Ole-Jakob How
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Kardiovaskulær Fysiologi
Hemodynamikk, akutt hjertesvikt, diastolisk funksjon
Fysiologiundervisning på alle nivå
Medlem i forskningsgruppe
Born: 10.05.1973, male, Norwegian, married with two children born 2008 and 2010
2006 PhD: 22.06.2006. Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, University of Tromsø, Norway. Title; Oxygen wastage in the diabetic heart
2000 Master in zoophysiology, Medical Faculty, Department of Arctic Biology, University of Tromsø, Norway. Title; "Gjenopprettelse av homeostase ved sjøvannsdrikking hos dehydrert grønlandssel (Phoca groenlandica)"
2023 - Professor (20%) in Zoology at Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture, Nord University, Norway
2015- Professor in Medical Biology at Cardiovascular Research Group, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT, Norway
2012-2021 20% Advisor at University of Oslo, UIO in relation to the National PhD school, NORHEART
2010- 2015 Associate professor at Cardiovascular Research Group, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT, Norway. ½ time teaching at Med School and ½ time research
2007-2010 Postdoctoral fellowship at the Laboratory for Surgical Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tromsø and Department of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery, University Hospital Northern Norway.
2003-2006 PhD fellowship at Department of Medical Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tromsø. Part time (25%) lecturer in physiology at Faculty of Medicine, University of Tromsø, Norway.
2002-2003 Student counsellor at the office for student service, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tromsø, Norway.
2000-2003 Teacher in biology and natural science at a private high school (Norsk Privatgymnas) in Tromsø, Norway. External examiner in biology and natural science at Kongsbakken Public High School, Tromsø, Norway.
2018-2019 Visiting fellow (14 months) at ACBD, The Alfred Hospital, (Head C. Hagemeyer) and at Dept of Physiology (Head R. Evans), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
2009 Research fellow (10 months) at Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre (Head; Professor Bengt Saltin) University of Copenhagen, Denmark
2005 Research fellow (3 months) at the Hatter Institute of Cardiovascular Research (Head: Professor Lionel Opie), University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa (Mitochondrial respiration in diabetic hearts)
2003 Research fellow (1 month) in Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Head: Professor David L. Severson), University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. (Pressure volume measurements in isolated mice hearts)
2021- Elected scientific member of the faculty board, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
2021- Elected deputy scientific member of the University board, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
2012- Regional manager North at the Norwegian PhD school for Heart Research (NORHEART)
2016-2017 Group leader (substitute) at Cardiovascular Research Group, Department of Medical Biology, UiT, Tromsø.
2014-2015 Leader (substitute) of the Physiology teaching unit at Department of Medical Biology, UiT, Tromsø
2017 - 2021 Position of trust at The Norwegian Association of Researchers (Forskerforbundet).
2020 - Scientific council member at Department of Medical Biology, UiT, Tromsø
2014- Course leader for national PhD course Mechanical and metabolic function of the Heart. NORHEART/UIT
2020- Course leader Human Physiology (M.Sc.), at Department of Medical Biology, UiT, Tromsø
1997-2000 Student representative at: 1) University board at UNIS, Svalbard, 2) Medical Faculty Board (Fagområdet medisin) UiT, Tromsø and 3) Department of Medical Biology, UiT, Tromsø
SUPERVISION (main in bold fonts)
2007-2022 6 PhD, J. P Bakkehaug, A. B Kildal, T Næsheim, S Muller and I Andersen,. 5 Master A Kildal, E Sanden, T Stenberg and E ,Engstad and L Rødland and K. Jansen
2016 - Currently 2 PhD L Rønning, and L Rødland. All candidates; Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
2009 Best Poster Presentation at 7th Annual CHFR Symposium, Centre for Heart Failure Research, Oslo, Norway 2009.
2004 Poster prize: Signal transduction in the Cardiovascular System, The Physiological Society, Warsaw, Poland.
2004 Young investigator stipend: 24th annual meeting in the International Society of Heart Research, European section, Dresden, Germany
Only achieved grants where OJ How is principal investigator are listed;
2010- Norwegian Council for Heart Research; PhD scholarship Jens P Bakkehaug Approx. 3 000 000 NOK
2011- Norwegian Council for Heart Research; operating grant-100 000 NOK.
2011- Uit, Arctic University of Norway; Short-term scholarship N. Boardmann. 300 000 NOK
2012- Lærdal Foundation for Acute Medicine; operating grant; 250 000 NOK.
2012- Blix Foundation for Medical Research; operating grant; 35 000 NOK.
2012- Norwegian Council for Heart Research; operating grant-100 000 NOK.
2012- Health Authorities of Northern Norway; two year PhD scholarship Anders B Kildal - 2 000 000 NOK
2013- Norwegian Council for Heart Research; operating grant-150 000 NOK
2013- Health Authorities of Northern Norway; operating grant – 1 700 000 NOK
2014- Health Authorities of Northern Norway; one year PhD scholarship Anders B Kildal – 1 000 000 NOK
2017- Health Authorities of Northern Norway; Incubator support Cardiovascular PET, operating grant 3 000 000 NOK
2018- Health Authorities of Northern Norway; Novel inotrope support for AHF, operating grant 500 000 NOK
2021 - UiT AKM- operating grant 1 300 000 NOK
36 authorships of international peer review papers, of which 6 as first-, 10 as last- and 11 as corresponding- author. Thirty as original manuscripts including preclinical and/or clinical data. Four as literature review or expert opinions.
Pubmed link.