Roald A. Øien
Professor - Special Education / Developmental Psychology
Dr. Roald A. Øien, PhD, er professor i spesialpedagogikk og utviklingspsykologi ved Institutt for pedagogikk ved UiT – Norges arktiske universitet, hvor han tok sin doktorgrad i psykologi. Han innehar også stillinger som klinisk professor ved Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge (UNN) og assisterende professor i utviklingshemming ved Yale Child Study Center. Dr. Øien begynte sitt tilknytning til Yale University som forsker under sin doktorgrad og har tilbrakt tid i New Haven hvor han har bodd og arbeidet.
Dr. Øiens forskning fokuserer på utviklingspsykologi og spesialpedagogikk, spesielt tidlige utviklings-, atferds- og temperamentstrekk hos barn med og uten nevroutviklingsforstyrrelser. Hans kliniske ekspertise inkluderer autismespekterforstyrrelse (ASD), oppmerksomhetsdefisitthyperaktivitetsforstyrrelse (ADHD) og Tourettes syndrom.
En vesentlig del av Dr. Øiens vitenskapelige bidrag er tidlig identifisering og forståelse av autismespekterforstyrrelser. Hans forskning utforsker ofte skjæringspunktet mellom nevroutviklingsforstyrrelser og psykiatriske lidelser, med mål om å forbedre diagnostiske verktøy og terapeutiske intervensjoner for barn og ungdom. Hans omfattende publikasjoner dekker emner som kjønnsdysfori hos personer med autisme, rusproblemer hos personer med ASD, og bruk av virtuell virkelighet i terapeutiske sammenhenger for nevroutviklingsforstyrrelser.
Dr. Øien er Senior Associate Editor for Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (JADD), et av de ledende tidsskriftene innen autismeforskning.
Han har holdt keynote-foredrag ved prestisjetunge institusjoner som Yale University, University College London (UCL), King's College og Stony Brook University. I tillegg har Dr. Øien vært ambassadør for Norge i International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), noe som gjenspeiler hans dedikasjon til å fremme globalt samarbeid og kunnskapsutveksling innen autismeforskning.
I 2024 ble Dr. Øien medlem av Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC), et globalt nettverk dedikert til å utnytte vitenskapelige og praksisbaserte bevis for å fremme bærekraftig fred, sosial samhørighet og sosial rettferdighet gjennom tidlig barndomsutvikling (ECD).
De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →
Keynote and Invited Talks:
2019: King's College London
Topic: Autism Spectrum Disorders: Complexities Associated with Sex Differences, Screening, and Diagnosis.
2018: Stony Brook University, New York
Social Competence & Treatment Lab (Lerner Lab)
Topic: Autism Spectrum Disorders: Difficulties Associated with Sex Differences, Screening, and Diagnosis.
2017: Yale Child Study Center, Science Meeting
Topic: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Difficulties Associated with Sex Differences, Screening, and Diagnosis.
2017: Yale Child Study Center, McPartland Lab Lecture
Topic: Parenting and Autism.
2016: Yale Child Study Center, Science Meeting
Topic: Parents and Autism.
2015: Yale Child Study Center, Science Meeting
Topic: Sex Differences in Toddlers.
2015: 1st Arctic Conference on Autism and Developmental Disorders
Topic: Parenting Children with Autism.
2015: NTNU (Norwegian University of Technology)
Speech and Language Pathology
Topic: Autism and Language (2-hour lecture).
2014: Yale Child Study Center, Science Meeting
Topic: Autism and Technology.
Seminar Series and Regular Courses:
2017: UiT Autism Seminar
12 x 2-hour lectures on various topics related to Autism Spectrum Disorders.
2016: UiT Autism Seminar
12 x 2-hour lectures on various topics related to Autism Spectrum Disorders.
2015–Present: UiT – Special Needs Education
Regular course on Autism Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and Treatment.
2014–Present: Yale Child Study Center – Summer Session
Regular sessions on Parenting and Autism.
2014–Present: UiT – Clinical Psychology
Regular course on Autism Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and Treatment.
B.A. UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Education (2010-2012)
M.A. UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Education (2012-2013)
PhD. UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Psychology (2015-2018)
Career/Academic Appointments:
2014-15 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
2015-18 PhD Candidate, Dept. of Psychology, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
2014-> Visiting Research Scientist, Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
2018-2020 Associate Professor - Special Education, Dept. of Education, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
2019-> Assistant Professor, Adjunct - Child Study Center, School of Medicine, Yale University
2020-> Professor - Special Education, Dept. of Education, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
2020-> Associate Editor - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (Springer/Nature)¨
2021-> Clinical Professor - University Hospital of North Norway - Habilitation
Professional Honors & Recognition
2017: Springer/Nature Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – Top reviewer
2016: Springer/Nature Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – Top reviewer
2016: UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Psychology Research award for Phd candidates
Invited Speaking Engagements, Presentations, Symposia & Workshops :
2017: IMFAR 2017. Oral presentation “Sex differences in children referred for assessment: An exploratory analysis of the AMSE (Autism Mental Status Exam)
2016: IMFAR 2016. Poster presentation “Sex differences in children with and without ASD – Utilizing the M-CHAT”
2019: Kings College London. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Complexities Associated with sex differences, screening and diagnosis.
2018: Stony Brook University, New York. Social Competence & Treatment Lab (Lerner Lab) Autism Spectrum Disorders: Difficulties Associated with sex differences, screening and diagnosis.
2017: Yale Child Study Center, Science Meeting: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Difficulties Associated with sex differences, screening and diagnosis.
2017: UiT Autism Seminar – Autism Spectrum Disorders (12 x 2 hours lectures on various topics)
2017: Yale Child Study Center - McPartland Lab lecture: Parenting and autism
2016: Yale Child Study Center – Science Meeting: Parents and autism
2016: UiT Autism Seminar – Autism Spectrum Disorders (12 x 2 hours lectures on various topics)
2015: Yale Child Study Center – Science Meeting: Sex differences in toddlers
2015: 1stArctic Conference on Autism and Developmental Disorders: Parenting children with autism
2015: NTNU (Norwegian University of Technology): Speech and language pathology. 2 hours “Autism and language.”
2015-> UiT – Special Needs Education: Autism Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and Treatment
2014: Yale Child Study Center – Science Meeting: Autism and technology
2014-> Yale Child Study Center – Summer Session: Parenting and Autism
2014-> UiT – Clinical Psychology: Autism Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and Treatment
Professional Service
Editor/Associate Editor
2017-18 Guest Editor – Springer/Nature Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Parents, Caregivers and Autism Spectrum Disorders (Vol. 4, 2018)
2018 -> Guest Editor - Springer/Nature Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder - Advances in Research and Practice
2019 ->2020 Editorial Board Memeber - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
2020 -> Associate Editor - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
2020 -> Global Senior Leader - International Society for Autism Research (INSAR)
2014-present Reviewer for Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Psychiatry Research, Journal of Attention Disorders, Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, Autism Research, Molecular Autism.