Stine Willum Adrian

Professor i sundhedssociologi, velfærd og kvalitative metoder


Stine Willum Adrian is a Professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods at Department of the Social Sciences at The Arctic University of Norway. Adrian is a sociologist by training and holds a PhD in feminist STS and cultural analysis. Adrian’s work has always been interdisciplinary joining ethnography of medical technologies with cultural analysis, ethics and law. Her research interests lie in questions concerning, reproductive technology, technologies of death and dying at the beginning of life, gender, intersectionality, feminist materialisms, the entanglement of technologies and ethics, ethnographic and qualitative methods. Adrian has previously done several comprehensive ethnographic studies on fertility clinics and sperm banks in Denmark and Sweden looking at IVF, insemination, fertility travelling, cryo-technologies, sperm banking, sperm depositing, and she is currently engaged in researching technologies of death and dying at the beginning of life.



Vitenskapelige arbeidsområder

  • Stine Willum Adrian, Charlotte Kroløkke :
    Insuring Masculinity. Negotiating reproductive vulnerability and control through sperm storage
    Norma - International Journal for Masculinity Studies 2024
  • Bolette Blaagaard, Stine Willum Adrian, Signe Nordstrand :
    How journalism forgets: on the journalistic representation of colonial biopower in Greenland
    Feminist Media Studies 2024 DOI
  • Maria Buhl Borgstrøm, Stine Willum Adrian, Bugge Nøhr, Mette Peters Michaelsen, Laura Cæcilie Nielsen, Mona Bruun Gyldenvang m.fl.:
    Patient attitudes towards and satisfaction with subcutaneous injection of progesterone versus vaginal administration in assisted reproductive technology treatment
    European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology: X 2023
  • Stina Lou, Stina Bollerup, Morten Deleuran Terkildsen, Stine Willum Adrian, Allan A. Pacey, Guido Pennings m.fl.:
    Experiences and attitudes of Danish men who were sperm donors more than 10 years ago; a qualitative interview study
    PLOS ONE 2023 DOI
  • Allan A. Pacey, Guido Pennings, Edgar Mocanu, Janne Rothmar Herrmann, Anja Pinborg, Stine Willum Adrian m.fl.:
    An analysis of the outcome of 11 712 men applying to be sperm donors in Denmark and the USA
    Human Reproduction 2023 DOI
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Freezing Sperm for the Future. Reconfiguring Kinship, Love, and Legacy
    Body & Society 2023 DOI
  • Laura Louise Heinsen, Camilla Bruheim, Stine Willum Adrian :
    Orchestrating Moral Bearability in the Clinical Management of Second-trimester Selective Abortion
    Social Science and Medicine 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christian Liebst Frisk Toft, Tue Diemer, Hans Jakob Ingerslev, Inge Søkilde Ingerslev, Stine Willum Adrian, Ulrik Schiøler Kesmodel :
    Patients’ choices and opinions on chorionic villous sampling and non-invasive alternatives for prenatal testing following preimplantation genetic testing for hereditary disorders: A cross-sectional questionnaire study
    Prenatal Diagnosis 2022
  • Miguel Gómez Hérnandes, Stine Willum Adrian, Xavier Ferre, Elena Villalba-Mora :
    Implicit, Explicit, and Structural Barriers and Facilitators for Information and Communication Technology Access in Older Adults
    Frontiers in Psychology 2022
  • Ingrid Jepsen, Ellen Blix, Helen Cooke, Stine Willum Adrian, Robyn Maude :
    The overuse of intrapartum cardiotocography (CTG) for low-risk women: an actor-network theory analysis of data from focus groups
    Women and Birth 2022
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Feministisk STS
    Hans Reitzels Forlag 2021
  • Stine Willum Adrian, Janne Rothmar Herrmann, Charlotte Kroløkke :
    Monstrous Motherhood – Women on the edge of reproductive time
    Science as Culture 2021
  • Lea Skewes, Stine Willum Adrian :
    The Long March Through the Patriarchal Institutions – A Dialogue Between Rosi Braidotti & Nina Lykke
    Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics 2021
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Stitching Stories of Broken Hearts Together- Living response-able with technologies of death and dying at the beginning of life
    Australian feminist studies 2020
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Rethinking Reproductive Selection, Traveling Transnationally for Sperm
    BioSocieties 2019
  • Stine Willum Adrian, Leah Skewes, Nete Schwennesen :
    Introduction to feminist STS at work: Challenging dichotomies and privileges
    Kvinder, Køn og Forskning 2018
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Passport to Parenthood. Reproductive Pathways In and Out of Denmark
    NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 2018
  • Malou Juelskær, Helle Plauborg, Stine Willum Adrian :
    Dialogues on agential realism – engaging in worldings
    Routledge 2020
  • Charlotte Kroløkke, Thomas Søbirk Petersen, Janne Rothmar Herrmann, Anna Sofie bach, Stine Willum Adrian, Rune Klingenberg m.fl.:
    The Cryopolitics of Reproduction on Ice: A New Scandinavian Ice Age
    Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2019
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Jagten på min ukendte donorfar
    02. juni 2023
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Abortsystemet skaber en form for moraliseren og mistænkeliggørelse af gravides bevæggrunde for abort.
    Dagbladet Politiken 24. april 2023
  • Stine Willum Adrian, Janne Rothmar Hermann, Anna Sofie bach, Laura Louise Heinsen, Annika Frida Petersen :
    Forskere. Det er tid til at gentænke abortsystemet
    Dagbladet Politiken 20. juni 2023
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Da hun havde efterladt sin døde søn på hospitalet, var der ingen hjælp
    29. juni 2023
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Mod Sædvane – En historie om hvordan familieforestillinger blev forandret og etiske problematikker foldede sig ud
    Kvinder, Køn og Forskning 2023
  • Stine Willum Adrian, Janne Rothmar Herrmann :
    Forskere: Hvorfor skal et abortsamråd beslutte, om grunden til at få en abort er gyldig?
    Altinget 28. september 2023
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Nybagt mor og uhelbredeligt syg. Nye teknologier skaber store dilemmaer
    01. juli 2022
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Kvinder skal have lov til at inseminere sig selv, mener man i sædbanker, der vil af med forbud
    05. februar 2022
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    I USA: Tvilllinger født 30 år efter at de blev undfanget
    25. november 2022
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Vi kontrollerer vores kroppe med apps. Men kan de også hjælpe graviditeten på vej?,
    10. mars 2022
  • Stine Willum Adrian, tine ravn, Janne Rothmar Herrmann, Randi Sylvest, Minori Kokado, Yukari Semba m.fl.:
    Gamete donation in the time of DNA surprises
    Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2022
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Feministisk STS
    08. mars 2021
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Hvornår bliver et foster til et barn
    03. april 2021
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    04. mars 2021
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Vi har sortert hele tiden
    Vårt land 02. juni 2020
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Det Etiske Råd: Kvinders Æg Skal Opbevares Meget Længere,
    30. september 2020
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Man behøver ikke fiktion som Tjenerindens Fortælling’ for at få reproduktionsgys. Der er masser at hente i den danske fertilitetsdebat
    Dagbladet Politiken 08. august 2020
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Why So Many Women Travel to Denmark for Fertility Treatments
    03. januar 2019
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Et halvt hjerte 1 og 2
    29. oktober 2019
  • Stine Willum Adrian, Janne Rothmar Herrmann, Charlotte Kroløkke :
    Udskamning af solomødre er baseret på misogyni og akademisk fake
    Dagbladet Information 05. juni 2019
  • Charlotte Kroløkke, Stine Willum Adrian, Janne Rothmar Herrmann :
    Monstrøse Moderskaber
    Kulturo 2019
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    16 Samtale med lektor i Teknoantropologi Stine Willum Adrian om manglende fortællinger når det ikke lykkes
    03. september 2019
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Maria og Anders blev rådet til at fjerne et foster: Hvordan skal man vælge en trilling fra?
    22. august 2019
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Dons de sperme/Jurys populaires
    08. desember 2019
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    29. mars 2019
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Kunstig Befrugtning
    04. oktober 2018
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Mapping the Situation. A Suitable Method for Doing Feminist STS at Work
    Kvinder, Køn og Forskning 2018
  • Leah Skewes, Stine Willum Adrian :
    Epistemology, Activism and Entanglement- Rethinking Knowledge Production. Interview with Nina Lykke
    Kvinder, Køn og Forskning 2018
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    Ekstra betaling får flere kvinder til at donere deres æg
    13. oktober 2017
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    På kun 23 dage lærte min søn mig om livet og døden
    Dagbladet Information 25. august 2017
  • Stine Willum Adrian :
    ’Det er jo ikke kvinders eller samfundets skyld, at flere mænd er
    10. august 2017

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    Stine Willum Adrian is a Professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods at Department of the Social Sciences at The Arctic University of Norway. Adrian is a sociologist by training and holds a PhD in feminist STS and cultural analysis. Adrian’s work has always been interdisciplinary joining ethnography of medical technologies with cultural analysis, ethics and law. Her research interests lie in questions concerning, reproductive technology, technologies of death and dying at the beginning of life, gender, intersectionality, feminist materialisms, the entanglement of technologies and ethics, ethnographic and qualitative methods. Adrian has previously done several comprehensive ethnographic studies on fertility clinics and sperm banks in Denmark and Sweden looking at IVF, insemination, fertility travelling, cryo-technologies, sperm banking, sperm depositing, and she is currently engaged in researching technologies of death and dying at the beginning of life.



    SVF-3003 Kvalitative forskningsmetoder

    SOS-2002 Bachelorgradsoppgave

    SVF-1050 Samfunnsvitenskapelig metode

    SVF-1051 Samfunnsvitenskapelig metode (online)

    SOS-1018 Fra embryo til internasjonal politikk - kjønnsteoretiske perspektiver på reproduksjon, seksualitet og biopolitikk

    Medlem i forskningsgruppe



    2024 - Professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods, UiT
    2023 - Associate Professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods, UiT
    2015 - Associate Professor in Techno-Anthropology, Aalborg University
    2011-2015 Assistant Professor in Techno-Anthropology, Aalborg University  
    2007 Academic Coordinator, Department of Gender Studies, Linköping University (March 1’st – Aug. 31’st)


    2006, Filosofie Doktorsexamen (Ph.D.), Department of Gender Studies, Linköping University (5 years program)  

    2000, Cand.scient.soc. in International Development Studies and Sociology, RUC   

    1997,  Filosofie magisterexamen in Sociology (Swedish Masters), Lunds University

    1993 International Bacceloreate (IB), United World College of the Adriatic, Italy