-ICE: Differential Extraction Improved by a Cold adapted Enzyme (HL-dsDNase)
  • Kirstin Janssen, Marita Olsen, Gunn-Hege Olsen, Marthe Aune, Thomas Berg :
  • ole kristian Tollersrud, gry Evjen, thomas Berg, hilde frostad riise Stensland :
    Characterisation of two new enzymes involved in lysosomal phospholipid degradation
    The FEBS Journal 2010
  • Kenneth Lønvik, Katrine Eklo, thomas Berg, Tom Dønnem, Roy M. Bremnes, Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund :
    Prognostic impact of miR-126 and miR-155 expression in non-small cell lung cancer
    APMIS - Journal of Pathologiy, Microbiology and Immunology 2010
  • Gry Evjen, Thomas Berg, Hilde Monica Riise Stensland, Gaute Hansen, W Morell, Pirkko a Heikinheimo m.fl.:
    The Relationship between N-glycosylation of human lysosomal alpha-mannosidase and its intracellular transport
  • Pirkko a Heikinheimo, Ronny Helland, Hilde Monica RS Frostad, Gaute Hansen, Gry Evjen, Thomas Berg m.fl.:
    Structural and Functional Characterisation of mutations causing lysosomal a-mannosidosis

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →



    Molekylær patologi


    Underviser hovedsakelig i enkeltemner i genetikk

    Pedagogisk mappe





    • 1989-1993. Sivilingsingeniørstudiet i bioteknologi. Universitetet i Tromsø. 
    • 1994-1998. Doktorgradsstudiet i molekylær biologi/medisinsk genetikk. Universitetet i Tromsø. 

    Vitenskapelige stillinger

    • 1994-1998: Vitenskapelig assistent/dr.gradsstudent. Institutt for klinisk medisin. UiT-Norges arktiske universitet 
    • 1998-2000. Postdoktorstipendiat. Norges Forskningsråd. Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, Australia
    • 2000-2001. Overingeniør. Avdeling for medisinsk genetikk, Universitetssykehuset i Nord-Norge
    • 2001-2004. Postdoktorstipendiat.  Institutt for medisinsk biologi, UiT-Norges artiske universitet
    • 2004-2023. Overingeniør/seksjonsleder/Forsker 1. Klinisk patologi, Universitetssykehuset i Nord-Norge 
    • 2009-          Leder/Førsteamanuensis. Rettsgenetisk senter, IMB, UiT-Norges arktiske universitet