Eivind Brodal,
Steven Richard Jackson,
Oddmar Eiksund
Comparing optimization schemes for solving case studies with multiple heat exchangers using high-order pinch point temperature difference methods
Eivind Brodal,
Steven Jackson,
Getu Hailu
UA and pinch point temperature difference modeling — Finding the best heat exchanger schemes
Computers and Chemical Engineering 2022
Džana Kadrić,
Amar Aganovic,
Edin Kadrić,
Berina Delalić-Gurda,
Steven Jackson
Applying the response surface methodology to predict the energy retrofit performance of the TABULA residential building stock
Journal of Building Engineering 2022
Steven Jackson,
Eivind Brodal
Optimization of a mixed refrigerant based H2 liquefaction pre-cooling process and estimate of liquefaction performance with varying ambient temperature
Amir Nadem Leyli,
Steven Jackson,
Hassan Khawaja,
Mojtaba Moatamedi
Modeling of Pressure and Temperature Profiles for the Flow of CO2 through a Restriction
The International Journal of Multiphysics 2021
Steven Jackson
Sensitivity Analysis and Case Studies for CO2 Transportation Energy Consumption
Steven Jackson
Development of a Model for the Estimation of the Energy Consumption Associated with the Transportation of CO2 in Pipelines
Steven Jackson,
Eivind Brodal
Optimization of the Energy Consumption of a Carbon Capture and Sequestration Related Carbon Dioxide Compression Processes
Eivind Brodal,
Steven Jackson,
Oddmar Eiksund
Performance and Design Study of Optimized LNG Mixed Fluid Cascade Processes
Eivind Brodal,
Steven Jackson
A Comparative Study of CO2 Heat Pump Performance for Combined Space and Hot Water Heating
International journal of refrigeration 2019
Steven Jackson,
Eivind Brodal
Optimization of the CO2 Liquefaction Process-Performance Study with Varying Ambient Temperature
Oddmar Eiksund,
Eivind Brodal,
Steven Jackson
Optimization of Pure-Component LNG Cascade
Processes with Heat Integration
Steven Jackson,
Eivind Brodal
A comparison of the energy consumption for CO2 compression process alternatives
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) 2018
Hans Kristian Eidesen,
Hassan Khawaja,
Steven Jackson
Simulation of the HDPE Pyrolysis Process
Eivind Brodal,
Steven Jackson,
Oddmar Eiksund
Transient Model of an RSW System with CO2 Refrigeration – A Study of Overall Performance
International journal of refrigeration 2018
Steven Jackson,
Oddmar Eiksund,
Eivind Brodal
Impact of Ambient Temperature on LNG Liquefaction Process Performance: Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions in Cold Climates
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2017
Eivind Brodal,
Steven Jackson,
Oddmar Eiksund
Energy saving potential of CO2 transportation processes in cold climate locations
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 17. oktober 2016
Carolina Font Palma,
Olivia Errey,
Caroline Corden,
Hannah Chalmers,
Mathieu Lucquiaud,
Maria Sanchez del Rio Saez
Integrated Oxyfuel Power Plant with Improved CO2 Separation and Compression Technology for EOR application
Process Safety and Environmental Protection (PSEP) 2016
Steven Jackson,
Eivind Brodal,
Hassan Khawaja,
Lars Erik Øi
The Impact of Ambient Temperature on Low Carbon Energy Supply - Modelling and optimization studies on the supply of hydrogen energy from northern Norway
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Steven Jackson,
Amir Nadem Leyli,
Anders Samuelsen Nordli,
Hassan Khawaja
Modelling of Pressure and Temperature Profiles for the Flow of CO2 through a Restriction
Hans-Kristian Eidesen,
Hassan Khawaja,
Steven Jackson
HDPE Pyrolysis Reaction
Hans-Kristian Eidesen,
Hassan Khawaja,
Steven Jackson
Modelling and Simulation of the HDPE Pyrolysis Process
Steven Jackson,
Eivind Brodal
An assessment of the Energy Saving Potential of Unconventional CO2 Compression Approaches
Oddmar Eiksund,
Steven Jackson,
Eivind Brodal
Development of an optimisationroutine for a pure component cascade LNG liquefaction process
Steven Jackson,
Eivind Brodal,
Hassan Abbas Khawaja
A Review of Theoretical Efficiency of High Pressure CO2 Transport
Hassan Abbas Khawaja,
Eivind Brodal,
Steven Jackson
Study of Refrigerants for Cold Climate Heat Pump Operations
Steven Jackson
Improving Carbon Capture for IGCC Power Plants
Steven Jackson
Improving Carbon Capture
Steven Jackson
Environmental Assessment for Gas Projects
Chemical engineer 2011
Steven Jackson
Satisfying Environmental Criteria
Hydrocarbon Engineering 2011
Steven Jackson
Carbon Capture & Storage
Steven Jackson
Rising UK Natural Gas Imports Call for More Processing
Oil & Gas Journal 2006
Steven Jackson
Rising UK Gas Imports Call for More Processing
Steven Jackson
New Challenges for UK Gas
Hydrocarbon Engineering 2005