Jaume Ferrer Lalanza
Jeg er postdoktor i gruppen: «Translasjonell nevrovitenskap og atferd». Min forskningsinteresse er livsstil (trening og mat) på hjernefunksjon og helse. Jeg er for tiden Marie Curie-forsker (MSCA-IF) med prosjektet: REBOST: "Does excessive junk food consumption change the way the brain reward system processes intrinsic rewards?" Jeg jobber også med det finansierte Helse Nord-prosjektet: “The risks of excessive junk food consumption on the brain reward system. A translational study ”.
Du kan finne meg: TEO-H5 5.610
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
Zamora, V.; Capdevila, Ll.; Lalanza, J.F.; Caparrós, T. (2021). Heart Rate Variability and Accelerometry: Workload Control Management in Men’s Basketball. Apunts: Educación Física y Deportes, 143, 44-51.
Zapata-Lamana, R.; Lalanza, J.F.; Losilla, J-M.; Parrado, E., Capdevila, Ll. (2020). mHealth technology for ecological momentary assessment in physical activity research: a systematic review. PeerJ, 8, e8848.
Grau-Pellicer, M; Lalanza, J.F.; Jovell-Fernández, E.; Capdevila, Ll. (2020). Impact of mHealth technology on adherence to healthy PA after stroke: a randomized study. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 57(5), 354-368.
Sanchís-Ollé, M.; Fuentes, S.; Lalanza, J.F.; Ramos, A.; Armario, A.; Nadal, R. (2019). Adolescent controllable and uncontrollable stress effects on HPA axis and adult cognition in rats. Scientífic Reports, 9, 3180.
Cigarroa, I.; Lalanza, J.F.; Ríos, C. (2018). ¿Cómo hacer un proyecto de investigación en ciencias de la salud y sobrevivir en el intento? Recomendaciones para quienes se inician en la investigación cuantitativa (How to make a research project in health sciences and survive in the attempt? Recommendations for those who start in quantitative research). Editorial Ril.
Cigarroa, I.; Lalanza, J.F.; Zapata, R.; Soto, C.; Sepúlveda, C.; Maruntoiu, S. (2016). La actividad física y sus beneficios en la infancia y adolescencia (Physical activity and its benefits in childhood and adolescence). Editorial Ril.
Cigarroa, I.; Lalanza, J.F.; Caimari, A.; de Bas, J.M.; Capdevila, Ll.; Arola, Ll.; Escorihuela, R.M. (2016). Treadmill intervention attenuates the Cafeteria Diet-induced impairment of stress-coping strategies in young adult female rats. PLoS One, 11(4), e0153687.
Lalanza, J.F.; Sanchez-Roige, S.; Cigarroa, I.; Gagliano, H.; Fuentes, S.; Armario, A.; Capdevila, Ll.; Escorihuela, R.M. (2015) Long-term moderate treadmill exercise promotes stress-coping strategies in male and female rats. Scientífic Reports, 5, 16166.
Fatjo, J.; Bowen, J.; Garcia, E., Calvo, P.; Rueda, S.; Amblas, S.; Lalanza, J.F. (2015). Epidemiology of dog and cat abandonment in Spain (2008-2013). Animals, 5(2), 426-441.
Bayod, S.; Guzman-Brambila, C.; Sanchez-Roige, S.; Lalanza, J.F.; Kaliman, P.; Ortuño-Sahagún, D.; Escorihuela, R.M.; Pallàs, M. (2015). Voluntary exercise promotes beneficial anti-aging mechanisms in SAMP8 female brain. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 55(2), 525-532.
Cosín-Tomás, M.; Alvarez-Lopez, M.J.; Sanchez-Roige, S.; Lalanza, J.F.; Bayod, S.; Sanfeliu, C.; Pallas, M.; Escorihuela, R.M.; Kaliman, P. (2014). Epigenetic alterations in hippocampus of SAMP8 senescent mice and modulation by voluntary physical exercise. Frontiers in Aging Neurocience, 6(51), 1-10.
Sanchez-Roige, S.; Lalanza, J.F.; Alvarez-López, M.J.; Cosín-Tomás, M.; Griñan-Ferré, C.; Pallàs, M.; Kaliman, P.; Escorihuela, R.M. (2014). Long-term wheel running changes on sensorimotor activity and skeletal muscle in male and female mice of accelerated senescence. Age, 36(5) 9697.
Hansen, G.R.; Lalanza, J.F.; Sibilla, I.; Muñoz, J. (2014). Space for teaching support and innovation: three years of collaborative work. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 4(2), 71-78.
Bayod, S.; del Valle, J.; Pelegri, C.; Vilaplana, J.; Canudas, A.M.; Camins, A.; Jiménez, A.; Sanchez-Roige, S.; Lalanza, J.F.; Escorihuela, R.M.; Pallàs, M. (2014). Macroautophagic process was differentially modulated by long-term moderate exercise in rat brain and peripheral tissues. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 65(2), 229-239.
Bayod, S.; Menella, I.; Sanchez-Roige, S.; Lalanza, J.F.; Escorihuela, R.M.; Camins A.; Pallàs, M.; Canudas, A.M. (2014) Wnt pathway regulation by long-term moderate exercise in rat hippocampus. Brain Research, 1543, 38-48.
Lalanza, J.F.; Caimari, A.; del Bas, J.M.; Torregrossa, D.; Cigarroa, I.; Pallàs M.; Capdevila, Ll.; Arola, Ll.; Escorihuela, R.M. (2014). Effects of post-weaning cafeteria diet in young rats: metabolic syndrome, reduced activity and less anxiety-like behaviour. PLoS One, 9(1), e85049.
Alvarez-López, M.J.; Castro-Freire, M.; Cosín-Tomás, M.; Sanchez-Roige, S.; Lalanza, J.F.; del Valle, J.; Párrizas, M.; Camins, A.; Pallàs, M.; Escorihuela, R.M.; Kaliman, P. (2013). Long-term exercise modulates hippocampal gene expression in senescent female mice. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 33, 1177-1190.
Lalanza, J.F.; Sanchez-Roige, S.; Gagliano, H.; Fuentes, S.; Bayod, S.; Camins, A.; Pallàs, M.; Armario, A.; Escorihuela, R.M. (2012). Physiological and behavioural consequences of long-term moderate treadmill exercise. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37, 1745-1754.
Bayod, S.; Del Valle, J.; Lalanza, J.F.; Sanchez-Roige, S.; de Luxan-Delgado, B.; Coto-Montes, A.; Canudas, A. M.; Camins, A.; Escorihuela, R.M.; Pallas, M. (2012). Long-term physical exercise induces changes in sirtuin 1 pathway and oxidative parameters in adult rat tissues. Experimental Gerontology, 47(12), 925-935.
Bayod, S.; del Valle, J.; Canudas, A.M.; Lalanza, J.F.; Sanchez-Roige, S.; Camins, A.; Escorihuela, R.M.; Pallàs, M. (2011) Long-term treadmill exercise induces neuroprotective molecular changes in rat brain. Journal of Applied Physiology, 111(5),1380-1390.
Kaliman, P.; Párrizas, M.; Lalanza, J.F.; Camins, A.; Escorihuela, R.M.; Pallàs, M. (2011). Neurophysiological and epigenetic effects of physical exercise on the aging process. Ageing Research Reviews, 10, 475-486.
García-González, M.A.; Fernández-Chimeno, M.; Ferrer, J.; Escorihuela, R.M.; Parrado, E.; Capdevila, L.; Benítez, A.; Angulo, R.; Rodríguez, F.A.; Iglesias, X.; Bescós R.; Marina, M.; Padullés, J.M. and Ramos-Castro, J. (2011). New indices for quantification of the power spectrum of heart rate variability time series without the need of any frequency band definition. Physiological Measurement, 32, 995-1009.
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